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Politics CGT strike: there are no subways or trains, but many shops, shopping malls and supermarkets are open - Infobae

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CGT strike: there are no subways or trains, but many shops, shopping malls and supermarkets are open - Infobae​



May 09, 2024

Activity was affected by workers who could not travel due to the measures that affected transportation. However, several bus lines are operational and the private sector practically did not join the unions' protest against the Government.

By Federico Etienot

Coto, on Avenida Santa Fe, with its doors open and operating normally despite the strike (Photo: Adrián Escandar)
The unions that make up the CGT expected one of the most widely followed strikes in recent years for this Thursday. However, reality ended up showing another side: after more than 12 hours, the measure of force was felt only in the sectors affected by the paralysis of transportation , which was not total. Several bus lines resisted the pressure and functioned normally throughout the morning, unlike trains, subways and planes that were paralyzed except for the low-cost FlyBondi that operated from Ezeiza.

Private activity did not join the call of the unions. Shopping malls, supermarkets, large chains and even neighborhood businesses are open , some of them with a regular influx of customers, as Infobae was able to corroborate in a tour of the main avenues. Also, most service stations worked normally and refueled motorists.

Private schools were open and managed to guarantee teachers in the classrooms to replace those who could not travel or decided to join the strike.

The exception was the banks whose workers, led by trade unionist K Sergio Palazzo, joined the strike.

Nor did the state offices open, something predictable, taking into account that the sector's unions participated in the call for the protest.

Branch of the Rodó appliance chain, on Avenida Santa Fe

Buses circulating through CABA despite the strike

Order DeliveryNow removing an order from a McDonalds location, which is working normally

In a few lines:​

13:15 hsTODAY
The Government questioned the strike and stated that “a strike based on stones, extortion and threats is not a strike.”

The presidential spokesman, Manuel Adorni, stated that there were acts of violence to prevent people from reaching their workplaces. He stated that since Javier Milei took office there have been “more strikes than laws”

Manuel Adorni referred to the general strike of the CGT
The national government today rejected the general strike carried out by the CGT , the second since Javier Milei took office last December, and assured that there were acts of violence to prevent employees from reaching their workplaces. In addition, he spoke of union leaders “who have been living off the efforts of others for 40 years” and stated that the current administration has “more strikes than laws” passed.

12:50 hsTODAY
Debate in the Senate, live: Union por la Patria legislators joined the strike and did not show up to discuss the fiscal package

The legislators of the Upper House analyze the measures promoted by the government of Javier Milei

ByDavid Cayon

This was stated this Thursday by Senator Oscar Parilli, who ratified his intention and that of his colleagues to oppose the bill promoted by the government of Javier Milei. As he explained, they will do so because they consider that this does not propose solutions for “the serious problems that Argentina has.”

12:40 hsTODAY
General strike: a labor judge determined that bus companies are not obliged to comply with 50% of the service

He pointed out that DNU 70 is invalidated in its labor chapter where it was established as an obligation. It was in a case that the UTA initiated against the Dota company, which determined that its drivers had to provide the service in today's strike

By Martin Angulo

Justice said that bus companies are not obliged to provide 50% of the service (Adrián Escandar)

National labor judge José Ignacio Ramonet said today that bus companies are not obliged to provide 50 percent of their services today due to the general strike. He did so by ratifying that the decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) 70 is invalidated in its labor chapter where this benefit was established.

