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Real Estate Sales Buying a used apartment: the most expensive and cheapest neighborhoods in GBA - Iprofessional


Buying a used apartment: the most expensive and cheapest neighborhoods in GBA - Iprofessional



September 18, 2024

After 5 years of consecutive decline, the values have barely shown a hint of recovery in recent months. Current quotes according to the area

he sale and purchase of real estate is going through one of its most booming periods and, due to the fall in prices experienced in recent years, opportunities are multiplying in different parts of Argentina. In line with this, the Buenos Aires suburbs appear to be one of the areas with a large supply, even at prices much lower than at other times .

Real estate experts point out that, in the last 5 years, prices for used apartments have fallen by up to 50% in Greater Buenos Aires (GBA) and that so far in 2024 the evolution of prices has been very limited: less than 1.4% in the most recent quarter. They affirm that, due to the effect of new credits and money laundering, values will not remain in those margins for long and hence the opportunity that exists for investors in niches such as rentals at this time of year.

According to a survey by Reporte Inmobiliario accessed by iProfesional , the average value per square meter in all available offers in Greater Buenos Aires is quoted at US$1,579 for studio apartments and reaches US$1,557 for one-bedroom apartments.

"For two- and three-bedroom units, the average price is $1,389 and $1,250 per square meter, respectively," the consultancy firm said.

Greater Buenos Aires and a slight recovery in apartment prices​

The firm stated that, during the second quarter of the year, the average value recorded in 13 localities surveyed in the first belt of the GBA showed an increase of 1.37 percent .

"In the year-on-year comparison with the second quarter of 2023, the value of the average m2 increased by 3.04 percent," the company said.

In an interview with iProfesional , Germán Gómez Picasso, director of Reporte Inmobiliario, said that "after the plateauing of prices in recent years, we are beginning to see an upward trend in dollar values per square meter."

However, the expert stressed that "it is a very good time to buy, there is no doubt about it." Linked to this, he explained that "prices are at a low point after 5 years of consecutive decline." In that period, he commented, prices "in dollars, in real terms, fell between 40 and 50 percent . "

"The launch of mortgage loans and, to a certain extent, also money laundering, are generating a certain recovery in values. As for the comparison of prices between used and new, the offer of brand new properties is not very wide in the GBA. Apart from that, the values of used properties are much lower than new ones, as is usually the trend," said Gómez Picasso.

Apartments: current prices in Greater Buenos Aires​

Regarding current prices in the GBA, Real Estate Report details that, in the case of one-room units, the highest average values are in San Isidro and Almirante Brown (US$75,000) , Vicente López and Pilar (70,000) and San Fernando (69,900) and Tigre (69,000).

On the opposite side are La Matanza (US$43,500), San Miguel (US$44,950) and Morón and La Plata (US$45,000).

As for one-bedroom apartments, the highest prices are in Tigre (US$110,000), San Isidro and Almirante Brown (US$100,000), and Vicente López (US$98,000) . The lowest prices, however, are in Hurlingham (US$50,000), Moreno (US$52,500), La Plata (US$54,000), San Miguel and Escobar (US$58,000).

Regarding two-bedroom properties, the most expensive average prices are distributed between San Isidro (US$145,000), Tigre (US$142,900), Vicente López (US$138,000) and General Rodríguez (US$120,000). On the other side are La Plata (US$65,000), Escobar (US$70,000), Morón (US$76,500) and Tres de Febrero (US$78,000).

Finally, and with regard to three-bedroom homes, Reporte Inmobiliario mentions Vicente López (US$185,000), San Isidro (US$160,000) and Tigre (US$155,500) as the areas with the highest prices . The lowest prices are in Hurlingham and San Fernando (US$75,000), La Plata (US$77,000) and San Miguel (US$85,000).
