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Ok so I went out tonight to Las Canitas to celebrate a great month. I went to mute and bought a bottle of very expensive champagne for myself and immediately offered it to the couple beside me. It took the Argentine douche bag jealous ass*ole only about 15 minutes to attack me without provocation, slicing my scalp to the bone with the bottle and he robbed me of about 400 pesos. It didn't seem to matter to him that I was uninterested in his girlfriend (for obvious reasons). ie....I'm gay...had 0 interest in his gf.

These people are sh*t, I'm so outta here. You all can have this piece of sh*t county. It's only going to get worse and only because the people are crap. if you don' think so, just look around you. They care NOTHING about their neighbors...hence the constant dog sh*t in the street, constantly changing prices when they realize you're foreign. The fact is that they deserve everything they get and I hope they fuc*ing torture each other to death. As a country, they fuc*ng deserve to be thrown alive out of airplanes each and every one. Sounds cruel?! They fuc*ing invented it!!! They structure their entire lives on the most extreme beliefs, antagonizing each other until once side wants to torture the other. They're savages!!! These people deserve everything they get...the ones with money are, for the most part displaced white Europeans who somehow think the color of their skin gives them a patine of legitimacy . No! The fact is that YOU Argentines are savages. You threw people our of airplanes because you are SAVAGES! you blame everyone but yourselves for your economic collapse of 2001/2002 BECAUSE YOU ARE SAVAGES. Take responsibility! It was your fault! I had hope but now feel nothing but pity for you!!!

The police tonight just shrugged and admitted that they could do nothing. They basically admitted that the rich can do whatever they want without any prosecution. Remember that when you read about little girls going missing and even though some good people know exactly what happened (ie. the 8 y/o girl was raped, tortured and murdered), they can (and want to do) do NOTHING!!! I was bleeding like crazy and the police didn't really want to do anything...

This county is a piece of sh*t. I can't fuc*ing wait to get out if here. I hope they fuc*ing destroy themselves. The fact is that I know they will...
Wow. I'm sorry to hear this happened to you.

Did anyone in the bar know who this guy was? Did his girlfriend also leave? It's a bit difficult to follow exactly what happened after he cut you. Did he just flee and no one knew who it was?

I agree it can be a crazy country. I've seen similar things with my friends that had crazy incidents.
No society/ No race/ No culture/ No city can be 100% bad. Few bad apples dont make the entire stock bad.

I have traveled over 100 countries and lived in over 10 ....bad things happened to me in every country. It does not mean all the 10 countries were bad!

Sh*t happens! It can happen to any of us. But to abuse the whole country for it, No...not for me.
I'm very sorry for what happened to Sailor.

Perspective and measure are things to use wisely as adults, all the time.

I can understand his rage and frustration but lashing savagedly at everyone does not solve anything but makes the problem bigger instead. What he said does not come from nowhere, it is already there under the surface and the surface, like his skull, got dented.

I'm glad he's found some composture. Unfortunately he manifested something quite "normal" in my society. You vent your difficulties on the rest instead of getting even or solving them with the originating party. It's a social disease.

PhilinBsAs, I think you meant what you said. Your venting took longer to type than the whole incident. I don't blame you, but I do not have to agree or accept your opinion as far as I'm concerned. You just became a part of the problem.

Next time, invite someone from this board to celebrate and stay out of trouble ;)
I agree some of the words used were DEPLORABLE but when I read it I realized it was out of rage for what just happened. I'm glad the OP came back to apologize for it.

Definitely there are two sides to every story. You never know if something provoked it but I can tell you that I've heard of situations where these local Argentinean guys get super jealous for no reason.

My brother in law worked at a nice restaurant. He was serving a young couple and the guy went to the bathroom. Well, my brother in law was dropping off an appetizer and was just chatting with the girl at the table. Not flirting. Just talking. The girl was laughing. The boyfriend came back so furious and blew up! He made a big commotion and went to the manager and demanded for them to fire my brother in law.

Keep in mind he worked at the restaurant many years. My brother in law claims he wasn't flirting with her. This guy was so upset he was threatening the manager with all kinds of threats. The worst thing is they fired my brother in law over this. And on the letter where they fired him it actually said he was fired for "lustful looks towards a restaurant patron".

I've also had times when I was out with my friends and at a bar or restaurant and they will just be chatting with a girl and some jealous boyfriend will rage. NOTHING to the level of what the OP went through but I can see with alcohol something like this happening.

