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Politics ATE called a national strike for next Tuesday to demand salary and retirement cuts - Infobae

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ATE called a national strike for next Tuesday to demand salary and retirement cuts - Infobae​



March 07, 2024

Although they understood that the objective would be to improve public accounts, the union criticized the closure of public organizations and the closure of provincial headquarters.

The general secretary of the union pointed out against the cuts made by the Government (ATE)

The Association of State Workers (ATE) announced that next Tuesday, March 12, they will carry out a national strike to protest the cuts that the Government applied to salaries and pensions. In the same way, they indicated that the modality was not defined, because it will be agreed upon in a plenary session that will be held on Monday and they announced: "We do not rule out voting on new protests for the same week."

Through an official statement, Secretary General Rodolfo Aguiar pointed out that the policies that were promoted by the new management would put the functioning of the public system at risk. Likewise, they indicated that the measure of force will involve the Front of State Unions and Public Companies .

“We are going to have a new strike on the 12th. On Monday we are going to define what modality this measure will have and we do not rule out voting on new protests for the same week,” they communicated from the public employees union, and then confirmed that the plenary session would take place. will take place in the Eva Perón amphitheater of ATE, which is located on Avenida Belgrano 2527, in the City of Buenos Aires.

Regarding the meeting prior to the strike, the union group reported that the provincial leaders will also be present, because the meeting will be mixed, that is, in person and virtual, to facilitate coordination at the national level. The objective of the assembly will be to define an action plan focused on combating “salary cuts, layoffs and agency closures.”

The union will define the type of protest next Monday (ATE)

“Without mercy they continue to cut salaries and pensions,” Aguiar claimed, later expressing his disagreement with the closure of public organizations and several of the government headquarters that operated in the provinces. “We have to resist the closure of public organizations and prevent the National State from withdrawing its presence from the provinces,” he stressed.

In addition to the layoffs that occurred internally due to the closure of state buildings, the leader expressed his concern for the inhabitants of these regions by predicting that "there will be millions of citizens who will be left in a situation of abandonment and that until now were contained by public policies.”

“We cannot allow the Government to celebrate a surplus achieved at the expense of the impoverishment of workers and retirees,” accused the union leader, in reference to the positive balances that were achieved in fiscal and commercial matters during January, a fact that was not registered in the country since 2008.

Although reports indicated that cuts in public spending generated a fiscal balance, Aguiar assured that national authorities “use inflation and the expired budget as tools to apply a phenomenal adjustment in the State.” Likewise, he regretted the situation that the union's workers are going through.

The union leaders anticipated that they will call a second general strike (ATE)

“Even in the hypothesis that we accept that public accounts must be improved, this should never be done by destroying people,” denounced the unionist, who met last Tuesday with the co-head of the CGT and Truck Drivers representative , Pablo Moyano , to draw up the guidelines for the second general strike that they would prepare against the Government.

Until now, the participating union branches and the date on which it would take place were not agreed upon, because Aguiar assured that they began to work to strengthen the links between the different unions. “The need for convergence that all state unions and state companies have is urgent and has to occur beyond the union centers to which each of us belongs,” he stressed in a message that he published from the social network .

For his part, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni , warned that the day will be deducted from public employees who do not show up at their jobs on International Women's Day . During Thursday's press conference, the public official recalled that it was the measure that was decided to adopt to prevent workers from missing work.

“Those who don't go to work will have their day deducted. But it's not because of Women's Day, it was always like that. From the first strike we announced that employees who do not work will be deducted for the day,” the journalist noted, so the same temperament would be adopted for employees who participate in the national strike organized by the ATE.