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Politics Bus strike: which provinces are affected and how long will the UTA strike last?


Urban and interurban services in the interior of the country will be affected this Thursday, February 8, starting at midnight.

The Unión Tranviarios Automotor (UTA) announced a 24-hour bus strike in the interior of the country due to the failure of salary negotiations with the business chambers. The strike will affect urban and interurban services on Thursday, February 8 as from midnight.

UTA requested a salary increase of 37% in January and $126,000 non-remunerative, followed by another 25% increase in February. The Federación Argentina de Transportadores de Automotor de Pasajeros (FATAP) argued that it did not have the necessary funds to comply with what was agreed last November and announced that they will have to split the payment of salaries.

So far, the provinces that have joined the bus strike are Santa Fe, Neuquén, San Juan, Córdoba, Corrientes, Tucumán, Santiago del Estero, Río Negro, La Pampa, Jujuy, Salta and Chubut. In the AMBA, bus drivers will have an increase of 17.25% after reaching an agreement in the salary negotiations.
