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Real Estate News Brand new: In Palermo Sur m2 value increases - Reporte Imobiliario


Brand new: In Palermo Sur m2 value increases - Reporte Imobiliario



October 19, 2023

17th annual survey of the Palermo area that attracts students due to its proximity to Universities. Values also rose year-on-year after 3 years of consecutive declines.
In the area of this traditional neighborhood of Buenos Aires on the area delimited by Soler, Scalabrini Ortiz, Córdoba and Gallo streets, coinciding with the limit of Palermo towards the south of the city, the number of projects under construction decreased again; In two years, there were 66 developments to 50. The surface area involved in the developments currently reaches 105,720 m2, while in 2022 it was 143,364 m2. A significant number of the developments are located in the vicinity of the headquarters of the University of Palermo.

Of the total of 50 projects currently existing in the surveyed area, 18 were recently started as their work progress is less than 5%. The percentage of ventures in the beginning, demolition or promotion stages with signs is actually very high in relation to the average of recent years. At the other end, close to their total completion, there are 6 buildings whose level of progress exceeds 90%.


In the survey area, and as has been observed in most of the surveys of brand new properties carried out by Reporte Inmobiliario this year, the three-year streak of consecutive declines in offer values was also broken.
The lowest value recorded in the current survey is 3,205 U$S/m2, the price ceiling is currently located at 3,774 U$S/m2
The current average value per unit of surface for all the developments in formal sale offer that have been surveyed reached 3,404 U$S/m2. This value is 3.55% above the 3,287 U$S/m2 average for 2022:


As in previous years, it is observed that the typology that most abounds in the projects is that which corresponds to studio apartments, followed by one-bedroom apartments and two-bedroom apartments in a much smaller form. The area is characterized by having units of limited dimensions due to its proximity to private universities.
For garages, the asking price is currently between US$32,000 and US$35,000 for each unit.