12:22 hsTODAY
The general strike affected the Argentine automotive industry


Many of the companies were affected by SMATA's force measure

Toyota stopped its Zárate plant last night at 10 p.m. to give employees time to return home without problems. They are not going to resume production until 12 midnight tonight, and at 2 in the morning they estimate that the night shift will be functional.
General Motors had planned to produce at the Alvear plant, Santa Fe, but between 5 and 7 in the morning they had a SMATA blockage and had to suspend production for the rest of the day.
Likewise, Volkswagen sources said that they are not producing cars in Pacheco or gearboxes in Córdoba. And Ford , Pacheco plant, is also stopped by SMATA, they will resume tomorrow at 6 in the morning according to sector sources.
For their part, Renault and Nissan are also stopped by SMATA at the Santa Isabel Plant in Córdoba. They resume tomorrow in the first shift at 6 in the morning.
The impact on FIAT, Peugeot and Citroën is different , which already had their own reasons to stop production.
While Peugeot and Citroën, in Palomar, had already stopped yesterday due to lack of imported parts delayed by the floods in Brazil, so the strike did not affect them either. They were already stopped a day before. The same thing happened with the FIAT plant in Ferreyra, Córdoba.

By Diego Zorrero

12:19 hsTODAY
Images of the general strike from the Infobae drone

This is what the streets, highways and transport stations look like, this Thursday, May 9

12:03 hsTODAY
General strike of the CGT: what is compliance like, province by province

The degree of activity is uneven in the most important districts of the country. How the measure of force influences the means of transportation and other public services

The train service is affected by the general strike of the CGT (Photo: Gustavo Gavotti)

The CGT, together with the support of the two CTA, today carries out the second general strike since Javier Milei took office on December 10. With the accession of the transport unions, the union measure is strongly felt in the AMBA, although several businesses opened their doors normally.

12:00 hsTODAY
Mendoza: services are provided normally


The transportation service in Mendoza works normally (Government of Mendoza)
In Mendoza the transportation service is guaranteed from the early hours of the morning. Metrotram and routes of the Mendoza Transportation Society (Group 100) operate with usual frequencies, 100% of the services. The rest of the routes in the metropolitan area of Greater Mendoza, medium and long provincial distance, with frequencies greater than 75%.
Teacher presenteeism during the day registers 98.6% . In the Health system, attendance is greater than 98% in public providers. All hospitals are operational . Care in the on-call and outpatient clinics is carried out without problems.
In the Public Administration, all state departments and services function normally. The offices of the Civil Registry and the Tax Administration of Mendoza (ATM) function normally.

11:50 hsTODAY
The Government responded to “Pollo” Sobrero for his proposal for a 36-hour strike

The Government responded to "Pollo" Sobrero for his proposal for a 36-hour strike

In his usual press conference, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, made reference to the statements of Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero, a representative of Unión Ferroviaria, who stated that if they do not get a response from the national government, they will call for a 36-hour strike. .
I don't understand what response they expect to define an action to follow. We barely understand from the political side the reasons for this strike, much less are we going to interpret what they want from us by threatening a 36-hour strike . And without fully understanding that those who are harmed are those who need to work the most and have their day as normal as possible,” said the Government spokesperson.
Likewise, he maintained: “ What they are doing is an attack on people's pockets and freedom. At this moment in Argentina, a strike of any kind is crazy. But when they comment on what the answer they want is, according to what the answer they expect is, it will be the corresponding portfolio that answers their question. That the question must be relevant, because to propose a 36-hour strike, which will probably affect those who most need to go to work, must be very important .

11:41 hsTODAY
Shopping malls are open


Shopping malls and some important commercial chains did not join the strike

Finally, shopping malls and the main commercial chains opened their doors . However, the activity is disparate and depends on each particular location due to the inconveniences caused by the strike on trains and subways .

