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Politics Brain drain? Just like in 2001...


Active member
It’s concerning that the government will not support new scientific projects this year, especially when we’re already seeing a brain drain. This situation reminds me of the 2001 crisis, which also saw a significant loss of talent.

Underfunding science and technology not only hinders progress and innovation but can also lead to the loss of valuable talent seeking better opportunities abroad. This affects not just researchers and scientists, but society as a whole, by limiting advancements in crucial areas like health, technology, and economic development.

It’s essential to find a balance between immediate economic needs and support for research and development to prevent the country from losing its potential in these fields. It’s always about finding balance.

If we want to become a powerhouse, like Javier Milei keeps saying, we need to start by properly funding our scientific system and continue with the policies that promote public-private collaboration for technological innovation in our national production. You’re right! These policies only encourage brain drain as there’s no room for them here.
Many people have already left Argentina. Despite the change in Presidency, there are many issues here. More opportunities to make money in other countries. Many of my friends have moved to Spain and some back to the United States and some to London.
Many people have already left Argentina. Despite the change in Presidency, there are many issues here. More opportunities to make money in other countries. Many of my friends have moved to Spain and some back to the United States and some to London.
We left earlier this year to Spain and so far pleased with the decision. It doesn't take long to realize the insanity of the economy there with stable prices, ability to pay with one exchange rate and not changing much and stable economy.