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Politics Before the meeting with the governors, Franco pointed out against Kicillof: “He should be a little more respectful” - Infobae


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Before the meeting with the governors, Franco pointed out against Kicillof: “He should be a little more respectful” - Infobae​



March 07, 2024

The Minister of the Interior described the speech of the Buenos Aires president at the opening of the ordinary sessions of the Legislature as a “canchereada.” “He is one of those responsible for the debt from the YPF trial,” he said.

In the run-up to the summit with the governors, Minister Franco targeted Kicillof
In the prelude to the summit with the governors , within the framework of the call for the May 25 Pact made by President Javier Milei, from the Casa Rosada they pointed directly against one of the leaders who is openly opposed to the national Executive: Axel Kicillof .

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, today asked the Buenos Aires president to be “a little more respectful” and described Kicillof's statements about the call for the pact during the opening of ordinary sessions of the Legislature as “canchereada . ” “ If it's for the photo, just start if we don't arrive ,” he said to the applause of a good part of the room.

“Normally, these jokes like the one he made in his speech do not help to generate a climate of dialogue . We are in a difficult situation as a result of the successive governments that have led Argentina to this situation. He was one of those responsible for this debt that today is on the heads of the Argentines of 16,000 million (dollars) due to the trial over the YPF issue,” Francos noted today.

During an interview with journalist Marcelo Longobardi on Radio Rivadavia, the minister warned that Kicillof “ would have to be a little more modest when speaking, be a little more respectful,” that they know that he has “ideological differences with the Government” and that “ “It has an ideology that caused the disaster and failure of Argentina.”

"We are proposing another path, I think the good thing is that they let us walk or help us to be able to go through this crisis that they have left us ," he added.

Axel Kicillof skeptical of Milei's call: "Just start if we don't arrive"
Yesterday, the Government sent formal invitations via email to all the governors for the summit that will be held tomorrow at the Casa Rosada. Although it was first said that the meeting was going to take place at 10, the meeting was later changed to 3:00 p.m.: they had not taken into account that several leaders could not arrive on time due to flight schedules from their provinces.

Francos said today that they have already received confirmation from “several” governors, and that some remain. Among those who have not yet responded are Kicillof as well as Gildo Isfrán (Formosa), Sergio Ziliotto (La Pampa) and Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja). While Claudio Vidal (Santa Cruz) was still in doubt.

The Minister of the Interior also confirmed that the meeting will be led by the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, although he did not rule out that President Javier Milei will join or maintain a dialogue with the provincial leaders at some point.

“It is not expected that the president will participate, but I do not rule out that he will have the opportunity to talk with the governors as he did two or three days after taking office. It is not that the President does not recognize the institutional relationship that corresponds with the heads of the provincial governments. He is only demanding, and many of them are doing so, that each one assume responsibility for him and that the adjustment that the Nation makes has to be made in all the provinces,” he explained.

The issues on the agenda with the governors and the warning about Profits​

Francos affirmed that the Executive expects the meeting “with good expectations, with the intention of reaching points of agreement with issues raised by the national Government regarding the Base Law and also the fiscal issues that the provinces demand, at least those in those of us who are willing to move forward.”

Although he accepted that the governors “have their claims,” he clarified that “the Government has the limitations generated by the country's economic crisis.”

One of the most relevant points that will be discussed is the project to restore the Income Tax , something that some governors have already rejected, such as the governor of Córdoba, Martín Llaryora.

At that point, Francos left a warning that, until now, was not at the center of the agenda: the minister said that the law that eliminated the fourth category of that tax, promoted last year by the then Minister of Economy Sergio Massa and approved by Congress (with the positive vote of the then deputy Javier Milei) was for the 2024 fiscal period, so the workers who paid the tax have a debt for the last three months.

“In the months of 2023 in which the withholding was not made, the tax was not exempt. All those people who were left in that situation, if the issue is not resolved with this law, will be subject to paying for that quarter of 2023 , because that is the 2023 fiscal period, and the law proposed it for 2024. It is a issue that must be solved ,” said Francos