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Newcomer Buying Wine


New member
We'll be in Buenos Aires a few days before embarking on a cruise, and I'm looking to purchase a few bottles to take on the ship. We'll be staying in the Centro area. Is there a particular store that stands out in terms of price and selection compared to others that you could recommend?
The majority of supermarkets such as Carrefour, Coto, and Jumbo offer extensive wine options and frequently feature promotions from various wineries, especially when buying in larger quantities.
Most people buy wine at the chino (as the small, Chinese-owned grocery stores are called). They are cheaper than the supermarkets and have good selections, including high-end wine. You'll find them everywhere..
Buenos Aires is full of Vinotecas you can find these well known stores Frape and Vinoteca Soil around the downtown area, also the supermarkets carries good options.
It's a little out the way but if you are in Palermo I recommend Sommelier en bicicleta - Gorriti 4901 they have good selection and they offer wine testing!