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Politics CGT strike: the labor union and the Ministry of Security agreed to “guarantee a peaceful act” - Infobae


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CGT strike: the labor union and the Ministry of Security agreed to “guarantee a peaceful act” - Infobae


January 23, 2024

Union representatives, authorities of the National Government and the City Police held a meeting this Monday to agree on the organization of the mobilization on Wednesday the 24th.

The CGT prepares for the strike on January 24

48 hours after the first national strike against the government of Javier Milei , representatives of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) held a meeting with authorities from the Ministry of National Security and the Police of the City of Buenos Aires to agree on the organization of the mobilization and “guarantee a peaceful act” next Wednesday, January 24 .

In the face of the measure of force in rejection of the DNU of deregulation of the economy - which includes the labor reform - and the Omnibus Law , the labor union reported that at the meeting it was agreed that the columns of protesters "will enter through Avenida de May from Avenida 9 de Julio to Plaza del Congreso, guaranteeing the circulation of firefighters, ambulances, emergency cars and the entry and exit of fronters along the entire route.”

To avoid chaos, the CGT asked the authorities of the Buenos Aires Government to “exercise strict control over the actions of the security forces operating in the place, in order to guarantee the peaceful development of the event without incurring provocations and/or "aggressions " and it was also requested to be able to "install the box on Entre Ríos Street and from there carry out the event towards the interior of the Plaza del Congreso, leaving circulation space on Entre Ríos Avenue," they explained in a statement.

The union center stressed that it will seek to guarantee “the safety of all colleagues who attend and the normal development of the activities of the residents of the affected areas . ”

"The workers will demonstrate in peace and order, to petition Congress that the Deputies assume the political responsibility of complying with the popular mandate, guaranteeing the full exercise of all constitutional rights ," they concluded in view of Wednesday's general strike that It will also have the presence of social movements and picketing organizations.

The City Government asked the CGT to "detail measures of the stage to be located on the Plaza del Congreso, allowing free circulation of traffic on Entre Ríos Avenue." Regarding the actions of the security force, Jorge Macri's administration clarified: “We will act with all constitutional tools so that no one violates current regulations or commits contraventions, preventively promoting compliance with said regulations, documenting actions, reporting them, and /or making them cease as appropriate . "

It may interest you:Luis Brandoni was on Juana Viale's program and talked about the “failure” of the CGT strike

Last night, in statements to Todo Noticias (TN) , the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich , recalled the validity of the anti-picketing protocol : “It is for everyone because there are marches throughout the country.” And she pointed out that the march should be done “on the sidewalk.” “When they get to Congress we will try to cut as few streets as possible, according to the number of people there are,” she added.

Patricia Bullrich (Franco Fafasuli)

In this framework, he assumes that the event will not be as popular because “people are fed up with pressure and extortionists.” The criticism is against the union leaders who, after being absent during the Government of Alberto Fernández, will return to the streets less than two months after Milei took office. “We already know this, now those who kept their mouths shut for 4 years are beginning to complain. When they govern they take care of their interests and do not stop, when someone else governs they begin to extort. The country cannot take this anymore, I think there will be enormous resistance to unemployment,” she concluded.

In the same vein, the Buenos Aires Government issued a statement highlighting that "vehicular traffic cannot be interrupted , participation with the face covered in an intimidating manner will not be permitted, and the use of sticks or blunt elements will not be permitted, nor will there be children allowed in the marches.”

With information from Agencia Télam.