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Economy Binance joined the Matba Rofex BTC Index - Infobae


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Binance joined the Matba Rofex BTC Index - Infobae


January 25, 2024

“By having direct quotes from your order book every minute, we are enhancing the robustness of the BTC index, providing our users with a more complete and dynamic view of the BTC spot price in ARS in Argentina,” they noted from the market. futures and options trading in the country

Binance is one of the largest exchanges in the world (REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File Photo)

Matba Rofex, the leading futures and options trading market in Argentina, announces the incorporation of Binance, the world's leading blockchain and cryptocurrency infrastructure provider, as the eleventh contributor to the BTC index, an indicator that reflects the price in Pesos Argentinos (ARS) of Bitcoin (BTC) in brokers and exchanges that operate in Argentina. This is the underlying Bitcoin Future listed on Matba Rofex since July 2023.

“It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the incorporation of Binance as a contributor to the BTC/ARS index calculated by Matba Rofex. By having direct quotes from your order book every minute, we are enhancing the robustness of the BTC index, providing our users with a more complete and dynamic view of the BTC spot price in ARS in Argentina,” said Ismael Caram , Head of Crypto & Digital Assets of the Matba Rofex Group.

As detailed in a statement, the BTC MtR Index is a financial indicator that reflects the market price for a certain amount of Bitcoin (“Measured Liquidity”), expressed in Argentine Pesos per Bitcoin (BTC/ARS pair), at the Providers. Price in the Argentine Republic. Along with the market value surveyed for said amount of Bitcoin, the implicit cost for a purchase or sale operation for that amount (“Cost of Liquidity”) is reported. The Index is calculated every 1 minute, 7 days a week. Data capture is carried out automatically through queries to the API-Rest of each Price Provider.

“It is with great satisfaction that we celebrate the incorporation of Binance as a price provider for the BTC index, through the BTC/ARS trading pair. In this way, Binance accompanies the development of the crypto ecosystem in Argentina, based on the consolidation of reliable instruments and new diversification opportunities for traders who operate in the traditional market and want to access Bitcoin,” said Min Lin, regional vice president. of Binance for Latin America. “This is a new step towards the acceptance, maturity and generalization of the cryptocurrency market in the country. As the digital asset industry gains greater credibility, the foundations of trust in the market will be able to extend to a broader audience, and with it the benefits that this industry offers,” Caram added.

Matba/Rofex explained that “the index price providers are cryptocurrency exchanges and/or brokers/dealers that satisfy the eligibility conditions established in the Index Methodology and that provide purchase and sale offers for the BTC/ARS pair on a regular basis. through APIs. Exchanges are markets that implement the purchase and sale of Bitcoin by their clients through a central Order Book, where negotiations occur through the entry of orders that are specified according to price-time priority. On the other hand, Brokers/Dealers are those companies that implement the purchase and sale of Bitcoin against their own inventory, offering prices so that their clients can operate directly against them.”