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Real Estate News BNA launched loans for real estate developments - Reporte Inmobiliario



BNA launched loans for real estate developments - Reporte Inmobiliario



July 13, 2024


100% of the total investment will be financed, it will be for builders and/or real estate developers with proven track record and experience
Within the framework of the “+Hogares” program, the president of the BNA, Daniel Tillard, announced yesterday the new line of credit for construction companies and developers, which includes financing for 100% of the total investment. A truly unexpected event just a few months ago and which will surely change the future of the entrepreneurial sector in the medium term.

With the commitment to promote the growth of the sector and continuing with the premise “Without a home there is no family and without a family there is no nation” that began with the launch of mortgage loans, the entity presented this financing tool to an audience full of entrepreneurs, developers and real estate chambers.

“After having presented the mortgage loans, we are attending to the other part, which is the supply side. It means satisfying the need for credit and, in parallel, the need for supply,” said Tillard, accompanied by the vice president of the BNA, Darío Wasserman; the director, Alejandro Henke; the general manager, Carlos Rovetto, and the deputy general manager of Business, Gastón Álvarez.

He also said that "the promise to end inflation must be accompanied by the BNA's promise to expand credit to Argentines."

In this case, users will be builders and/or real estate developers with proven track records and experience, for whom the Bank will finance up to 100% of the total investment, including the construction of commercial premises and other purposes, provided that 70% of the total constructed surface is suitable for financing through mortgage loans in force in the entity.

The conditions include a term of 72 months; BADLAR interest rate + 4 pp TNA; a grace period of 12 months from the completion of the last construction milestone and without exceeding 48 months; while the term of the work will be up to 36 months.

Likewise, it will be possible to opt for the creation of guarantee trusts; guarantees from a mutual guarantee company or a public guarantee fund, as well as first-degree mortgages.

It is worth noting that, since the launch of the “+Hogares con BNA” line, the entity received 28,666 applications, for an average amount of $81,000,000, of which 19,438 were for purchase; 2,693 for second homes; 2,847 for construction; 2,883 for completion and 805 for change of home.

Of the total number of applications, the provinces with the highest demand for credit were Buenos Aires with 27.64%, followed by CABA, with 22.12%, Córdoba, 9.86%, Santa Fe, 8.31% and Mendoza, 7.26%, among others.

The directors Manuel Calderón, Gonzalo Pascual, Miguel White and Armando Guibert, the trustee, Marcelo Bastante, and other officials also participated in the event, which took place at the Head Office.

