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Medical Can I easily get sleeping pills and Viagra prescription in Buenos Aires? Asking for a friend of course


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I just left Buenos Aires but my friend is there now. He doesn't speak Spanish. He takes medications and he brought some but he will run out. He extended his trip and didn't expect to go to Rio de Janeiro but he made a side trip there and after that trip he has ran out of Viagra pills and he will also run out of sleeping pills! He is asking if it is easy to get in Buenos Aires. Can he go to any pharmacies that have doctors there to prescribe? I have done that in Mexico at many pharmacies. And many didn't require a prescription for Viagra.

In Buenos Aires I brought my own pills so I didn't see how easy it was. Any idea where he can go?
You just need to go see any doctor and he can write a prescription for you. It's not difficult at all. Ask your hotel and they can recommend a physician. Some larger hotels will possibly have a doctor that can visit you to your room or even a Zoom consultation. Visits aren't too cheap at around $50 to $75 US dollars for a consultation but my friend did this when he was staying at the Four Seasons.

Does he need prescription sleeping pills or can he use a Melatonin based sleeping pill that is over the counter? They have some of these but I'm not sure how well they work. They don't have drugs in them. It's all natural I believe. A common sleeping pill there is Ambien (trade name there is Zolpidem) and usually comes 10 mg pills and they have a box of 30 pills and it's around $20 US dollars for the box.

Viagra they require prescription there. The doctor can write a prescription as it's required. Formally they didn't require a prescription but now they do. I'm not sure how long he will be there but if he was in Rio I'm sure he used all his boner pills there! Rio is probably the funnest city for a single male (or a married one too). Here they can sell them in a blister pack of 4 pills. You can get a prescription for both when you talk to the doctor. NO issues at all getting Viagra or Cialis prescription from any doctor.
Sometimes if you have a prescription bottle that the pills came in, some of the smaller pharmacies will fill it. But it's a crapshoot. My friend had his prescription bottle of Viagra with his name on it and a small pharmacy in Palermo Hollywood filled it. My friend I think gave him some cash on the side but the guy easily filled it.

My friend only uses 50 mg of Viagra (Sildenafil) but he said it was cheaper to buy the 100 mg and break it in half. He also takes sleeping pills and they wouldn't let him use his bottle. But he did a zoom with my therapist and he paid the consult fee and she prescribed him the Zolpidem extended release that he takes. I think it was 12.5 mg. It came in a box of 30 pills.

Not all therapists can write prescriptions however. Just have your friend ask his Airbnb, hotel or pharmacy and most have a doctor that they will refer you to for a consultation. You can pay them with Mercadopay or some take Paypal. There is a guy that my therapist recommended my friend and he charged $75 US but he did a long consultation and he sent the prescriptions to his WhatsApp. All really impressive.

What kind of sleeping pills does he need @Bharat?
Sometimes if you have a prescription bottle that the pills came in, some of the smaller pharmacies will fill it. But it's a crapshoot. My friend had his prescription bottle of Viagra with his name on it and a small pharmacy in Palermo Hollywood filled it. My friend I think gave him some cash on the side but the guy easily filled it.

My friend only uses 50 mg of Viagra (Sildenafil) but he said it was cheaper to buy the 100 mg and break it in half. He also takes sleeping pills and they wouldn't let him use his bottle. But he did a zoom with my therapist and he paid the consult fee and she prescribed him the Zolpidem extended release that he takes. I think it was 12.5 mg. It came in a box of 30 pills.

Not all therapists can write prescriptions however. Just have your friend ask his Airbnb, hotel or pharmacy and most have a doctor that they will refer you to for a consultation. You can pay them with Mercadopay or some take Paypal. There is a guy that my therapist recommended my friend and he charged $75 US but he did a long consultation and he sent the prescriptions to his WhatsApp. All really impressive.

What kind of sleeping pills does he need @Bharat?
Thank you all! Yes, he said he has his prescription bottle for his Viagra. He never tried Cialis and he asked how that different? He say he take Ambien. He said in Rio he ask for Ambien but they say they can only give him Clonazepam (or Klonopin). He got some but he said it doesn't work well for him. He say only Ambien work.

Thanks for good advice to ask Airbnb or hotel. I think he stay in hotel but cheap hotel. I'm not sure they will have a doctor but these good suggestions. I will tell him to ask pharmacy. @Vince you know which pharmacy you friend go for Viagra in Palermo Hollywood? He go there to try. He need more Viagra.
You just need to go see any doctor and he can write a prescription for you. It's not difficult at all. Ask your hotel and they can recommend a physician. Some larger hotels will possibly have a doctor that can visit you to your room or even a Zoom consultation. Visits aren't too cheap at around $50 to $75 US dollars for a consultation but my friend did this when he was staying at the Four Seasons.