11:14 hsTODAY
Jorge Macri: “The effort of those who work does not stop”

The head of Government, Jorge Macri, expressed his rejection of the general strike of the CGT
The head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri , used his social networks to share a statement, titled “the effort of those who work does not stop”, in rejection of the general strike of the CGT, this Thursday, throughout the country.
Millions of working Argentinians today lose their day of work, presenteeism, overtime, job openings. The kiosk that opens and is not going to sell, the grandfather who has to go to the doctor but cannot leave his house, the work that stops because some bricklayer has no way to get there, the business that raises its blinds and opens anyway, even though he knows that it is a day when things are going to go badly for him,” begins the text published by the Buenos Aires mayor.
Furthermore, he maintained: “On the other side, a few who celebrate, while defending their privileges at the expense of the country becoming increasingly poorer. The arrogance of unionism , after 4 years of stunning silence, no longer represents those who are making a great effort and fighting despite the difficult situation we are experiencing.”
The prophets of decline only put spokes in the wheel .” He doesn't get ahead by stopping, blocking, extorting. There is a change of era in Argentina: it is the resistance of all that we do not stop today because for us the hope of a better country comes first. And that is achieved through hard work and effort,” concludes the text shared by Jorge Macri on his personal account on the social network X.

The publication of the Head of the Buenos Aires Government

11:13 hsTODAY
Hugo “Cachorro” Godoy: “The action measures will continue if the Government does not respond”


Hugo “Puppy” Godoy

The Secretary General of ATE and the Autonomous CTA, Hugo “Cachorro” Godoy , spoke about the impact of this Thursday's general strike, called by the CGT .
The strike is being carried out with a high level of support from workers . The situation is serious enough and it is essential that Argentine society expresses its rejection of the Government more and more every day ,” said the union leader, in statements to radio Splendid.
In this sense, he added: “ The call shows a degree of unity that ratifies collective action in our town . ” Action measures will continue if the Government does not respond. Milei was elected to govern a republic, not by DNU and decrees. This affects democracy itself .”
The Government will not be able to impose fear , as happened in the dictatorship. The forcefulness of unity in the call for strike. The worst thing you can do, in this situation, is to stay still,” said Godoy.

10:59 hsTODAY
The Chamber of Senators will resume the commissions beyond the strike

In the Chamber of Senators the committees for the treatment of the Bases Law will resume
The Senate returns to committees on a day of national strike and the doubt was what was going to happen to the Chamber workers. Inside it is observed that those who are dedicated to cleaning are present, as well as the employees of the internal security of the Palace .
Certain absences are noticeable , since the room where coffee is usually prepared for these moments has a padlock on the door, a few minutes before the scheduled start time of the Budget committee.
The same thing happened with the senators who were scheduled for 10 in the morning and 20 minutes later and with the Blue room ready, they had not yet shown up . The striking fact is that federal forces were mobilized outside the building.
Yesterday, I had stationed two Federal Police buses on Alsina Street, a few meters from Entre Ríos . This morning the number rose to 5 buses.

10:41 hsTODAY
Two airlines are operating despite the general strike


Flybondi is one of the airlines that is active, beyond the general strike (REUTERS/Miguel Lo Bianco)
Within the framework of the general strike called by the CGT , the fact that Intercargo – a key company for the ground services needed by aircraft – adhered to the measure meant that airlines could not operate, with the exception of those that have ramp personnel. own . This is the case of only two airline companies, American Airlines and Flybondi , and in the case of Buenos Aires they can only do so from the Ezeiza airport .
The lack of activity is due to the fact that the Association of Airline Pilots (APLA) , the Association of Aeronautical Technicians (APTA), the Union of Senior Personnel (UPSA) and the Association of Aeronautical Personnel (APA) joined the strike , since These workers are the ones who perform ground tasks and provide ramp services, as well as baggage handlers and controllers.
Flybondi and American Airlines are the only two airlines that were able to maintain their activity. By having their own ramp service in Ezeiza, they were able to maintain some services, while Aerolíneas Argentinas, Jesmart, Latam and the rest of the international companies that operate with services from abroad to the country, they canceled their operations for the day.
The Flybondi company had already warned in the last few hours that “in order to operate on Thursday the 9th we are going to concentrate all our flights at the Ezeiza airport , where we have our own handling service (ramp). In any case, there will be rescheduling and cancellations of some flights due to the strike of air traffic controllers that will stop all activity for 2 time windows and due to the Intercargo service that provides us with the ramp at some airports in the country (as is the case of Aeroparque)”.
In fact, the low cost company recommended its passengers to see the status of the flight through its official site .

