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Real Estate News Buenavista: The northern neighborhood where apartments are sold in record time - La Nación Propiedades


Buenavista: The northern neighborhood where apartments are sold in record time - La Nación Propiedades


October 26, 2023

This year three projects sold an unthinkable number of apartments in a short time and the neighborhood is consolidated as a trendy neighborhood just a few minutes from the Capital.

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Buenavista is 40 years old and was consolidated as an open urbanization in the northern area, today its apartments in new projects are sold in record time

Virtual lines and stacks of saved bills. It could well be a Taylor Swift fan waiting to buy a ticket to her long-awaited recital, but the reality is very different. A neighborhood in the northern zone is fertile ground for developments and ensures sales for developers , since apartments are purchased at unprecedented record speeds.

Buenavista today is spread by word of mouth for being the urbanization in the northern area where projects are sold in record times and which is consolidated as an open urbanization. In itself, the neighborhood inspired by central European cities is located on 120 hectares at kilometer 19 of the Panamericana, accessed from Uruguay Street and also bordering the Bancalari corridor.

One of the projects in which sales are flying in the context of elections is Furó, located on a two-hectare plot of land. Propelled by an investment of US$80 million, the project sold 90 units to friends and family in just two months without opening its sale to the public, raising the equivalent of US$7 million. This is 42% of the 210 two- to four-room units that comprise the first stage of the project, which consists of two 12-story buildings that are expected to be completed by December 2026.

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The project will require an investment of US$80 million

The first stage comprises only half of the project. Two other buildings of the same dimensions will complete the U-shape on the property and the developer intends to complete the entire project by the last month of 2027.

Currently, the lowest ticket is for two-room apartments that have a total of 61 m² and sell for US$120,000 . The value scales to US$300,000 in the case of three-room units of 100 m², although there are units of this same type with a total of 120 m² and the largest ones are up to 200 square meters.

These prices can be paid through financing plans for the purchase of the first two towers, which contemplate the payment of an advance payment of 30% of the total in dollars and 40 pesified installments plus CAC. “The majority of buyers so far have decided to pay in cash, although there were some exceptions who opted for financing,” details Diego Rybka, partner and Commercial Director of Grupo Uno en Uno. In other words, the price per square meter is of US$2,000 without financing and amounts to US$2,250 with a payment plan of more than three years.

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The project sold 90 apartments in two months in a sale closed to friends and family

The buildings will be framed by lush vegetation, which includes a wooded forest and a large lagoon of 15,000 square meters , seeking to “create a microsystem that no project in the area has,” says Rybka. He adds that the project is complemented by a series of services and common spaces such as an indoor and outdoor pool, gym, events room, SUM in each building, Kids & Teens Zone, coworking, gourmet store, professional kitchen, hotel room for guests, shipment reception space, bicycle racks in all buildings, Club Furo Buenavista and an application to organize life in the complex.

The surroundings of the project are surrounded by other projects that expand the open urbanization and that also stand out for sales in unprecedented times. Open Buenavista is a project that will require an investment of approximately US$70 million and is expected to be delivered 36 months after the work begins. “In four weeks, 210 units were reserved at a friends and family . For us it is an unprecedented sale , we have never seen this level of sales in apartments,” said Martín Boquete, director of Toribio Achával, the venture's broker .

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At Open Buenavista, 210 units were reserved in four weeks

These are four eight-story buildings located at the first entrance on Uruguay Street, developed by Grupo Portland and CEK. The units will be two to four rooms of between 50 and 150 square meters with terraced balconies and on the other hand there will be townhouses on the side of the building with their own garden. With views of the Golf and the local lagoon, “it will have a commercial base of 3,500 square meters that will face Don Francisco Street, with a mix of tenants among which there will be a bar, a restaurant and it is planned to be a large establishment.” of sports supplies,” said Boquete.

Another of the neighbors is the project developed by Intercons, Pueblo Buenavista, which also managed to sell at an unusually fast pace. “We went on sale three weeks ago and of the 125 units, 110 were awarded to trustors in the first week ,” says Ezequiel Camps, commercial director of Intercons.

The US$25 million project combines three residential buildings of different types with a commercial and gastronomic sector on 25,000 m². As of today, four studios and 10 townhouses are available - a product that did not exist until now in Buenavista - with tickets that start at US$95,000 and go up to US$350,000. The project, which is expected to be completed in 26 months, also has funded payment plans. These consist of an advance payment of 25% in dollars and the rest is converted into pesos in installments updated by the CAC according to the progress of the work, which, they estimate, would begin in March 2024.

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Pueblo Buenavista will incorporate the typology of townhouses to the area

Camps points out that the presidential elections did not represent an obstacle and warns that after the first round they already registered inquiries from people interested in buying a unit.

The ABC of the buyer magnet​

The magnetism of the area is explained in four pillars that operate within a limited radius: access, education, security and price. “Buenavista is a five-minute city because it has the advantages of a closed neighborhood in an open urbanization. The kids can go to the club, to one of the three schools, to the bookstore and then the parents can work in offices around the corner from their homes, in studios of the same project, they have premises there and in the area," he said. Ezequiel Camps.

Buyers of these projects will find the Buenavista Club, the Bancalari Banco Provincia Hockey and the Buenos Aires Cricket & Rugby Club a few steps away; the Saint Mary of the Hills schools, the San Andrés Scottish School and a little further away the Goethe-Schule Buenos Aires. “There are already three restaurants, such as Florido, Alex and Le Pain Quotidien, to which new ones will be added in the commercial space,” says Leonor Achaval, director of the Achaval Cornejo real estate agency that markets several projects in Buenavista.

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Buenavista already has a complete commercial offer that will be complemented with the premises of the projects underway

The concept of proximity is highly valued, according to Achaval Cornejo, who explains that the ease of moving without a car is different from closed neighborhoods and is one of the keys to success.

For his part, Iván Achaval, president of Achaval Cornejo, is amazed by the absorption capacity that the area has, since around 500 units were launched and sold this year. Along these lines, he explains that those who buy not only see an attractive place to live but also to do business: “There is nothing for sale in the area, and what there is, sells at a high price. Not to mention the rent that is taken out of your hands. The offices respond to the same trend because they are all already placed and the vacancies already completed ask for US$4000/m².”

In that sense, he explains the opportunity to revalue the well: “Buyers saw that today projects are sold at an average US$2,000 per square meter and they understand that the few finished units are sold at US$3,000/m² and buyers validate that price.”

That profit for when the work is finished combined with the location, the product, the public that usually comes from between San Isidro and Nordelta characterized by having the purchasing power necessary to invest in this place and the points of interest in the vicinity, results in a sales boom.
