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Politics Base Law: the Government admitted that it is negotiating changes in the investment regime and Profits - Infobae

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Base Law: the Government admitted that it is negotiating changes in the investment regime and Profits​



May 10, 2024

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, reported that they are working to make some “clarifications” in the articles that are discussed by the PRO and the UCR in the Senate. Furthermore, he described the CGT strike as a failure and rejected a change of course.

Guillermo Francos in Deputies. He is in charge of negotiating the changes to the Base Law with the opposition

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos , acknowledged that they are negotiating changes with the opposition of the Bases Bill to achieve its approval in the Senate. Part of those dialogues that are underway were anticipated by Infobae.

As explained in dialogue with Eduardo Feinmann on Miter radio, the objective is for the Upper House to approve the initiative in general and the modifications to be introduced during the debate in particular, which would allow us to reach the May Pact with the package practically sanctioned. These changes must then be endorsed by Deputies for the law to come into effect, something that the Executive Branch takes for granted.

There are some modification proposals that we are analyzing together with the senators in some aspects of the RIGI: some legislators understand one thing and we understand another, so we are analyzing how the article can be clarified ,” Francos reported.

The RIGI is the investment regime that grants great benefits to foreign companies that invest more than 200 million dollars in the country. The opposition not only understands that these conditions are excessive, but also that they mean discrimination for local companies.

Francos reported that they are also analyzing a claim from the Patagonian governors regarding the Income Tax, included in the fiscal package that is discussed in conjunction with the Base Law.

Recently, the leaders of the southern provinces of the country met to discuss the issue and understood that the return of Ganancias especially affects their citizens, mostly employed in the oil and fishing industries, because they have higher costs of living than in the rest of the country. country.

Francos: “The CGT strike was a failure”​

The official also analyzed the impact of the CGT general strike carried out yesterday.

“There are many people who cannot go to work and that has an impact on the economy, but if one analyzes the state of public opinion, it was a resounding failure for the CGT because the population expressed itself forcefully against the strike,” he developed. .

Francos especially targeted Pablo Moyano, whom he described as “the spokesperson for the strike” and Héctor Daer, who in his opinion “used to be a fairly reflective person and now he is quite wrong.”

The Minister of the Interior framed the protest as a measure of a political force that failed in the government, lost the elections in an incontrovertible way and still does not accept it, which is why he raises these questions.

He flatly ruled out that this type of demonstrations cause a change of course: “It is quite the opposite, they do not know Milei, he is convinced of the direction he has put Argentina on because he is perceiving it with what is happening internationally today with the country, where there is strong optimism about the possibilities it offers.”