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Politics CGT act: the streets that will be affected this Wednesday the 24th - Infobae


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CGT act: the streets that will be affected this Wednesday the 24th - Infobae



January 24, 2024

The bus, train and subway service will be suspended for 5 hours, between today at 7 p.m. and midnight on Thursday.

One of the last national strikes organized by the CGT (Nicolás Stulberg)

This Wednesday, January 24, the general strike called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) will take place against the modifications to labor legislation that include the DNU for deregulation of the economy and the Omnibus Law project, called “Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines”, promoted by the Government of Javier Milei.

The protest was decided weeks ago, just 18 days before the new government took office, after a meeting of the Confederal Central Committee at the historic headquarters on Azopardo Street, where all union sectors participated, from the most pro-dialogue to the most opponents.

Where and at what time is the CGT event

The measure of force, which involves a mobilization towards the National Congress, will begin at 12 noon and will end at midnight, affecting the normal functioning of various activities and services in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. The event itself will begin at 2:30 p.m. with the reading of a document in which the decision to call the strike will be justified, warning about the first measures of the Milei Government and their social and economic consequences. There will only be two speakers: Héctor Daer and Pablo Moyano .


The streets that will be closed during the CGT mobilization

The CGT event will be in the Plaza de los Dos Congresos, so the streets near the Legislative Palace will be blocked. In addition, the arrival of the protesters will affect the circulation of Avenida de Mayo and 9 Julio.

In fact, Avenida de Mayo will be the main entrance for the protesters who will head towards Congress. In addition, it was organized that there be secondary entrances: these will be through Hipólito Yrigoyen and Rivadavia avenues; and Sáenz Peña, Paraná, Virrey Ceballos, Montevideo, Solís and R. Peña streets. In addition, there will be ambulances located on Entre Ríos and Callao avenues.

In turn, there will be two streets completely closed, that is, those located on the sides of the National Congress. They are: Avenida Rivadavia between Avenida Callao and Riobamba; and Avenida Rivadavia between Avenida Entre Ríos and Combate de los Pozos.

Beyond having the presence of ambulances, there will also be a Red Cross post and a hydration station that will be available for protesters.

How public transport and services will work during the general strike
The Automotive Tram Union (UTA) announced that, tomorrow, the buses will operate normally until 7 p.m. The UTA's decision was informed by a press release signed by its head, Roberto Fernández, who is a member of the General Union of Transport Workers' Union Associations (UGATT), which decided to guarantee public passenger transportation on the day of the general strike for “ Facilitate the possibility of concentrating and deconcentrating” the protesters and clarified that they will only stop “after 12 in the branches of activity of cargo transportation and logistics.” At the end of the mobilization, the service will resume at midnight on Thursday.

Through a statement, the Union Association of Subway and Premetro Workers (AGTSYP-Metrodelegates) reported its support for the strike called by the CGT. According to the union, the subway lines and the Premetro will operate until 7 p.m. From that time until midnight, the service will be interrupted.

According to the union, the subway lines and the Premetro will operate until 7 p.m. From that time until midnight, the service will be interrupted. “The DNU and the Omnibus Law affect the vast majority of Argentine society and only benefit transnational capital and the large concentrated economic groups of our country. We are not going to allow this brutal adjustment or give up any of our achievements,” says the metrodelegates' statement.

For its part, the Argentine Confederation of Transport Workers (CATT), led by Sergio Sasia (Unión Ferroviaria), held a plenary session last week in which, in addition to the “total and absolute rejection” of the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU ) and the Omnibus Law of the Javier Milei government, confirmed that, “in the spirit of facilitating the concentration and deconcentration of all those who wish to participate and accompany the call”, public passenger transportation will be guaranteed until 7 p.m.

There will also be no air transportation between 12 and 24 hours. The measure of force includes the unions of the aeronautical sector, affecting flights and airports nationwide.

Meanwhile, the waste collection service will operate until 12, as will the banks. On the other hand, there will be no courier service, the post office will not make deliveries.

Regarding the operation of hospitals, only emergency wards will attend. While medical appointments and scheduled surgeries will be cancelled.