While I think the OP was too harsh in some of the things he said about the locals, I will say I wasn't impressed as a whole with the society and people there living there day in and day out for almost a decade.

I did make some great lifelong friends but besides those friends, I didn't really trust too many locals and I got the distinct impression that they wouldn't hesitate to cheat you if they had the chance. And I saw many first hand situations where even family or friends cheated other family or friends. Just ugly situations.

Let's be honest...most of South America doesn't think of Argentines as a "warm and friendly group of people". Most of them talk negatively when talking about the people in Argentina.

I'm not saying at all there aren't friendly and honest people in Argentina because there absolutely are.
I did, thank you.
I'm used to answer in a way, I hope, will never get personal.

Some people do take things personally, I try to maintain a safe distance and address the issue and not the actors involved.
First of all, I do not know this bar, type of people that frequent there and I am in another country now. So I may be wrong but there are some aspects to this story that do not make sense.

Here is the situation as I understand it:

Like me, you are also gay. You had a good month at work and want to go out and celebrate. You go alone to upscale straight bar, sit at counter and order expensive champagne. Then you realize some company would be nice to, so you turn to a straight couple, start a conversation possibly about your good fortune and offer to share the bottle.

Please indulge me but the whole dynamics is just not right. Maybe it is mitigated by the already consumed alcohol but this is not how healthy social interaction flows, particularly gay-straight social interaction.

At some point the conversation goes south and an argument arises. As a result, the straight male gets visual permission from the straight female to escalate the conflict. He grabs the bottle and hits you over the head. The honor is recovered but the conflict is not finished. The straight male reaches for your wallet as you lay incapacitated and the female observes. He would have to justify it in some way as he wants to be seen as super macho and not like common thief. "Honey, I just need a souvenir of this well spent evening" ... not likely.

Clearly none of it is a justification for assault and I feel bad for you.

However it appears that you have lived in BA for some time and developed some sense of acceptable behavior. Obviously you must have done something to trigger the confrontation and once it started, you did not find an acceptable way out of it. You should take responsibility for that part.

I respectfully suggest you take care of your wounds and move on without anger. Your comments about whole Argentine nation are totally uncalled for and are not justified by your injury.
This post is so horrible, i did not read something like this in a long time, and i am really shocked. And even if this was written in the heat of the moment, i strongly believe that although this happens to you- if you have a content soul and a good heart you could never come up with these ideas and words. I am also shocked about some of the other posts, just being sorry for what happened and not being shocked about the rest of the post.
If I didn't live in Argentina for almost a decade and I heard the OP's story, I wouldn't have believed it. In fact, you tell me the same story in pretty much any other civilized country in the world, and I'd say the OP was either leaving out a big part of the story, partly at fault or being rude, etc.

Honestly, in this case I don't think that. Why? Because I've lived in Argentina so long and seen first hand VERY strange behavior by the locals.

I have tons and tons of first hand accounts. Another 100% true story is from a bit more than 2 years ago. I had a very good and trusted employee that came into work all black and blue. Literally. His head and eyes were all bruised up VERY badly.

I asked him what in the world happened! Keep in mind this guy is a very educated, docile and polite guy. I'd never so much seen him raise his voice or lose his cool in the 4 years I had known him. I'd seen him in many social settings as well as work. Very mild mannered guy.

He recounted the story of the friday before coming in to work on Monday. He was very tired driving home. He momentarily lost control of the car and had a very minor accident where he scraped a car parked on the street. He immediately stopped and was checking out the damage and to also leave a note with his insurance company (this is the type of guy this is).

All of a sudden, the owner of the car came out to the street. My employee explained to him it was just an accident, he had full insurance and he admitted to being responsible for it. The guy went back in his house and he got a bat! He hit my employee several times as well as punched him. My friend called the police and eventually an ambulance had to come to the scene and he had to go to the hospital.

But before leaving he assumed the police would take this guy to jail. NOTHING happened to this guy. The police just took a statement and nothing happened to this guy that beat my friend. I believe my friend did try to take some legal action but it's been 2 years and I don't believe anything ever happened to this guy.

My point being the judicial system does NOT work in Argentina. And the other point is crazy stuff like this DOES happen.

Again, anywhere else I'd dismiss the story or blame the OP with exaggerating... But not in Argentina....