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Real Estate News Brand new: Caballito breaks streak of falls - Reporte Inmobiliario


Brand new: Caballito breaks streak of falls - Reporte Inmobiliario



October 04, 2023


After 3 years of consecutive falls, values recovered slightly within an area of the neighborhood. 53 real estate developments in an area that once had 101. 16th annual survey of the area.The area surveyed is limited in this case to the sector between Del Barco Centenera Street and Carabobo, Rivadavia and Directorio Avenues.From the survey of the 54 blocks involved in the determined area (excluding the English Quarter), 53 developments were found, among those that are under construction and those that have been recently completed and still have units on offer.The number of developments was slightly reduced compared to last year when there were 54 developments in the area. While the number of square meters also decreased by 16.7%, going from 137,254 m2 to the current 114,246. It is the fourth consecutive year of decline in the number of developments and meters in a neighborhood that has been a record number of new projects for years, when it had up to 101 developments in progress.

32% of the projects detected are in the initial stages of construction with less than 5% progress. Within the area there were also four completely completed developments with units still on offer.


Currently, the average value of the m2 in dollars of the entire sample was located at 3,133 U$S/m2, resulting in almost 1% above the offer value of 12 months ago and breaking in this case a streak of three years of consecutive declines in values. In any case, the supply values in new units practically remain at the values of 2017.In relation to the value per unit of measurement recorded in 2019 (peak), the price is 15.5% lower.
The units on offer in the different developments are priced within a range where their lower limit is currently 2,897 U$S/m2, while the highest price reaches 3,906 U$S/m2. In 2021 the maximum and minimum ranges were USD 4,040 and 2,455.

Currently, the most common forms of payment request advance payments that range between 30% and 50% of the total value of the property in dollar currency, even if the works have not yet started, and most of the installments are requested in dollars for subsequent payments.In general, the prices of garage spaces within the survey area are between 35,000 and 45,000 dollars, for covered garages, the value being higher than what was requested in previous years.
