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Economy Buses "Colectivos": the UTA agreed to a truce with the companies and there will be no transport strike this Monday - Infobae

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Buses: the UTA agreed to a truce with the companies and there will be no transport strike this Monday - Infobae​



April 08, 2024

Although the salary conflict was not resolved, the union and the chambers agreed to meet again with the Ministry of Labor on Wednesday

At least until Wednesday there will be no bus strike (NA)
The Automotive Tram Union, UTA, and the business chambers of the transportation sector that operate bus lines agreed before the Ministry of Labor to have an interim period to meet again on Wednesday to unblock the salary conflict, so the possibility of a service stoppage in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA) this Monday afternoon.

Possible bus stoppage: 3 keys to know if there will be transportation after 6 p.m.
It may interest you:possible bus stoppage: 3 keys to know if there will be transportation after 6 p.m.
“If the $250,000 difference appears, we work normally,” said UTA Secretary General Roberto Fernández after a meeting with the business chambers and the labor portfolio headed by Julio Cordero . A statement from the union set Wednesday as the last deadline to determine a force measure that paralyzes bus service in the City of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs.

“In pursuit of social peace , and in order not to paralyze a service of great relevance for millions of users who travel daily, said final term is determined to comply with the salary agreement approved by the application authority, suspending until then the retention of tasks,” reads the statement.

“If the $250,000 difference appears, we work normally,” said UTA Secretary General Roberto Fernández after a meeting with the business chambers and the labor portfolio headed by Julio Cordero.

Those 250,000 pesos of distance that the general secretary of the UTA spoke about has to do with the crux of the conflict between the union and the companies. The UTA demands that the non-remunerative sum of $250,000 agreed for February be added to the March basic salary, the month in which the initial salary reached $ 737,000 . That is, the union requests that the basic amount to be collected be 987,000 pesos .

The problem is that the business chambers do not receive subsidies from the government this month to pay said sum since they maintain that their calculation is made on the approved parity of $737,000 and that for March there is nothing signed, only one negotiation basis.

Roberto Fernandez, Secretary General of the UTA (Luciano Gonzalez)

The UTA demands the accreditation of March salaries with an update referring to article 6 of its joint agreement, which indicates: “The parties assume the commitment to meet after March 15 and once the Index has been published of Consumer Prices (IPC) corresponding to the month of February for the purposes of determining the salary for the month of March, whose agreed calculation base will be $987,000.00 as the basic salary established for the month of February for the initial management staff of the automotive passenger transport of the AMBA and proportional to the rest of the categories.”

The vice president of the entity, Luciano Fusaro , stated this Monday: “The difference between the sixth clause of the agreement that we signed on February 9, where it speaks of a number versus another number that has nothing to do with the budget item that determined the March subsidies, which means that companies, even if they wanted to pay even more than what the UTA claims, there is no way to obtain those resources. The State is the one that tells companies the money that companies need based on a methodology that calculates the price of diesel, spare parts, etc. We have discrepancies in several areas and that is why there have been fewer buses on the streets for some time now, and that situation, far from improving, is actually getting worse . ”

The UTA demands that the non-remunerative sum of $250,000 agreed for February be added to the March basic salary, the month in which the initial salary reached $737,000. That is, the union requests that the basic amount to be collected be 987,000 pesos

From the Ministry of Transportation they affirm that “it has no influence on the joint agreements that the UTA maintains with the employers, it is not part of the agreement and therefore is not responsible for them. The Ministry of Transportation of the Nation did its part and carried out a recognition of the costs of the sector, maintaining dialogue with the Chambers. "He cannot intervene in any other way since he is not part of the conflict."

“With regard to the payment of subsidies to AMBA motor transport companies, the Ministry of Transportation recalls that it is up to date with the payment of all the funds provided to the companies, which are paid, as always, in a timely manner. The only person responsible for paying salaries to their employees are the companies and not the government departments,” they add.