Does he need prescription sleeping pills or can he use a Melatonin based sleeping pill that is over the counter? They have some of these but I'm not sure how well they work. They don't have drugs in them. It's all natural I believe. A common sleeping pill there is Ambien (trade name there is Zolpidem) and usually comes 10 mg pills and they have a box of 30 pills and it's around $20 US dollars for the box.

Viagra they require prescription there. The doctor can write a prescription as it's required. Formally they didn't require a prescription but now they do. I'm not sure how long he will be there but if he was in Rio I'm sure he used all his boner pills there! Rio is probably the funnest city for a single male (or a married one too). Here they can sell them in a blister pack of 4 pills. You can get a prescription for both when you talk to the doctor. NO issues at all getting Viagra or Cialis prescription from any doctor.
Yes! I wish I go to Rio after listening to my friend trip. He go to many places like terma. It sound amazing! He say best thing on Earth. I need to try when I go back. Buenos Aires have no terma like Rio no? Argentina have termas too?
Thank you all! Yes, he said he has his prescription bottle for his Viagra. He never tried Cialis and he asked how that different? He say he take Ambien. He said in Rio he ask for Ambien but they say they can only give him Clonazepam (or Klonopin). He got some but he said it doesn't work well for him. He say only Ambien work.

Thanks for good advice to ask Airbnb or hotel. I think he stay in hotel but cheap hotel. I'm not sure they will have a doctor but these good suggestions. I will tell him to ask pharmacy. @Vince you know which pharmacy you friend go for Viagra in Palermo Hollywood? He go there to try. He need more Viagra.

Yes! I wish I go to Rio after listening to my friend trip. He go to many places like terma. It sound amazing! He say best thing on Earth. I need to try when I go back. Buenos Aires have no terma like Rio no? Argentina have termas too?
Hi Bharat. My friend went to this pharmacy here:

He took his Viagra bottle with his name. Keep in mind they asked to see his passport. A photocopy wasn't good so he had to come back to his Airbnb for the actual passport. But they let him get the same # that was on the bottle. He got 30 pills.

Ah Rio! Yes, I used to go before I got married. Rio is the devil's playground. Centaurus is very good there. I'm not sure if Monte Carlo is still there. The city is full of them. They are nice as I still go with my friend as I just go for a normal massage and hang out with him but I don't partake. But he is right it's probably the best invention in the world. Good luck!
Ah, the pharmaceutical trio of Clonazepam, Lorazepam, and Alplax – they're like the VIPs of the prescription world. You can't just flash a copy of a foreign prescription and expect the magic to happen in Argentina (I've tried). Nope, it's the real deal or nothing with actual prescriptions from a doctor.

Legit, original prescriptions are the golden tickets here. Photocopies from foreign lands? Well, they're just not cutting it. So, if you're planning on dancing with these prescription superstars, make sure you've got the official backstage pass – a proper, genuine prescription. Anything less is just a no-go in the prescription fashion show!
Hi Bharat. My friend went to this pharmacy here:

He took his Viagra bottle with his name. Keep in mind they asked to see his passport. A photocopy wasn't good so he had to come back to his Airbnb for the actual passport. But they let him get the same # that was on the bottle. He got 30 pills.

Ah Rio! Yes, I used to go before I got married. Rio is the devil's playground. Centaurus is very good there. I'm not sure if Monte Carlo is still there. The city is full of them. They are nice as I still go with my friend as I just go for a normal massage and hang out with him but I don't partake. But he is right it's probably the best invention in the world. Good luck!
@Vince Ain't NO way you made it inside of a terma in Rio and you just went for the show. LOL. I don't believe you! If you went, odds are you are better off not admitting you went inside. Your wife will NEVER believe you went for the legit massage!

I was sent to Rio de Janeiro back in the early 2000's for work. I lived there for 5 years. Let's just say I am lucky I didn't have a heart attack! Back then there was Help Disco and probably 12 termas. I'm not sure how many are there today but I'm sure there are still many! I have never seen anything like it anywhere in the world. Only place I know where guys at the office would go to for a long lunch. We would eat, session and shower and then head back to the office. Was some crazy times!

You are giving me some great memories! Anyone in for a Guy's Trip to Rio??? Ha.

