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Real Estate News Challenge: The cases that create projects in unexpected areas and build cities where no one would do it - La nación Propiedades


Challenge: The cases that create projects in unexpected areas and build cities where no one would do it - La nación Propiedades



October 23, 2023

Successful developers tell how it is possible to change the environment of an area and the challenge of building where no one else does.

By Victoria Aranda


Quartier District in Retiro is one of the developers' examples of creating projects in unthinkable areas

In general, they are carried out in marginalized or overlooked areas. The different cases that were addressed at a meeting organized by the University of San Andrés, in Victoria, and that were presented as developments that change the environment, agreed that they were in degraded areas, although for different reasons and scales.

Indeed, the experiences shared by Carlos Spina, from Argencons; Horacio Parga (h), from Edisur; Jorge Cruces, from IRSA, and Ignacio Ruiz Jáuregui, from Consultatio, were and are being executed in spaces until recently ignored by cities . And as for its impact, the truth is that the history of each case is, at the same time, the history of the environment. And the challenges of the developer .

Inside-out transformations​

Horacio Parga, director of the Cordoban company Edisur, chooses to refer to Manantiales, a project 10 minutes from the provincial capital that, approximately in 15 years, will have 120,000 inhabitants, confirming that it is the degraded lands that offer the greatest possibilities; especially for large-scale projects. “In relation to the challenges, there are several. First of all, there is the fact of talking to the public sector, which is very important,” he explains, in reference to the challenges involved in the execution of a project , the characteristics listed, to which other particularities are added: “ “Manantiales is an open neighborhood, integrated into the community ,” he points out.

“Thus, the challenge of transparency is posed; the challenge of speaking with public service entities - water, electricity - and the challenge of added value, density and percentages and the balance with the city," he continues, before referring to the alliances that must also be established with others. non-public sectors such as education and health.


The Consultatio project on Huergo Avenue at 400

For his part, Ignacio Ruiz Jauregui cites two Consultatio experiences. The first is Huergo 475, which emerges as an interpretation of Paseo del Bajo, in an area that connects Puerto Madero with the historic center. “It is an area with little urban residential life,” he describes, pointing out that, on the other hand, it is a location surrounded by 10 universities.

“It is focused on the neonomadic segment,” he specifies, sharing that it was thought so that whoever lives there “does not live in an apartment, but rather lives in a project ,” before referring to the amenities that are distributed “along ” of the building on different floors. “Space was also given for a public square,” she adds, referring to the dialogue with the public.

In that sense, Ruiz Jauregui cites Puertos, the second Consultatio experience that he shared with the audience and panel, always in the context of projects that impact the environment. “It is 20 years away,” he introduces, before citing the scale of the initiative, whose area is 1,400 hectares, 600 of which are lakes and which include an ecological reserve.

“Growth is from the inside out,” he says, explaining that it is proposed as a “host, friendly and responsible” space, in relation to the community. Along these lines, it should be noted that Escobar, where Puertos is located, is the fastest growing municipality in the province of Buenos Aires. “And also, there will be the new MALBA headquarters,” he adds, referring to the cultural impact.

Old and new experiences​

Representing IRSA, Jorge Cruces refers to consolidated projects that have already caused a high impact in their respective contexts. One case is Shopping Abasto, located in a more than degraded area in Buenos Aires in the 90s and where today, after the contribution of the shopping center, and “based on a change in density, it adds developments.”


El Abasto is already showing its first changes. In the foreground, the shopping center and, behind, the profile of the new residential towers

The other example he alludes to is Alto Rosario, located in what was a railway space in the middle of the city of Santa Fe that literally divided it . “It was an urban barrier,” defines Cruces. “Today it is a place that allows people to go from one place to the other, in addition to visiting it especially,” he continues, detailing that since it has open spaces, it positioned itself a lot during the pandemic.


Render of the real estate project that Irsa will build on the grounds of the former Boca Sports City

But, in addition to already proven cases, Cruces also refers to Costa Urbana, the company's initiative that will be built in the former Boca Sports City (CDB) . “First, we believed in Puerto Madero, where we participated in different ventures,” he introduces. “In '97, '98, the possibility of purchasing the CBD arose, where we noticed the great attractiveness of the ecological reserve,” he continues.

Specifically, Cruces indicates, there are 71/73 hectares “of sound and vegetation in a place that mobilizes.” According to the executive, the approach involves asking how it will relate to the city and interact with the river. “It is a property blocks from Plaza de Mayo and that touches the water,” he emphasizes, pointing out that it is a project to dream of in 15, 20 or 25 years.


Distrito Quartier, the real estate development in the Retiro area.

In turn, Carlos Spina refers to the Quartier District, and focuses on an already mentioned work that was defining for the initiative: the Paseo del Bajo. “He took out the trucks ,” he says, in relation to the effect it had on the location of this initiative, located exactly at Comodoro Pedro Zanni 351 which, before and with heavy traffic, was “Comanche territory, no man's land.”

“Before we start, we believe what is going to happen,” declares Spina, explaining that, in some way, those involved in the initiative planned the transformation of that marginal postcard. Along these lines, the Argencons manager maintains that the Quartier District, with Puerto Madero and Catalinas, make up a macro area, which can be recovered for the neighbor and which, in addition, has different interconnection points with the river.

The holistic and humanistic view​

The closing of the meeting at the University of San Andrés was led by Eduardo Costantini, who was present through a video call. In this way, he answered what led him to become a developer. “I started looking at properties as an investment alternative and paying attention to the attributes of the buildings. In some way, it was the same as with the Art that I started as a collector and ended up creating with a museum”, begins the owner of Consultatio and referring to his experience with MALBA.

“Placing emphasis on the use value of the property and not only on the financial investment, thinking that the best attributes mean a better quality of life , looking from the location to the construction quality or the width of the building,” he continues, before to give a definition about the role of the entrepreneur and his activity: “We create habitat.”


Nordelta is a town city created by Eduardo Costantini in Tigre

“When building a proposal, the ethical, the aesthetic, and the preservation of the environment come into play. You have to have a holistic and humanistic view that also closes from an economic point of view. And that is a way to help the country,” responds the head of Consultatio, asked about the contribution that each person can make to get out of the crisis.

“At Consultatio our axiom is honesty, being an honest company with our clients, our suppliers and always trying to do the best,” he continues, always in relation to how to get out of prostration. “And then, I think the important thing is that everyone has to do their part,” she concludes.


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