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Politics Bases Law and fiscal package: the opposition asked for more changes and the debate in the Senate was blocked - Infobae

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Bases Law and fiscal package: the opposition asked for more changes and the debate in the Senate was blocked - Infobae​



May 23, 2024

Dialoguists added dozens of modifications in the last hours. Some involve the removal of entire chapters or point to topics far from the discussion, something unfeasible for the Government

By Mariano Casal

The chairmen of the committees on General Legislation (Bartolomé Abdala); and Constitutional Affairs (Edgardo Kueider) of the Senate, alongside Libertarian lawmaker Juan Carlos Pagotto (Photos: Adrián Escandar)

Today's day was dizzying and chaotic in the Senate: Government officials who barely slept to present the drafts with modifications to the Base Law and the fiscal package ; hasty entry and exit of legislators from the office of the vice president, Victoria Villarruel ; and unusual operations from some libertarian sectors to make a thousand attempts to sign the rulings. However, this Wednesday's reality check painted a delicate scenario for the Government: the Upper House is blocked by the Bases Law and the fiscal package .

In the last 72 hours, the Government gave more than enough gestures of openness to reach the request for two new texts, after collecting requests for changes from all the dialogue blocks . The first was completed in the early hours of today; the second, around noon. The problem is that, while all this was happening, the plenary commissions met and debated the initiatives with the unrealistic objective of moving forward. While some knew about the tweaks, the rest were blind.

The libertarian senator Bartolomé Abdala together with the radical Víctor Zimmermann

As a preview of what was later consummated, a couple of key legislators who make up the commissions left for unknown galaxies and/or disconnected their phones, as the case may be. The plenary went into an intermission room at noon and reconvened in the afternoon. It only took a few minutes to realize, at that point, that the discussion was more than stuck.

For example, the head of Constitutional Affairs, the dissident Peronist Edgardo Kueider , appeared with almost 30 complaints. Minutes later he was surpassed by the head of the Radical Civic Union (UCR), Martín Lousteau . He was also joined by the 20 of his benchmate, Víctor Zimmermann from Chaco .

Kueider's position meant a knockout blow to the official claims: he demanded that entire chapters be removed from the laws, such as administrative procedures and the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI).

Meanwhile, Lousteau put on the table the treatment of other people's issues, something that was foreseen and reported days ago by Infobae . “ We cannot not include the recovery of retirement benefits, the updating of university financing or an education plan. We cannot not include the completion of public works that are 90% complete and that are going to be ruined ,” said the man from Buenos Aires. That is to say, the country's visions were introduced through a window in the compulsa, something that the Executive considers unfeasible.

Three commissions debate the Bases law and the fiscal package in the Senate

How are they going to want to issue opinions if I have just seen the drafts? Are they charging me? "was the complaint of a dialogue member to this medium. Meanwhile, in the plenary session, the provisional president of the Upper House and head of the General Legislation Commission -head-, Bartolomé Abdala , assured that many of the requests made had been contemplated in the brand new texts.

What remains to be asked based on all this is, as Infobae reported last weekend, is what the deputies from many blocks - with representation in both Chambers - thought when approving the currently tense projects, and what face their colleagues will make of bench if the initiatives return in second review. And, the senators, why didn't they act in mirror and warn their forces about the failures of the laws analyzed for almost five months . Incomprehensible.

On the other hand, it is also clear that there is no type of opposition leadership in Congress - hence the mischief to take advantage of these laws, in self-employment - and the Casa Rosada already knows, in advance, what will happen to it when in September send Budget 2025: windows open on both sides of the parliamentary counter, regardless of whether or not they respond to the same space or governor. Or, rather, make the most of the unusual reality of an Executive in a large legislative minority. Hence the recent statements, wrong or not, by Javier Milei and the eventual veto of initiatives.

What is beginning to be outlined in Congress is that, in the absence of answers on how to combat La Libertad Avanza, a large part of the opposition will make efforts to prevent the advancement of laws that the Casa Rosada considers key and to comply with the warning of advisors. economic reports on potential new taxes, in case of failure to pass laws. From there, phase two will be activated: that these political movements - without successful results, for now, against Milei - will subtly move towards society and the balance will tilt, sooner rather than later, against the head of state.

Wado de Pedro, senator of Unión por la Patria (Adrián Escandar)

Something positive for the ruling party, in the midst of all this mess: the intermission period until next week gives it more than considerable breathing room to negotiate. A group close to Villarruel - the most serious and sincere, when it comes to working - recommended patience from day one. The problem lies in legislators who do not even commit to signing the opinions in dissent. During the weekend they will be attentive to the President's statements.

Other, more negative ones also appear. Before the plenary session ended this afternoon, the libertarian Juan Carlos Pagotto demanded modifications and vilified, covertly, a sector of the ruling party. The Rioja legislator tries to reformulate the bid for jurisdiction and arbitration in the face of a conflict over investments and said: “ You have to be precise in the language, whoever likes it. The other day I wanted to make a clarification and they almost crucified me. The legislative technique must help us not to fall into interpretations by judges that are not always appropriate .”