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Politics Base Law: the ruling party agreed to new changes in the labor reform and there will be an opinion in Deputies - Infobae

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Base Law: the ruling party agreed to new changes in the labor reform and there will be an opinion in Deputies - Infobae​



April 25, 2024

A plenary session of commissions will meet at 12 and again at 4 to sign the final texts of the Omnibus Law and the fiscal package. What were the differences that forced the Government to propose a new wording

By Federico Millenaar


Deputies of We Make the Federal Coalition

A new day with long meetings between representatives of the ruling party and the dialogue blocks (PRO, UCR, Hacemos and Federal Innovation) ended after 7 p.m. with a principle of agreement on the two chapters of the Base Law that had bogged down the negotiation: the labor reform and tobacco taxes.

This Thursday at 12 a plenary session of the General Legislation, Budget and Constitutional Affairs commissions will meet to rule on the draft of the Base Law and at 4 p.m. they will analyze the fiscal package. The Government remains firm in its ambitious schedule: it hopes to be able to deal with both projects in the facility between Monday and Tuesday of next week. This will give the Senate enough time to give it final sanction before May 25, the agreed date to sign an agreement on state policies with the provinces and the opposition.

Although the negotiations seemed on track last night, Miguel Ángel Pichetto's statements on Wednesday morning unleashed a series of proposals and threats that generated tension in the final stretch of the process.

The president of the We Make Federal Coalition bloc criticized the Government for attempting to include in the opinion a multi-point labor reform, broadly similar to that of the DNU (that chapter was suspended by Justice). According to him, the consensus that existed was much more limited , basically on three points: trial period, severance fund and fines for unregistered work.

In that sense, Pichetto threatened not to vote on anything in the package, mainly because he disagreed with some points that would cause a direct confrontation with unionism . For example, the elimination of the solidarity fee that unions compulsorily charge non-members through collective agreements.

The radicalism interpreted that the ruling party and the Pichetto bloc were seeking to leave the labor reform out of the Base Law completely and threatened to kick the board. “ Without labor reform, don't count on us for the Base Law ,” threatened a leader of the radical bloc after a series of failed meetings in the office of Martín Menem, head of the Chamber of Deputies.

Martin Menem

The PRO was later added to this bid , which left a meeting (as explained from the bench) because the Government, the UCR and Hacemos could not agree on the labor chapter. “The PRO cannot continue supporting the government if neither the LLA deputies themselves nor the President of the Chamber are sitting at the negotiating table. We cannot help if they do not listen and negotiate with radicalism ,” they told Infobae from the bench led by Cristian Ritondo.

However, one of the dialogue blocks denied that version and assured that the PRO left the meeting because they rejected the inclusion of the chapter on tobacco taxes , which equates what all companies pay.

Likewise, both PRO and Hacemos downplayed the UCR's threat to vote against the entire Bases Law. “ They said it in a very threatening tone that didn't scare anyone ,” said one of the deputies who was present.

Finally, the new wording of the labor reform, which includes the extension of the trial period to six months, the option of the labor termination fund by agreement, the aggravation of compensation for discriminatory dismissal, sentences of 6 months to 3 years in prison for Union blockades and the elimination of fines for unregistered work generated enough consensus among all blocks for the ruling party to be encouraged to convene a plenary session of commissions for the next day.

All the points that directly affect the unions were left out and the UCR has already announced that it will include them in its dissent opinion (a legal way of accompanying but leaving the differences in writing).

On the other hand, at the request of the Federal Innovation bloc, made up of deputies from herbal provinces such as missions, the dialogueists agreed to include in the opinion again the entire chapter on tobacco taxes as it was in the original Base Law. “At the time the Government considered that this was appropriate and then removed it. Now we want you to put it back exactly the same, with a tax rate of 73% . Thus, no one can accuse us of being influenced by the lobbies, it is the article that the Government itself had proposed,” they pointed out from the bloc that responds to the governors of Misiones, Río Negro and Salta.