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Politics Bases Law: the signing of the opinion in the Senate is postponed and the Government already rules out that there will be changes - Infobae

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Bases Law: the signing of the opinion in the Senate is postponed and the Government already rules out that there will be changes - Infobae​



May 08, 2024

Tomorrow and next week the debate will continue in committees. It is a difficult bet for the Executive to not modify the initiative and save the return to Deputies in a second review. Predisposition to have tweaks to the fiscal package

By Mariano Casal

National officials defended the bases law in the Senate (Photos: Jaime Olivos)

The Casa Rosada schedule in relation to the Bases Law began to be adjusted this afternoon in the Senate: given the agglutination of observations from a large part of the opposition and the libertarian position of not forcing an express ruling, the ruling party decided not to accelerate said step for tomorrow and the analysis of the project, together with the fiscal package, will continue next week.

The measure adopted - logical - will not stop the debate. In fact, despite the strike organized by unions, the discussion will continue this Thursday in the General Legislation commissions; Budget and Finance; and Constitutional Affairs of the upper house, chaired by the libertarians Bartolomé Abdala (San Luis) and Ezequiel Atauche (Jujuy), and the dissident Peronist Edgardo Kueider (Entre Ríos), respectively.

In advance of the initiatives landing in the Senate, La Libertad Avanza thought, as an ideal scenario, a treatment between Tuesday and Thursday to sign the corresponding opinions that day. However, from day one, the ruling party contemplated the delay of the dispatches to continue with the analysis of both issues next week and, in the worst case, move forward between the 15th and 16th of the current month - Victoria Villarruel would replace the Executive to Javier Milei for a trip abroad -, with the aim of going to the venue between May 22 and 23 - with Villarruel in charge of the eventual session -, two days from the Pact proposed by the president.

Yesterday, the opposition's criticism - in particular, that made by Guadalupe Tagliaferri about the large investment regime - broke the shield that the Executive had brought to the commissions and, from there, the ruling party gave signals about evaluating potential changes. That is, an eventual return to Deputies in second review.

Senator Guadalupe Tagliaferri (Pro) with the chairman of the Constitutional Affairs committee and provisional speaker of the upper house, Bartolomé Abdala (La Libertad Avanza)

The Buenos Aires legislator focused her attention on Tuesday on the contradiction between articles 163 and 222. In the latter, they invite the provinces to adhere to the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI); in the other, it is implied that this step does not matter in relation to said system.

“It doesn't seem to be the interpretation that the majority makes. We ask you to give us tomorrow, when Dr. Chirillo is coming, to see if we can better convey our position," the second in the Chief of Staff, José Rolandi , said yesterday, who also said that "if tomorrow - for today - we see that there is no "It is enough, we take the point of being able to make a modification."

The Casa Rosada placed faith in the experienced Secretary of Energy, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo , to respond today to Tagliaferri, who reiterated his query. “ Maybe the editorial staff is not happy. I agree with that ,” said the official. “ Let's make him happy ,” replied the senator for the City of Buenos Aires.

Rodríguez Chirillo was in the plenary session of commissions throughout the day, along with Rolandi and the parliamentary liaison of the Casa Rosada, former deputy Omar De Marchi . As recognized by the libertarian bench, the objective is to “save” the Bases Law in any way - difficult through regulation - the project that interests Milei the most. Meanwhile, the fiscal package - its analysis was scheduled for tomorrow - would have the path free to be modified.

The Secretary of Energy, Eduardo Rodríguez Chirillo

The RIGI was also the cause of crosses today, along with the delicate reinstatement of Profits, which almost all governors want in the face of fiscal suffocation, but which many of their legislators will not vote for.

Other items with opposition magnifying glass focus on the delegated powers of the requested emergencies, the pension area and the deactivation of the moratorium, doubts about legal issues related to money laundering and several suggestions so that Personal Assets consider some nod to the local level over that of the abroad.

Under this scenario, both initiatives are at risk of returning to Deputies.

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