10:23 hsTODAY
Image gallery: how the CGT general strike affects the Metropolitan Area

The unions had promised total compliance, but private activity functions normally. Activity was affected by workers who could not travel due to the measures that affected subways and trains. Several bus lines circulate through AMBA despite union pressure

Corrientes Avenue, with intense traffic

10:06 hsTODAY
The Government assured that 40% of the buses are working and Bullrich described the CGT strike as “the strike of weakness”

The Minister of Security warned about “mafia acts”, such as the savage attacks against the DOTA company or factories that are blocked, and left a message to the labor union: “Stop screwing around and go to work”

The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich, got on a bus that decided not to stop. She couldn't get a ticket: her Sube didn't have a balance (Maximiliano Luna)
The Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , assured today that the CGT strike , the second organized by the labor union against the libertarian government, is “ the strike of weakness ,” and warned about “mafia acts,” such as savage attacks . against the DOTA company or factories that are blocked. In turn, the Secretary of Transportation, Franco Mogetta , stated that “ 40% of the buses are working .”

09:43 hsTODAY
“Sindigarcas, sons of bitches is not enough”: José Luis Espert insulted the CGT for the general strike

The official deputy raised the tone of his criticism with a message on social networks, in the midst of the second strike of the labor union against the Government of Javier Milei

José Luis Espert together with Javier Milei.

True to his style, the official deputy José Luis Espert today insulted the union leaders for the general strike that has been in force since midnight, the second protest they have carried out in just 5 months of Javier Milei's Government.

09:29 hsTODAY
“I don't stop”: Javier Milei's first expression at the beginning of the CGT strike

The President used his social networks to question the union measure carried out by the labor union. He did it with a doctored photo

President Javier Milei today replied to a message of his that he had published last night criticizing the general strike of the CGT , the second carried out by the labor union in just 5 months of the new Government. The peculiarity is that he did it with a doctored photo.

09:13 hsTODAY
“Pollo” Sobrero threatens a 36-hour strike if there are no responses from the national government

The delegate of the Railway Union warned that they are already planning a new measure of force in case of not advancing in an agreement with the Executive, "I always said that the workers were being attacked," said the leader.

Rubén "El Pollo" Sobrero, this Thursday in Constitución (Photo: Maximiliano Luna)

The general secretary of the western section of the Railway Union, Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero, warned about the possibility of calling a “ 36-hour strike ” in the event of this Thursday's strike, called by the General Confederation of Labor ( CGT) , was unable to obtain a satisfactory response from the national government .

08:53 hsTODAY
Without trains, subways and flights but with bus movement


The train stations are with little movement, as a result of the CGT strike (Maximiliano Luna)

The general strike called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) for this Thursday, May 9, affects the majority of transport services, due to strong compliance by the unions that bring together the workers of each sector .
The Union Association of Subway and Premetro Workers confirmed that they will adhere to the force measure, so that the service will be suspended. There will also be no train service, given that the main unions such as Unión Ferroviaria will join the strike. The Fraternity did the same . While the Air Line Pilots Association (APLA) ratified its participation in the workers' call. T he pilots affiliated with the union will not fly this Thursday, May 9, and Aerolíneas Argentinas confirmed that no flights will be made on that date.
Although the Automotive Tram Union ( UTA ) adheres to the force measure, some bus lines operate normally. It was assured that there will be 42 bus lines that will provide service this Thursday. However, the DOTA company indicated that there are 70 lines in operation.
The lines that will circulate with their respective routes, among others, will be: 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 44, 50, 51, 56, 57, 74, 76, 78, 79, 84, 87, 91, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 111, 115, 117, 127, 130, 134, 135, 146, 150, 161, 164, 177 and 188 .


