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Real Estate Sales Caputo announced that properties under construction can be purchased with money from money laundering - La Nacion Propiedades


Caputo announced that properties under construction can be purchased with money from money laundering: “credits are going to explode” - La Nacion Propiedades


July 08, 2024

How money laundering and economic measures could benefit the real estate market

By Fernando Torres Ullmer


Caputo met with developers and announced that properties under construction can be purchased with the money laundering - Rodrigo Nespolo

The Minister of Economy, Luis “Toto” Caputo , met with the Chamber of Urban Developers (CEDU) to discuss key points of the money laundering scheme , involved in the tax package . The meeting took place in the auditorium of the Malba , where it was discussed how this economic measure could benefit both developers and borrowers.

One of the first topics discussed at the meeting was new construction, to assess whether it would be included in the new money laundering . The president of the CEDU, Damián Tabakman , asked the Minister of Economy about this topic and Caputo replied: “The real estate sector mobilizes the economy; the main objective is to invest .”

The response of “Toto” Caputo was celebrated by the attendees since it is expected that the money laundering will activate the sale of new construction . “ The big news was the money laundering for our sector . The law did not say anything specific about investment in bricks. So we asked the minister if the regulations were going to address it and the response was positive,” Tabakman told LA NACION .


Minister Luis Caputo arrives at the Casa Rosada - Rodrigo Nespolo - THE NATION

In line with this, the second issue raised by the President of the Chamber was the following: the sector needs banks to provide financing to developers for new construction.

Mortgage loans are only for used homes, they have no point of contact with developers . Because if someone wants to take out a loan to buy an apartment in a new construction, they cannot mortgage that unit that is yet to be built. So I told that to the minister. And he responded that "there will be a credit boom in Argentina ", said Tabakman.

In this regard, the minister added: “ It is a task that the banks will undertake . What better way to lend to this sector that makes safe investments.”

Regarding mortgage loans for housing under construction , the executive director of the Chamber, Mali Vázquez, said: “ This topic was discussed because it is a very important tool to reactivate the sector and generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs.”

Regarding what was discussed, will any measure be reflected in the short term? “Yes, the money laundering, yes. It has an immediate impact. And the other thing, which is going to happen, is the bank loans, he told us that it is going to happen,” said Tabakman.

How the future of the economy will affect the real estate sector

Luis Caputo explained that “we are facing a unique opportunity , because it is the first time that there has been a political decision to do things right ” and also added that they have the “conviction of not deviating from the path.”


The Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, at the Expo EFI economic congress

On the other hand, in relation to the speed of the recovery, the minister said: “That will be defined by the private sector, which will have to do with whether it is understood that it is time to invest.” He also stated that once there is a surplus, the tax cut will be “returned to the people .” In relation to the lifting of the restrictions , the Minister of Economy said that all the conditions are in place to carry it out.

I figured this was coming. The last amnesty people bought a lot of real estate. But I don't believe people could buy new construction.