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I'm aware that the tap water in Buenos Aires is safe to drink, but I forgot that it doesn't taste great.

Can anyone tell me where I can purchase a Brita filter in the city?

Additionally, I'm looking for Coconut Water. I drink it before my Bikram yoga classes and would love to find it here.

Thanks for your help!
We use a water delivery service . We use it for coffee , tea and cooking.Counter top dispenser and also get soda water. Very reasonable price and dependable delivery service. Several filter systems are available , most pricey.
The water quality in BA was horrible. Maybe it differs from neighborhood to neighborhood how bad it is but in Recoleta we could smell the chlorine (or whatever they used in the water). It was horrible.

We always used the company Nestle to deliver water. They would deliver those water holders that you put the big 5 Gallon jugs on but it was great and you could use it for cold or hot water.

I can't remember exactly how much I paid but I think it was like 300 pesos per month. We got 4 jugs per week and if we needed more we just needed to call and ask.

I used it for years and it was great. Of course now it's probably more expensive but it beat buying bottles in the store.
Haha plenty of argentines buy water, just like plenty dont, I guess the same in every country. My Argentine girlfriend buys water!
Haha plenty of argentines buy water, just like plenty dont, I guess the same in every country. My Argentine girlfriend buys water!
It's very comical to suggest that locals don't buy bottled water. Ha, ha. ALL my local friends only buy bottled water. Maybe the masses do drink the tap water...but to suggest that the locals don't is laughable.

And really I didn't buy bottled water because I was worried for my health. I bought it because the tap water tastes HORRIBLE!!
Haha when I drink wine, I taste bad wine or good wine (and I still get them confused). None of the other things those preposterous descriptions lead me on to are real. ¨a strong tobacco undertone¨. Jesus, hippies.

My description of the water was in jest to the fact that I think wine tasting is just as absurd as being picky about water, when people have no clue as to what they are talking about.
How to cut prices on bottled water.

Ok, I wont like to get in the argument whether bottled water is any good.

Assuming its good ( and it has done me no harm as yet in 4 years)..how can I lower the costs.

Do you guys buy in bulk? Preferred brand? If buying bulk, how to get it delivered.

One way, I do it is buy at Jumbo and get it delivered. Any other options, guys?