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Banking Best website for getting Blue Dolar exchange rate quotes?

Forgive my ignorance but I hear all the time everyone talking about the "blue dolar". I understand that it's an exchange rate that you will get to exchange $100 US bills. What are the best websites as I see many and some have different spreads. Which are the most accurate?
The one that I use the most is https://www.ambito.com/contenidos/dolar.html as I find the rates are the most accurate typically. And it covers all the exchange rates. Sure, most tourists or locals don't need any other rates besides the Blue dolar but it's nice to see all the other rates. The only thing I don't like about that website is there is a splash screen in the beginning but you just X it out on the top right corner.

Other websites are: https://www.dolar-blue.com/

I've noticed that Infobae consistently provides the quickest updates, with others usually catching up within an hour. When checking La Nación and Clarin, it's advisable to focus on their daily articles rather than relying on the numbers displayed in the banner at the top.

However, there's an additional factor to take into account. Since the PASO, the various exchange houses (cuevas) I frequent often offer less favorable prices compared to those reported in the newspapers. This isn't surprising given the considerable price volatility in recent times. Currently, the dollar blue is nearly 25% lower than its peak, and the price fluctuations have been both frequent and substantial, surpassing anything I've witnessed before.

I frequently utilize the cuevas, selling small quantities at a time to mitigate the impact of such volatility. Additionally, I prefer not to hold a significant amount of extra pesos unless I believe the price has surged excessively and too rapidly.
I've relied on Dolar Hoy, but my satisfaction with it is diminishing, particularly since it's owned by Marra, a devoted supporter of Milei. I anticipate potential creative accounting maneuvers once Milei assumes office. Nonetheless, it's crucial to observe his actions, as they will significantly influence exchange rates. It's unlikely that he will allow a substantial ~90% gap between the BCRA dollar and the CCL/MEP dollar to persist. If Milei adopts measures such as enabling all exports, tourist exchanges, and regular individuals to exchange money at banks at the CCL/MEP rate to bolster BCRA reserves before dollarization, we might consider alternatives like Google or the BCRA/BNA website. There could still be a slight premium on dollars at cuevas, similar to the current scenario where you get 935 per dollar compared to ~900 with the MEP/CCL.

I believe cuevas will persist even in a scenario of dollarization; it's essential to remember that they exist not only due to the brecha but also as a means for money laundering and tax evasion. Cuevas didn't vanish during Macri's presidency; people still prefer discreet financial transactions, and they will adapt accordingly.
i have noticed the same; you'll get a ton of different numbers like "Buy" or "Sell" but then the people on the street, and the credit card MEP rate, are different from either of those. it would be nice to have a conversion app between USD/Euro/etc. and ARS pesos that also includes the current Visa and MasterCard MEP rate, since that's the most-relevant number most people are using day-to-day

@Avocado just because someone supports Milei doesn't mean they worship him as a person; for me, if Milei ends up being a WEF and IMF shill that doesn't de-regulate the economy, i will throw him in the basura. my support is because Argentina's massive amounts of laws and government-imposed 'services' and 'rights' are the exact same thing that Eva Peron did: tax citizens for special-interest projects that end up being donations to lobbying groups. money is spent by the government without a vote, to no benefit for the people, and the ultra-rich that can afford to bribe the federal government become even more rich.

have you ever listened to a non-Keynesian economist before?

Milei follows the Lugwig von Mises/Rothbard/Austrian-style economics approach to life: let the market operate as Adam Smith intended, with an invisible hand. no one person or agency can predict what price a kilogram of race should be, but the market (functioning as 8 billion decisions made every second, continuously), can predict with perfect accuracy. without the federal government interfering in every single aspect of life, Argentina would become like Norway...vast natural resources, huge landscapes to innovate in, and connected to worldwide trade partners. the trick of Socialism is making us believe there is an evil cabal of ultra-rich people who want to perpetuate the serfdom of regular people or "workers" - those ultra-rich are the politicians in the federal government like Peron (and today, Massa), who you keep voting for.
i have noticed the same; you'll get a ton of different numbers like "Buy" or "Sell" but then the people on the street, and the credit card MEP rate, are different from either of those. it would be nice to have a conversion app between USD/Euro/etc. and ARS pesos that also includes the current Visa and MasterCard MEP rate, since that's the most-relevant number most people are using day-to-day

@Avocado just because someone supports Milei doesn't mean they worship him as a person; for me, if Milei ends up being a WEF and IMF shill that doesn't de-regulate the economy, i will throw him in the basura. my support is because Argentina's massive amounts of laws and government-imposed 'services' and 'rights' are the exact same thing that Eva Peron did: tax citizens for special-interest projects that end up being donations to lobbying groups. money is spent by the government without a vote, to no benefit for the people, and the ultra-rich that can afford to bribe the federal government become even more rich.

have you ever listened to a non-Keynesian economist before?

Milei follows the Lugwig von Mises/Rothbard/Austrian-style economics approach to life: let the market operate as Adam Smith intended, with an invisible hand. no one person or agency can predict what price a kilogram of race should be, but the market (functioning as 8 billion decisions made every second, continuously), can predict with perfect accuracy. without the federal government interfering in every single aspect of life, Argentina would become like Norway...vast natural resources, huge landscapes to innovate in, and connected to worldwide trade partners. the trick of Socialism is making us believe there is an evil cabal of ultra-rich people who want to perpetuate the serfdom of regular people or "workers" - those ultra-rich are the politicians in the federal government like Peron (and today, Massa), who you keep voting for.
Ok I welcome you throwing Milei out on the street. It will happen soon.
Forgive my ignorance as I thought I understood all the different blue dollar rates and MEP rates for credit cards. But today when I went to this website below I saw "Dolar Turista" (Tourist Dollar). Can someone explain this rate to me? Is this applicable to tourists?

Forgive my ignorance as I thought I understood all the different blue dollar rates and MEP rates for credit cards. But today when I went to this website below I saw "Dolar Turista" (Tourist Dollar). Can someone explain this rate to me? Is this applicable to tourists?

All the rates can be confusing for tourists but the Dolar Turista is NOT applicable to tourists coming to Argentina. That rate is the rate that Argentines have to pay to buy dollars when they use their Argentine credit cards overseas outside of Argentina. The government does this to try to prevent Argentines from traveling outside of Argentina. They pay a higher rate to spend their own money outside of Argentina. Because of this, most Argentines traveling abroad try to avoid using their credit cards and bring cash.