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Politics Bases Law: the ruling party did not obtain support to rule and the debate was postponed until next week - Infobae

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Bases Law: the ruling party did not obtain support to rule and the debate was postponed until next week - Infobae​



May 09, 2024

La Libertad Avanza failed to add the votes of the UCR, the PRO and the provincial blocs. In addition, UP legislators joined the strike and decided not to attend the Budget commission

By David Cayon

The debate was resumed in the Senate with the absence of the Kirchnerimo

In the middle of the day of general strike promoted by the CGT, the Senate of the Nation resumed the activity of the debate in committees of the Bases Law and the fiscal package that began with the Budget and Finance commission, where the Secretary of the Treasury appeared. , Carlos Guberman . However, the ruling party did not even achieve the support of allied legislators and, therefore, an intermission was called and the discussion was postponed until next week.

Starting at 10:30, senators
Juan Carlos Romero and Andrea Cristina (Cambio Federal), the radicals Pablo Blanco , Martín Lousteau , Victor Zimmerman and Flavio Fama , Guadalupe Tagliaferri (PRO), Alejandra Vigo (Unidad Federal), began to arrive. Mónica Silva (Together We Are Río Negro) and Ezequiel Atauche (LLA).

The novelty was that the members of the Unión por la Patria bloc , Eduardo De Pedro, Jesús Fernando Rejal, Carlos Alberto Linares, Juan Manzur, María Teresa González and Antonio Rodas, were absent .

The decision to continue with the commissions was made yesterday evening, with the opinion of the majority of the blocks and Unión por la Patria avoided issuing an opinion. Today the space designated for UP was observed empty.

Meeting of the Budget and Finance Commission, in the Blue room of the Senate of the Nation; on May 9, 2024, in Buenos Aires; Argentina. Photo: Senate Communication.

“They were not because there is a national strike ,” they explained to Infobae from the Kirchnerist block of senators during the course of the morning. When asked if they were going to participate in the plenary session of the Constitutional Affairs, Budget and Finance and Legislation commissions, they avoided responding. However, some senators consulted indicated that they were not scheduled to attend the afternoon meeting either. Finally this will not be necessary because the debate was postponed until next week .

Both in private and in public conversations there were legislators from radicalism , the PRO and the provincial parties who announced that they were not in a position to sign the opinion because they understood that there were many changes to be introduced.

“There are legislators who do not want the delegation of powers, the Patagonians reject the privatization of Aerolíneas Argentinas, the presentation made on money laundering by Guberman was a disaster for the ruling party; the senators of radicalism (among them Martín Lousteau), PRO and the provinces took turns to destroy it,” explained an operator from one of the blocks that maintains dialogue with parliamentary representatives who respond to Javier Milei.

In La Libertad Avanza then they began to take for granted that they would not have a ruling until next week. “Today we are not enough ,” acknowledged a libertarian senator as he left the Blue Room. “We don't have the number for the signatures,” he added. “Everything happens next week , today it cannot be ruled,” said the president of the PRO block, Luis Juez, in front of journalists.

Meeting of the Budget and Finance Commission, in the Blue room of the Senate of the Nation; on May 9, 2024, in Buenos Aires; Argentina. Photo: Senate Communication.
In parallel, Peronism is putting together a list of guests to meet next Tuesday and Wednesday, which will include representatives of the CGT and the two CTA. In addition, UP also plans to have voices coming from different provinces to attack the Large Investment Tax Regime (RIGI).

In the Kirchnerist bloc they are now betting that next week those invited to the plenary session and the Budget commission will help to delay the debate and, also, to support the unfavorable opinions of the senators from the other blocs who are not very convinced of supporting the Casa Rosada projects that already have half a sanction.

“Everything indicates that, no matter when, it goes to the Senate floor, this returns to Deputies because the projects are going to have modifications,” they concluded from that bench.

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