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Real Estate News Caba: Value of m2 per neighborhood - Reporte Inmobiliario



Caba: Value of m2 per neighborhood - Infobae​


June 07, 2024

Caba: Value of m2 per neighborhood​


In the interannual comparison, only in the 4 environments was there a slight decrease in the average price. Values by neighborhood for apartments from 1 to 4 bedrooms in May 2024

Last May Real Estate Report integrated into its database the information of a total of 20,643 reliable data on used apartments offered for sale in the city of Buenos Aires with between one and three bedrooms .

In relation to May 2023, the average value per m2 for the fifth month of the current year was higher in a study-, one- and two bedroom units. The percentage increase that could be technically recognized as such was that experienced by studio apartments with a 7.46% year-on-year increase. In the case of the two and three environments, with very slight increases of 0.11% and 0.70% year-on-year, the evolution could be interpreted more as stability than as a specific increase in value. Only the largest units, with four rooms, showed a drop, which stood at -3.68% year-on-year.

In May 2024, the smallest units are those with the highest value per unit of measurement (U$S/m2), this price being reduced as the number of bedrooms grows. Thus, the m2 of a studio apartment was located at U$$/m2 2,089 while the one, two and three bedroom units were quoted respectively an average of U$S 1,834, U$S 1,726 and U$S 1,597 per m2.

In the city of Buenos Aires, the average offer value of a used studio apartment was US$69,750 last April. At the upper end, in terms of housing prices and amenities, a four-bedroom apartment quoted an average of US$140,000 while US$78,000 and US$110,444 were the average prices for one- and two-bedroom apartments.

The average, minimum and maximum value, both of a unit and of the m2, can be seen in the tables below along with the number of cases recorded as reliable, in terms of the consistency of their information, for statistical purposes.


