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Real Estate Sales CABA Deeds: The best 5 months of the last 6 years - Reporte Inmobiliario



CABA Deeds: The best 5 months of the last 6 years - Reporte Inmobiliario



June 26, 2024


In May they increased 36% year-on-year. In the first five months, the increase was 25.7% compared to the same period in 2023.

The total number of property purchase deeds registered an increase of 36% in the fifth month of 2024 compared to the level of a year before, by adding 4,590 records, while the total amount of transactions carried out rose 400.3%, with $346,713 million.


Compared to April 2024, the actions rose by 26.2% (April 3,636 writings).

The first five months of 2024 - if compared with the same period in 2023 - register an increase of 25.7%.


The average amount of the acts was $75,536,614 (81,430 dollars according to the average official exchange rate): it grew 268% in one year in pesos, and in US currency it fell 4.4%.

In May, there were 141 deeds formalized with a mortgage. Therefore, the increase in that sense is 5.2% compared to the same month last year. And the first 5 months, with 509, represents a decrease of 1.2%.

The president of the college of notaries, when referring to the number of registered sales, expressed: “We have two reasons to see a better panorama. May was the best in the last 65 months, after the peak of the mortgage boom in 2018. But at that time there was still an influence of credits and today that still has no impact. But we are expectant due to the number of banks that have already launched their mortgage proposals, so we are convinced that - if they are carried out - with this push the market would have a clear growth effect."