Sin trenes, subtes y vuelos pero con movimiento de colectivos​

The train stations are with little movement, as a result of the CGT strike (Maximiliano Luna)
The train stations are with little movement, as a result of the CGT strike (Maximiliano Luna)
The general strike called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) for this Thursday, May 9, affects the majority of transport services, due to strong compliance by the unions that bring together the workers of each sector .
The Union Association of Subway and Premetro Workers confirmed that they will adhere to the force measure, so that the service will be suspended. There will also be no train service, given that the main unions such as Unión Ferroviaria will join the strike. The Fraternity did the same . While the Air Line Pilots Association (APLA) ratified its participation in the workers' call. T he pilots affiliated with the union will not fly this Thursday, May 9, and Aerolíneas Argentinas confirmed that no flights will be made on that date.
Although the Automotive Tram Union ( UTA ) adheres to the force measure, some bus lines operate normally. It was assured that there will be 42 bus lines that will provide service this Thursday. However, the DOTA company indicated that there are 70 lines in operation.
The lines that will circulate with their respective routes, among others, will be: 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 44, 50, 51, 56, 57, 74, 76, 78, 79, 84, 87, 91, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 111, 115, 117, 127, 130, 134, 135, 146, 150, 161, 164, 177 and 188 .

Some bus lines are running, despite the general strike (Gutavo Gavotti)

Some bus lines are running, despite the general strike (Gutavo Gavotti)

08:35 hsTODAY
Who are the “anti-unemployment” unionists who criticize the CGT and defend the course of the Milei government

Dante Camaño, Facundo Lancioni Kaprow and Marcelo Peretta explained to Infobae why they do not adhere to this Thursday's strike, although they showed differences over some official measures. The economy and labor reform, under the magnifying glass of these leaders

By Ricardo Carpena

Dante Camaño, Facundo Lancioni and Marcelo Peretta

In the midst of the wave of union adhesions to the general strike of the CGT this Thursday, a group of union leaders decided not to join the strike and criticize the methodology of protest against the government of Javier Milei, even though some also question the official policies .

08:30 hsTODAY
The national government enabled line 134 for complaints

This Thursday a general strike called by the CGT will take place

The national government enabled telephone line 134 to report if a person is forced to stop this Thursday, May 9 . The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, spoke this Thursday on her social networks, warning that “Let's not let them break everything we are achieving. We are going to take care of everyone who goes to work. Call 134 and report.”
It is worth remembering that in the train stations blue posters were displayed at the top of the screens, highlighting the anti-demonstration campaign with anonymous complaints to line 134.
Likewise, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni confirmed yesterday that line 134 remains open to “report extortion . ” He also announced that those state employees who stop this May 9 due to the force measure called by the CGT, will have the day discounted .

Patricia Bullrich's publication on the social network

08:08 hsTODAY
Patricia Bullrich's request that Milei supported at the beginning of the strike: “Let's not stop today”

This Thursday, public transportation services, airports, banks, hospitals, schools, among others, will be suspended.

Bullrich asked citizens to take into account the consequences that unemployment would generate in society (EFE)

After the general strike called by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) began for this Thursday, May 9, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich , asked Argentine citizens to join in fighting the measure of force imposed by the unionists. . “Today let's not stop,” she proposed through a statement that she received the immediate support of President Javier Milei .

07:52 hsTODAY
The Government announced that the day will be discounted for state employees who join the strike on May 9

In advance of the force measure, the presidential spokesperson, Manuel Adorni, communicated the official decision and considered that "tomorrow those who want to continue making Argentina a path of servitude will stop."

Adorni announced that the Government will deduct the day from state employees who join the May 9 strike
Within hours of the general strike promoted by the CGT for this May 9, the national government announced that the day will be deducted from state workers who adhere to the measure of force. In any case, he clarified that the discount will only be applied to those who do not attend due to unemployment and not to those who cannot reach their workplaces due to the lack of public transportation.


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