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Politics Bases Law and fiscal package: the ruling party promises two texts with changes for today and expectations are renewed - Infobae

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Bases Law and fiscal package: the ruling party promises two texts with changes for today and expectations are renewed - Infobae​



May 22, 2024

The Government showed a good willingness to negotiate in the Senate, but it is still not enough. The mess over modifications that please some and anger others. The day could be defining

By Mariano Casal

The debate on the fiscal package in the Budget committee of the upper house (Senate Press)

La Libertad Avanza was preparing last night, through frenetic comings and goings between officials and legislators, to finish outlining two new texts with modifications to the Bases law and the fiscal package, with the aim of presenting the changes negotiated with a "dialogueist" opposition. ” which, for sure, will not be completely satisfied. Today's day could be key in the Senate and there will be tension due to instances that would become defining.

Since last week, the libertarians have found themselves in a tangled scenario: the Government and the senatorial ruling party showed, in the last 48 hours, a good willingness to agree on tweaks to both projects and there was progress, but they face a "dialogue" opposition that It is managed in self-employment mode and prevents drawing up a final agreement that would unblock the signing of opinions. All this occurs in the midst of libertarian anxiety to reach a successful conclusion.

As Infobae reported between Monday and yesterday , officials appointed by the Executive spoke - this time, seriously - with the opposition, such as the second Chief of Staff, José Rolandi ; the Secretary of Strategic Planning, María Ibarzábal Murphy ; and other people responsible for economic and operational areas of the Casa Rosada who were in the offices of the vice president and head of the Upper House, Victoria Villarruel , to receive proposals and outline skeletons of renewed texts.

What happened in these two days? For the allied zone, that is, a large part of the Pro, a portion of the Radical Civic Union, some dissident Peronists and from a Patagonian province, the new proposals began to calm the tensions that the laws generate within the groups in question. In fact, they are willing to sign the opinions today or tomorrow, in the most optimistic scenario.

The problem is still found among “wayward” dialogueists: the radical Martín Lousteau , Guadalupe Tagliaferri (Pro), the anti-K Justicialist Edgardo Kueider and wild provincials, such as José María Carambia from Santa Cruz , among others. The number of changes requested crossed at times with those suggested by the “allies”, or clashed with each other and, even, issues were modified in which many agreed with the original version. A broken phone.

The situation added to an injury yesterday, in the Budget and Finance Commission of the Senate, led by the libertarian leader in the upper house, Ezequiel Atauche . There, Lousteau demanded technical answers to specific queries. The ruling party did not know what to answer. The one who ran from the scene to enjoy the show was the Frente de Todos.

The second Chief of Staff - on the left of the image -, José Rolandi, during the discussion of the Bases law and the fiscal package in the Chamber of Deputies

“You may not understand a tax issue, but at least you have to give your Government's version and reply something, even if you are not right. As the Kirchnerists did countless times. They can't even manage to speak and the rest of the bloc does not show their face or show up in committees, except for Atauche and the provisional president, Bartolomé - Abdala . And there are seven! A real piece of nonsense,” a member of the dialogueists summarized to this medium.

From here, more than delicate options open up for the ruling party, such as speculating with the loss of one signature, at most, in each of the three commissions that deal with both projects. A game of tweezers that, to be successful, has to be thought out and executed perfectly, since it will harm a potential vote in the room.

In the midst of all these bids, a clear signal appeared last night from the ruling party, with a real commitment to new proposals in the next few hours. They would be sent, before noon, to the block headquarters.

From 10:30, the General Legislation commissions; Budget and Treasury; and Constitutional Affairs will resume the debate on the Bases law. Yesterday, the second continued the discussion on the fiscal package and promised a response to the dozens of queries and the presence of an official today, although it has not yet called a meeting.

“We cannot delay this any longer. Not everyone will agree and some will sign in dissent, or will risk not doing so and respond to their electorate. With the opinions, there will be one week left to continue negotiating and seeing the vote by vote ,” said a dialogue senator in the last hours.

Important: there are already some issues that are considered to have fallen in the Upper House, given the impossibility of reaching a viable consensus between the position of the Government and the opposition. The important thing is that they are not rejected with two-thirds in the room. The main one is about the reinstatement of Profits , an issue to be resolved by governors in a return of the fiscal package, in second review, to Deputies. There is also a lot of noise about Aerolíneas Argentinas on the privatization list. On a smaller scale, doubts appear about the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI), various mischief in money laundering, the deactivation of the pension moratorium and some Personal Asset guidelines.