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Politics Bases Law and fiscal package: Guillermo Francos unblocked the negotiation in the Senate and the Government announced that it has the opinions -Infobae

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Bases Law and fiscal package: Guillermo Francos unblocked the negotiation in the Senate and the Government announced that it has the opinions - Infobae​



May 29, 2024

The negotiation seemed to have fallen, but a key meeting with the new Chief of Staff along with Victoria Villarruel cleared the stage, as stated by the ruling party. The counterpoint with the Vice President

By Mariano Casal

Three commissions discuss the Bases law in the Senate (Photos: Franco Fafasuli)

In a frenetic and, at times, delirious day, the ruling party came today to rule on the Bases law in the Senate, something that will happen in the next few hours and, in this way, the initiative will be ready to be debated next week in the chamber of the upper house. A meeting tonight of the new Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, together with Victoria Villarruel and the dialogue opposition, was key to unblocking the matter .

As the negotiation was carried out at the close of the day, the last signatures of the opinion will only appear this Thursday with the formal presentation of the office in question. Same case for the fiscal package . In fact, this situation generated a counterpoint between the Casa Rosada and the president of Deputies — Martín Menem — with Villarruel, with celebrations in advance of the former and a reality of legislative technique from the Upper House that could not be endorsed — until the next few hours — that victory.

The brand new Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos (Archive/ Maximiliano Luna)

At night, it was Francos himself who confirmed that the rulings on the Bases Law and the fiscal package are closed: “The text is perfectly clear,” he noted. “Milei already knows, of course, that the opinions of both laws have been approved,” said Francos in dialogue with TN , after his appearance in the upper house at night, when the objective of the ruling party seemed to be shipwrecked.

Guillermos Francos, Chief of Staff, confirmed that the Bases Law and the fiscal package obtained an opinion in the Senate
“Yes, the opinion of the plenary session of the commissions was signed and will be discussed in the Senate , a date must be set , but the opinions are approved. I do not want to confirm a date because that is a decision of the Senate but I estimate that it will be between this week and the next . We are very satisfied ,” said the new Chief of Staff.

Minutes before the plenary session of commissions, José María Carambia from Santa Cruz announced in a note that he would present his own opinion. By leaving the date open to consummate said act, he removed the addition of a rubric from the debate. A virulent mischief against the interests of the ruling party. However, after the meeting with Francos, he signed the office and his intransigence was, for now, forgotten. Not so the radical Martín Lousteau , who will comply with his individual text word, which already arouses the anger of the rest of his bench.

To convince Carambia, the Government accepted that, in the fiscal package, an article be introduced to modify the mining law that will establish that the provinces "that receive royalties or decide to receive, will not be able to charge a percentage greater than 5% of the value "mine mouth" of the extracted mineral. Currently, it is 3% .

Before all this happened, the General Legislation commissions; Budget and Treasury; and Constitutional Affairs of the Upper House had to move the analysis of the two projects to a new intermediate room, given the potential setback that La Libertad Avanza faced, with dialogue-oriented legislators who did not see clear and defining signals from the Government.

The libertarian senators and presidents of the Budget and Finance committees; and General Legislation, Ezequiel Atauche and Bartolomé Abdala

Objections and defenses​

The General Legislation Commission, led by the libertarian Bartolomé Abdala (San Luis), resumed the discussion in the plenary session and the Puntano said that it was not of a “dictatorial nature,” since “there has been dialogue and suggestions have been heard.” . Quick of reflexes, the head of the senatorial Kirchnerism, José Mayans , blurted out that he was obliged to clarify, at the end of the meeting, whether the ruling party had “an opinion or not.”

The process involves you explaining the modifications to us. If not, I don't understand what we are going to sign, whether the original version that came from Deputies or the draft that circulated among senators ," warned Guadalupe Tagliaferri (Pro), from Buenos Aires, who was key with her observations for the ruling party to open the game and will change the projects. In fact, she reiterated some criticism of the two-year deadline for entering the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), although she signed the opinion in dissent.

On this point, Abdala responded: “It is an important time to know which ones are signed up and, if successful, this same Body will be able to postpone for another two. Or we can leave it forever, because we capture money that is not entering Argentina.” “The writing is not happy and it is not satisfying,” said camper Anabel Fernández Sagasti .

Senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri (Pro)

Meanwhile, regarding the rejection of the possibility of privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas, the dissident Peronist Juan Carlos Romero made it clear that a “partial” mechanism would be a better solution because, if it continues like this, “it will continue as a Public Limited Company and, "In the face of a combination of problems, it can go bankrupt and be much worse." And he added: “They are not protecting her.”

Lousteau 's speech was awaited : the head of the centenary party maintained that the modifications of the first initiative were of a "cosmetic nature" and highlighted the "enormous advantages" that will occur with the RIGI, to the detriment of the local level . Along these lines, he detailed: “ There will be market distortion and the president does not believe in that, but he will be creating it .”

For her part, Juliana Di Tullio (Front for Victory) emphasized that, with the project in question, "three out of every 10 Argentines are going to retire" and that "no woman will do so," who will be "forced to work." "Five more years."

Another radical critic was Pablo Blanco from Fuegian , who reiterated that he will not support the delegation of delegated powers - "from 2000 to date, we have never voted on this," he said -, as well as the privatization of Airlines, Correo Argentino and public media. However, he also signed his signature - in dissent - to the ruling.

An important point for the Patagonians of the dialogue opposition: in Profits, the non-taxable minimums will be increased by 22% .


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