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Politics Business chambers, non-profit organizations and sectors affected by the Omnibus Law will present before Deputies - Infobae


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Business chambers, non-profit organizations and sectors affected by the Omnibus Law will present before Deputies - Infobae


January 15, 2024

It will be an informative talk by various civil society actors who will present their opinions regarding the mega reform proposed by the Government of Javier Milei.

By Matías Russo Coroman

This Monday the debate resumes in Congress (NA Photo: MARCELO CAPECE)

Representatives of different sectors of civil society -benefited and affected by what the Government proposes through the Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines- they will present this Monday in the Chamber of Deputies within the framework of the resumption of the plenary session of commissions that analyzes the project.

Due to pressure from the Unión por la Patria bloc, on Friday morning, at the end of the third day of work of the commissions of General Legislation, Budget and Finance and Constitutional Affairs, the president of the first of these, Gabriel Bornorioni -of La Libertad Avanza- enabled the possibility that this On Monday, representatives from companies, associations, different NGOs and sectors reached by the initiative will attend to make their proposals to the legislators.

There will be around 60 exhibitors, among which there will be workers' centers, pharmacists, tourism representatives, health professionals, business chambers, among other sectors directly affected by the Omnibus Law that will participate in person and virtually (those from the interior and they cannot travel to the City of Buenos Aires) starting at 10 in the morning when the plenary session of commissions analyzing the issue resumes.

Kirchnerism appealed to convene sectors of workers and representatives of specific areas who, regardless of the bill, already see the first consequences of the measures promoted by Javier Milei and Luis Caputo. For its part, the Government will seek to defend the initiative in the voice of businessmen who support the main points of the so-called “Omnibus Law.”

Daniel Arroyo during the plenary session of commissions of the Chamber of Deputies

It is estimated that, although the majority of sectors would be affected by the law, this Monday the participation will be balanced between those who are in favor and those who are against the initiative.

Registrants will have blocks of 5 minutes each and it will be organized by alternating an in-person presentation and a virtual one. The exhibitions will be of a purely informative nature, but the opposition highlighted “the value” of “society seeing those affected in the flesh, of which there are many in Argentina, and everything that This change implies.” “That the state withdraws absolutely, it is the market to the beast”, described the Union por la Patria deputy, Daniel Arroyo in dialogue with Infobae.

UxP requested that if the testimonies are not exhausted today, it can continue on Tuesday. The motion was supported by the radical deputy Carla Carrizo. However, the ruling party's intention was to begin tomorrow with the internal debate of the legislators. Consequently, this Monday the work schedule for the rest of the week will be finalized.

Kirchnerism remains firm in its strategy of opposing both the Omnibus Law and the Decree of Necessity and Urgency to deregulate the economy, while continuing to pressure for the Chief of Staff to attend Congress, Nicolás Posse, the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, and the intellectual author of both texts , Federico Sturzenegger. For its part, La Libertad Avanza will seek to obtain an opinion this week: the objective is to bring the project to the venue on Thursday the 25th.

Ignacio Torres and Rodrigo De Loredo
The Government's chances of transforming the ambitious mega reform into law is to agree on the support of the PRO, of radicalism, of the Miguel Ángel Pichetto bloc, We make up the Federal Coalition, which has 23 deputies, and the provincial blocks, however, the ways in which Milei pressures its potential partners raised questions among locals and foreigners.

After the governor of Chubut, Ignacio Torres, and the head of the UCR block, Rodrigo De Loredo, criticized the president's statements that “it is dangerous to affirm that there are spurious interests in seeking modifications” in the projects. From the opposition they analyzed: "The rational thing would be to remove the electoral issue, the issue of fishing, the issue of biofuels and the 4 years of the sum of public power and end up having a transformative law although it is not exactly what was ordered, but on the other hand side from the Government they act irrationally, insulting those who want to help them...".