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Politics Bullrich confirmed that cell phones can no longer be used in prisons and criticized the CGT: “Stop screwing around and get to work.” - Infobae

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Bullrich confirmed that cell phones can no longer be used in prisons and criticized the CGT: “Stop screwing around and get to work.” - Infobae​



May 09, 2024

The minister gave an extensive presentation at the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires, where she explained the security plan, questioned the union members about the general strike and spoke about the PRO, Macri and a possible merger with La Libertad Avanza

By Facundo Chaves

Minister Patricia Bullrich spoke before authorities and members of the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , announced that in the coming days she will sign an agreement with the cellular telephone operators of Argentina so that, through the acquisition of special equipment, the companies will keep the operation of the equipment in the prisons that depend on them inhibited. of the federal system. She also explained why the Government is still analyzing whether to reduce the age of imputability from the current 16 years to 13 or even 12 years.

The official commented on the news in a meeting organized - as is traditional every Wednesday - by the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires and where she also detailed the main measures of the security plan that has been implemented since December 10 and referred to two of the main topics on the political agenda: the general strike scheduled for this Thursday and the relationship between La Libertad Avanza, of President Javier Milei, and the PRO of former president Mauricio Macri.

Stop messing around with the strikes and get to work ,” the official responded when asked by Infobae about what the leadership of the CGT that organized tomorrow's general strike would tell them. Patricia Bullrich offered a brief round of questions with the media after the lunch she shared with the Buenos Aires Rotarians at a hotel in the city center.

CGT leaders. Moyano, Daer, Acuña and Rodríguez

The Minister of Security had stated during her speech that the measure of force was “an expression of doing the same thing as always, but they do not obtain the same results” as against other governments. Bullrich differentiated Milei's leadership from other presidents by considering that "before, when there were strikes there were setbacks, but today they can strike and we are going to tell people to report the extortions, to go to work."

“There is a cultural struggle here,” said the official and challenged the union members: “ Let them go on strike and do what they want. “We are not going to stop doing what we have to do for the country to change ,” she considered.

Beyond the situation and the historic fight she maintains with the union bosses, Patricia Bullrich gave a speech that gave detailed details of the main measures that were implemented as soon as she came into office, among which the anti-picketing protocol stood out. to restore order in the streets, the fight against drug trafficking, support in the work of police, gendarmes and other uniformed personnel to “take care of those who take care of us”, and the presentation of proposals to reform current legislation, in order to toughen the fight against crime.

Minors, prisons and drug traffickers​

Jorge Macri and Patricia Bullrich announced the implementation of modules

One of the issues that were addressed linked to the last point was the lowering of the age of imputability. This morning Bullrich surprised by confirming that in the drafts that were being analyzed by the national government to modify the juvenile penal regime there was the possibility of establishing that limit between 12, 13 or 14 years.

The minister explained that a decision has not yet been made on what the limit will be and explained why: “We are analyzing it, because Brazil has it at 12, Uruguay at 13, other countries at 14. We also do not want our age to be lowered. and drug traffickers begin to hire 12 or 13-year-old boys who are not attributable to them on purpose. Perhaps for important crimes, such as homicide, have a lower age of imputability and for other crimes have another. But we are not finishing analyzing,” she stated.

Regarding the drug threat, imputability and prisons, Bullrich confirmed that the Ministry decided that they are not going to move forward with the placement of signal inhibitors in detention centers that depend on the federal level. "We are going to use a cheaper technique, with a cost of zero pesos and more effective: it is a resolution that is about to be issued jointly between the telephone companies, ENACOM and the Ministry of National Security so that any telephone that impacts "The antennas that are in the prison area, the signals are canceled."

“There will be no signal in federal prisons. The penitentiaries are going to enter with a special device, which is a type of police radio that works on another frequency and does not need cell phone antennas. Inhibitors have been shown in many parts of the world to break them, put metal in them and immediately look for a way back,” explained Patricia Bullrich and expressed confidence in having “total and absolute control of the signal, which is the most important thing.” ”.

The Minister of Security spoke about the measures she implemented since December 10

Internal of the PRO and LLA​

At lunch, Patricia Bullrich was also consulted about the role of the PRO, after his step aside and Mauricio Macri's decision to resume leadership of the party. “The situation in Argentina today is clear. It is clear from what is going to happen tomorrow with the second general strike that falls to President Milei's government. Marches every other day, permanent boycotts, train strikes, plane strikes, assemblies. They took a nap for four years and now they woke up,” said the minister.

“Faced with this, it is clear that there is the Argentina of change and the Argentina that tries to maintain the privileges of a lifetime. I believe that the PRO has to accompany the change with all ten fingers. I think that is what the PRO has to do,” she indicated.

Then, he specified that support for the Milei government should be given “in the national government, in the provincial governments, in the laws, in Parliament, with all the officials who are in the government and coinciding in next year's elections.” . When asked by Infobae if that meant moving forward with a merger between the PRO and LLA, she responded: “I don't know what the legal form will be like, but with merged lists.”

And regarding what he expects from Macri's full assumption as president of the PRO, he responded: “We will see what line he takes. I am going to continue along this line and I am going to work so that the PRO is part of the change and does not look at it from the outside, that is going to be my goal.”