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Politics By decree, the province of Buenos Aires granted a 25% salary increase in January for state employees - Infobae


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By decree, the province of Buenos Aires granted a 25% salary increase in January for state employees - Infobae


January 16, 2024

The increase almost equals the national inflation recorded in December. 15% of the increase corresponds to the last section of the 2023 negotiation. In February they will meet again with the unions to advance the joint discussion.

The Buenos Aires governor: Photo: Télam
The Government of the province of Buenos Aires granted by decree an salary increase of 25% for state employees, in the midst of the joint discussion with the unions. According to an official statement, the increase is for January and negotiations will resume next month.

“After the joint meetings held, and intense informal conversations with the union representatives during the last few days, the Government of the Province of Buenos Aires decided to grant a salary increase for the workers of the Provincial Public Administration of 25% with respect to the salaries received in December 2023, of which 15 points correspond to the closing of the 2023 joint election, reported the administration led by Axel Kicillof through a statement.

In the press release, the province criticized the national economic policy by ensuring that “it is aware of the loss of purchasing power that the inflationary acceleration unleashed after the devaluation of the exchange rate carried out by the National Government caused in salaries. ”.

"Inflation in the month of December of around 25% is the highest in decades for our country and that is why, with an enormous effort in a context of financial difficulties and uncertainty regarding the continuity and evolution of the resources coming from the National State, the provincial Executive takes this measure as part of the commitment it maintains with the provincial workers,” the statement added.

The Buenos Aires government had resumed last week the joint negotiation with the teaching and public administration unions to close the 2023 section. The meeting, held a week ago, took place after the union's request to reactivate the discussion table after the economic measures announced by the national government, including a devaluation of the exchange rate that depreciated salaries.
We asked to see if this possibility - issuing its own currency - was being evaluated and we did not have a specific response. We know that to face a decision of this type, economic stability is necessary because otherwise the currency will devalue. We have to start looking at issues that have to do with fines and fees, for example, to business sectors, which in the provincial government need to be raised," the union secretary of UPCN said after that meeting, Juan Pablo Martín Oyarzábal, leaving the meeting in statements to Radio Provincia.
The deputy general secretary of the Suteba teaching union, María Laura Torre, along with the rest of the sector leaders at this Tuesday's meeting with the Buenos Aires Executive

Likewise, the union leader revealed that putting the discussion of a Buenos Aires currency on the table has to do with “starting to think about different variables and beginning to provide us with some certainty.” “Today the situation is critical. We also represent municipal sectors and in many cases the municipal ones have salaries of 70 or 80 thousand pesos. We have to start thinking about variables because it does not seem to be "That the national government understands the situation that is being experienced," he said.

At the dialogue table, the Kicillof administration drew up a scenario of the financial situation. According to official sources, “the authorities took note of the concerns, and explained the complex financial situation that the Province is going through in the face of the uncertain national context.”

The financial situation of the province has been changing due to the measures ordered by the Buenos Aires government. In La Plata they assure that - if implemented - the cut in national funds will begin to have an impact on provincial finances starting next month.

Until this increase, the unions achieved an increase in the interannual account that - in the case of the state ones - reached an average of 127%. The last increase that they had with the Buenos Aires administration was in November 2023. In that instance, the Kicillof government assured an increase of 25% to reach an increase that was on par with inflation and was around 127 percent.