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Real Estate News Before buying a house: This is the list of critical facilities that must be checked - Infobae



Before buying a house: This is the list of critical facilities that must be checked - Infobae



May 26, 2024

Some tips from experts to avoid incurring unforeseen costs

By Jose Luis Cieri


Before buying the home, it is key to take a good look at the condition of the "wet areas", such as the kitchen and bathrooms (Getty)

The reintroduction of mortgage loans generated a 25% increase in inquiries to real estate agencies during the last month for purchases. Although the starting point is the price at which the budget can be stretched, market experts warn that it is also essential to pay attention to the state of the most important facilities of the property.

Maximiliano Olmi , from Arquitecto x Hora (which 13 years ago, invented the House Checking service in Argentina, based on a system widely used in the United States and Europe), told Infobae the importance of carefully observing the general condition of the property, such as cracks, plaster, structure, floors, ceilings and humidity: “Maintenance and prior care are also crucial. Entering a clean and well-ventilated house is not the same as entering a dark, dirty one with musty odors.”

It is also suggested to evaluate the condition and age of the electrical, sanitary and gas installation, as well as the taps, light switches and gas appliances, before signing the purchase and sale contract. It is crucial.

Olmi compares this practice to taking a mechanic before buying a used car. “The pre-purchase inspection service can prevent or alert about possible unknown or unobserved problems during visits with the real estate agency,” Olmi said.

The pre-purchase inspection service can prevent or alert about possible unknown or unobserved problems during visits with the real estate agency (Olmi)
Experts emphasize that if a family or person goes without “technical” support, it is advisable to open and close faucets to check the water pressure, check the condition of heaters or gas hot water tanks and observe with the naked eye the bedroom walls or built-in closets. .
It must be taken into account that the costs of construction materials rose almost 289% year-on-year, and the complete renovation of kitchens and bathrooms starts at $4,500,000, depending on the footage and devices to be changed.


It is advisable to inspect what is not visible. “Such as electrical installation, plumbing system, air conditioning and heating, gas leaks, and the general conditions of the property (Courtesy: CheckHome)

Although humidity is something visible, it is also advisable to inspect what is not visible. “Such as electrical installation, plumbing system, air conditioning and heating, gas leaks, and the general conditions of the property, such as the state of glass, paint and coatings,” emphasized Maximiliano Drelichman , co-founder of CheckHome.

Advantages for the parties

Observing the property in detail prior to reservation generates advantages for the parties. For the buyer, it avoids surprises because it makes it possible to access a detailed report prepared by specialists and serves as a valuable negotiation tool and also for applying for a bank loan.

For the seller, it allows them to differentiate themselves in the market and cover themselves from the possibility of future claims, as well as guaranteeing an accurate appraisal.

Drelichman noted that for real estate developers, “a complete building inspection prior to completion improves reputation and reduces costs through preventative maintenance.”

Common structural problems that may be found during an inspection include moisture, corrosion, and improper maintenance of critical elements

Common structural problems that may be found during an inspection include moisture, corrosion and inadequate maintenance of critical elements such as drains, drain slopes and metalwork. “These problems can significantly affect the value of the property, decreasing its attractiveness and increasing repair costs,” Drelichman added.


The complete renovation of bathrooms and kitchens starts at 4,500,000 pesos

Having a professional approve the chosen home before purchasing is crucial, because it can generate significant savings, and can determine whether or not to purchase the property.

The costs of home inspection services vary: in CABA they can cost between $10,000 and $28,000, and climb up to $50,000 depending on the location in Greater Buenos Aires.

In other cases, the price of the inspection and diagnosis service for private properties (houses, apartments, PH or commercial premises) varies between USD 300 and USD 500, depending on the size of the property. In general, it is in the order of 1 USD per m2 built.

Boilers and expenses

Specialists also suggest reviewing common areas and the most important facilities. The most frequent pathologies include stains and deterioration on balconies and overhangs caused by humidity, due to poor waterproofing of the fronts.

In fact, inflation and the high costs of the last 18 months have meant that preventive maintenance works have been postponed in many consortiums. For this reason, it is considered important to know the cost of expenses, which in CABA already average almost $114,000 per month and rose 22% in April .


The amount of expenses can be decisive in the purchase decision, both for own use and to obtain income, particularly the extraordinary ones for pending works.

Jorge Resqui Pizarro , a lawyer specializing in horizontal property and real estate developments, told this medium that “a common problem is the oxidation of metal elements, which can nullify the protection conditions, generally due to inadequate maintenance. Cracks in opening frames are also dangerous as they weaken the structure and can cause plaster to fall.”

The importance of a preventive inspection before signing the purchase and sale contract cannot be underestimated. Accepting the property without reservations may imply the resignation of rights to claim possible hidden defects.

It is advisable to carry out a detailed inspection of the unit before delivery or signing of the deed, especially to identify non-visible defects (Resqui Pizarro)

“It is advisable to carry out a detailed inspection before delivering or signing the deed, especially to identify defects not visible to non-specialized people,” added Resqui Pizarro.

Poor maintenance of drains and ineffective drainage slopes can lead to water accumulation, increasing the risk of infiltration. Metal carpentry in windows can also show rust, affecting the lower part of the frames.

Maximiliano Olmi expanded: “Imagine buying a house believing that you only have to paint it and then discovering that you have to change the entire roof and its structure after the first rain.”

Before buying, it is essential to know the condition of the house and where extra money will have to be allocated to repair rooms and areas such as the living room.

To protect the investment and ensure that the home is in good condition, it is vital to include a warranty extension clause in the deed, covering all types of defects and extending the claim period.

It is also vital to know the status and operation of the boilers and the electrical part of the neighborhood (in summer there are areas of CABA that usually have problems due to high consumption on high temperature days).

Boilers are installations that can represent a high risk for a building if they fail, since they operate under pressure (Resqui Pizarro)

Resqui Pizarro expanded: “Boilers are installations that can represent a high risk for a building if they fail, since they operate under pressure. An omission or negligence in maintenance tasks can cause an explosion. The greatest damage occurs when the boilers are installed underground, their usual location. If the project allows it, it would be safer to install it in an open space, under a light cover.”


In boilers and pipes, internal cleaning and checking for corrosion or scale are also essential (Getty)

Fires in buildings often respond to failures in the electrical installation, carelessness in the handling of fluids and carelessness in the handling of open flames. More modern buildings often have smoke detectors and sprinkler systems, which, although they may cause damage to equipment, are intended to save lives.

“The use of unauthorized adapters, untaped cables and non-insulating tapes are the main causes of accidents. Furthermore, the lack of maintenance on the electrical infrastructure by the concessionaire companies can cause voltage impacts, affecting the devices and generating fire risks,” commented Resqui Pizarro.
