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Economy Buenos Aires inflation was 21.7% in January and rose to 238% in the last twelve months - Infobae


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Buenos Aires inflation was 21.7% in January and rose to 238% in the last twelve months - Infobae


February 07, 2024

The increase in prices in the City of Buenos Aires registered a slight acceleration compared to the previous month. In year-on-year terms, inflation reached 238.5%. What is expected at the national level

Food increased 25.4% during January in CABA. EFE/ Enrique García Medina (EPA) EFE

January inflation in the City of Buenos Aires was 21.7% , which represents a slight acceleration compared to 21.1% in December. In this way, the interannual variation was 238.5%, as reported by the General Directorate of Statistics and Censuses of Buenos Aires (DGEyC).

During January, the variation responded mainly to increases in the following divisions: Food and non-alcoholic beverages, Transportation, Restaurants and hotels, Health, Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels and Recreation and culture, which together accounted for 78 . 4% of the increase in the general level.

In year-on-year terms, the Food and non-alcoholic beverages, Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels, Restaurants and hotels and Transportation divisions were mainly responsible for the increase in retail prices, explaining 60% of the year-on-year variation.

What were the items that increased the most?​

The item that increased the most was Personal Care, social protection and other products with 35.7%. It was followed by Transportation, which averaged an increase of 33.7%, mainly impacted by increases in the prices of fuels and lubricants for vehicles for household use and air tickets.

It is worth remembering that in January fuel prices advanced 27% in the first week of the month.

Meanwhile, Recreation and Culture averaged an increase of 30.5% due to increases in the prices of tourist packages, and slightly below was the Health division , which registered an increase of 30.3%, mainly due to the impact adjustments in prepaid medicine fees. To a lesser extent, increases in drug prices stood out.

For its part, Food and non-alcoholic beverages increased 25.4% , contributing 5.12 percentage points to the monthly variation of inflation in CABA. Within the division, the main drives came from Bread and cereals (27.9%), Milk, dairy products and eggs (28.1%) and Meat and derivatives (17.2%). Although the division slowed down compared to last month ( 30.4%) , it was the one with the highest incidence at the general level.


The item that increased the most in January in CABA was Personal Care, social protection and other products with 35.7%.
Another item that increased above the average was Restaurants and hotels , which rose 24.1% due to increases in the prices of food prepared in restaurants, bars and food houses. Next in importance were increases in hotel accommodation rates for tourist reasons.

Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels increased 10% and had an impact of 1.73, due to increases in rental values and common housing expenses.

On the other hand, during January, Goods registered an increase of 24.2% , above Services, which increased 19.6% . This is explained because the monthly dynamics of the former responded fundamentally to increases in food prices (mainly bread, dairy products and meat).


Goods increased above services in year-on-year terms in CABA

Projections at the country level​

The DGEyC data are the first for January inflation and may be an indication of the result of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) that Indec will publish on February 14, although they are not twin indicators that show the same monthly figures. per month.

Private parties estimate that inflation at the country level in the first month of 2024, after 25.5% in December, will remain in an area close to 20%.

The consulting firm Orlando J. Ferreres measured that “January inflation was 18.0% monthly and registered an interannual growth of 244.5 percent. On the other hand, core inflation advanced at a monthly rate of 19.5% , marking an annual increase of 268.8%.”

For its part, Seido registered 21.4% in its survey. Meanwhile, Ecolatina measured that in January its sampling “grew 21.7% monthly to accumulate 52% in the December-January two-month period.

Meanwhile, the Libertad y Progreso Foundation estimated January inflation at 19.4% .