Thank you all! Yes, he said he has his prescription bottle for his Viagra. He never tried Cialis and he asked how that different? He say he take Ambien. He said in Rio he ask for Ambien but they say they can only give him Clonazepam (or Klonopin). He got some but he said it doesn't work well for him. He say only Ambien work.

Thanks for good advice to ask Airbnb or hotel. I think he stay in hotel but cheap hotel. I'm not sure they will have a doctor but these good suggestions. I will tell him to ask pharmacy. @Vince you know which pharmacy you friend go for Viagra in Palermo Hollywood? He go there to try. He need more Viagra.

Yes! I wish I go to Rio after listening to my friend trip. He go to many places like terma. It sound amazing! He say best thing on Earth. I need to try when I go back. Buenos Aires have no terma like Rio no? Argentina have termas too?
@Bharat if your friend never has taken Cialis he should try it! It lasts up to 36 HOURS.

You can easily go to any doctor and he can prescribe Ambien. I've never had any issues at all getting an Ambien prescription there in Argentina.

Ah Rio! That's a city that I really love. I have an apartment there. I went each month from the late 1990's into the mid 2000's. There was probably not a funner city in the world to be a male than Rio de Janeiro in the late 1990's and early 2000's. I'm sure still very fun but that period was unbeatable!

Rio is still one of the funnest and most beautiful cities in the world. Period. I was just there in July and try to make it there once a year. Just gorgeous!

I am not sure who I was talking to recently about health plans.

But just for info, I was getting until very recently, Viagra on a prescription from the Hospital Aleman.

As it was chronic medication for a problem related to other medication I was taking, I got a 50% discount in the Hospital Pharmacy. You cant complain about that.......
I am not sure who I was talking to recently about health plans.

But just for info, I was getting until very recently, Viagra on a prescription from the Hospital Aleman.

As it was chronic medication for a problem related to other medication I was taking, I got a 50% discount in the Hospital Pharmacy. You cant complain about that.......
That isn't bad at all. How much does it cost there? I come to the USA a few times a year. I am working remote for a USA company and I'm still on my medical plan there as my company pays for it. I don't really use my policy other than prescription medications. That's one of the bright shining stars for some common prescriptions. I only pay $14 USD for 30 100 mg Viagra pills. I can get 90 pills at a time so I get them when I go back for the holidays or a few times a year when I go back to visit the folks.
Hi Bharat. My friend went to this pharmacy here:

He took his Viagra bottle with his name. Keep in mind they asked to see his passport. A photocopy wasn't good so he had to come back to his Airbnb for the actual passport. But they let him get the same # that was on the bottle. He got 30 pills.

Ah Rio! Yes, I used to go before I got married. Rio is the devil's playground. Centaurus is very good there. I'm not sure if Monte Carlo is still there. The city is full of them. They are nice as I still go with my friend as I just go for a normal massage and hang out with him but I don't partake. But he is right it's probably the best invention in the world. Good luck!
I can confirm that this pharmacy will allow Viagra prescriptions here. A friend from the UK came and he had a prescription and showed his empty bottle and they allowed a 30 day prescription.
I can confirm that this pharmacy will allow Viagra prescriptions here. A friend from the UK came and he had a prescription and showed his empty bottle and they allowed a 30 day prescription.
Larry do you know if they would fill any other type of medication? I am taking an SSRI for anxiety and I won't go back to Canada for 2 months. Will they allow any other prescriptions?
Larry do you know if they would fill any other type of medication? I am taking an SSRI for anxiety and I won't go back to Canada for 2 months. Will they allow any other prescriptions?
You should be able to go to most hospitals or public clinics and consult with a physician. Most pharmacists won't prescribe anything other than very common medications. I would think something like this you would need to schedule a visit with a doctor. But doctor visits are very affordable and they can write a prescription for you. It is very easy and cheap.
You should be able to go to most hospitals or public clinics and consult with a physician. Most pharmacists won't prescribe anything other than very common medications. I would think something like this you would need to schedule a visit with a doctor. But doctor visits are very affordable and they can write a prescription for you. It is very easy and cheap.
Buenos Aires has to be one of the easiest places to go and see a doctor for a very affordable price. And doctors will prescribe whatever you might need and of course if you have existing medications a doctor won't have issues writing a prescription for you.
All private hospitals offer a "walk-in service" called in spanish "Demanda Espontanea", You don’t need to make an appointment; you just show up, pay for a consultation with a doctor, and get seen right away. This service is mostly used for things like prescription requests.