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Buenos Aires real estate sales grow amid fear of rising prices - Buenos Aires Herald


Buenos Aires Real Estate Sales Grow Amid Fear of Rising Prices - Buenos Aires Herald

"The market is moving again and many properties still have prices from a decade ago, a phenomenon experts say is not likely to last".

@BuySellBA is very proud that we correctly forecasted the bottom of the real estate prices in August 2023. We correctly forecasted we were at the bottom or within 1 Quarter from hitting the bottom. Prices bottomed out in October 2023 just 2 months later. Prices will read up over the next several years. Capital appreciation will be tremendous over the next few years.

Congratulations and thanks! You guys called it and I'm glad I listened and bought one. I can't wait for my apartment to be completed in a few months and to head back down to Buenos Aires.
You timed it right. We also just bought a place. I think it is good timing. My husband actually sold his apartment in August 2018 and he ended up buying an apartment right next door to his old apartment and he paid about 45% less than when he sold it. His sister and his aunt are also both looking to buy an apartment now too.
You timed it right. We also just bought a place. I think it is good timing. My husband actually sold his apartment in August 2018 and he ended up buying an apartment right next door to his old apartment and he paid about 45% less than when he sold it. His sister and his aunt are also both looking to buy an apartment now too.
Your husband sounds like a very intelligent guy! 2018/2019 was the peak for Buenos Aires real estate. We sold about 90% of our portfolio in those years as well at the peak. It was a great time to sell real estate back then.

Funny you mention about buying his old apartment back (or one like it). We just got retained by an American couple to purchase an apartment that we originally purchased at pozo (totally breaking ground stage) back in 2008. Then we were retained to sell it and the new buyer was again an American couple. We were surprised when the realtor we referred them to told us they were buying that same apartment. And then the seller (our former client) just retained us to handle the closing for them as well to close for them.

Our CEO of our company owned 4 units in that building in Palermo Soho. He sold them in 2019 for $235,000 to $239,000 USD @. The same apartment was just purchased for $150,000. Prices have fallen quite a bit since the peak. Now is a great time to buy in good neighborhoods, especially if you plan to live in Buenos Aires for the long-term. Property values are going to continue to go up over the next several years.
I haven't seen too much inventory for sale. I have been looking the past few weeks. With the exception of new construction that is not done until 2025 or 2026 or later I don't see too much inventory.