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Trip Reports Best area to stay (for us)?


New member
Sure thing! We (parents and teenage daughter) are planning a 6 night stay in Buenos Aires in 20/27 December as part of our broader trip around Iguassu and Patagonia. Currently, I'm exploring the best neighborhoods to base ourselves and could use some advice.

Our preference leans toward staying in an older neighborhood with a distinct atmosphere and character. We're hoping for easy access to quality coffee and food within walking distance, coupled with convenient transportation options. Ideally, we're looking for a locale that's more low-rise and intriguing, steering away from the high-rise and glossy vibe. To paint a picture, we envision a place akin to El Born in Barcelona or Roma Norte in Mexico City. Any recommendations or insights would be greatly appreciated!
From what I have read, we should be looking around Recoleta, Palermo or San Telmo which has everything we are looking for, do you think these areas are good or do you recommend a much better one?
We thoroughly enjoyed San Telmo. Its historical charm and uniqueness stood out, definitely steering clear of the high-rise and flashy atmosphere. It proved to be a haven for food enthusiasts, offering an array of fantastic restaurants and vibrant markets. Additionally, its proximity to the central area and efficient transport connections made it highly convenient. When we ventured into Palermo for exploration, we noticed a more polished and gentrified ambiance compared to the eclectic charm of San Telmo. Palermo did boast some lovely green spaces, which was a key factor drawing us to the area. On the other hand, Retiro appeared quite upscale and affluent.

Hope that helps ;)