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Hello Everyone

After hours and hours trying to find a company that will deliver their toys here to Argentina for my daughter's first birthday I have given up.

Much like most things here at the moment, I have found that childrens toys are in general either poor quality or crazy prices, and I am desperate to find something at least half decent for my little girl's first birthday.

Unfortunately not only do I not have the money but I could not bring myself to pay £100 for something that I could get in the UK for £10, so I am stuck.

Do any of you kind and wise expats know of any company that will send their toys to Argentina, or alternatively a shop here with good quality bits at good prices.

As always, very thankful for your help.
Hello Everyone

After hours and hours trying to find a company that will deliver their toys here to Argentina for my daughter's first birthday I have given up.

Much like most things here at the moment, I have found that childrens toys are in general either poor quality or crazy prices, and I am desperate to find something at least half decent for my little girl's first birthday.

Unfortunately not only do I not have the money but I could not bring myself to pay £100 for something that I could get in the UK for £10, so I am stuck.

Do any of you kind and wise expats know of any company that will send their toys to Argentina, or alternatively a shop here with good quality bits at good prices.

As always, very thankful for your help.
For my kids I mostly shopped at a shop close to the corner of Rio de janeiro and Rivadavia..called Fort Da http://www.fortda-jugueteria.com.ar/

It's a charming place with lots of wooden toys, musical instruments and crafts. I've bought a noah's ark replete with animals, a zoo, wooden dinosaurs to construct and paint, jigaws, plastic balls filled with shapes and bells, a puppet theatre and puppets, a hobby horse..etc Sorry I can't say it's the cheapest but the toys are good quality and safe. My last purchase was the wooden dinosaurs which were 40 pesos in July.

Also 1 block away on Rivadavia is Girodidatico..again with some more craft type toys. If you don't live in Caballito, take the subte to the Rio de janeiro stop which is 1 block from the places I've mentioned, buy some sandwiches and cakes in Savona, in front of Parque Rivadavia and make an afternoon of it in the park with your family.
First of all, I wouldn't recommend that you get anything sent over. You'll have to pay exorbitant tax on the value of the items (including postage) and if you're really unlucky, they'll get held up in Eze or go missing altogether!
Like most things here, toys are extortionate, both imported stuff and the things made in Arg...which are of a much lower quality (I was given a "jenga" the other day and I opened the box to find it full of bits of chopped up, unsanded wood! You might find something a little cheaper on Mercado Libre and I think that there are a few artisans that make wooden toys for children at some of the ferias and specialist stores...other than that, if its Fisher Price and other brand name things that you're after, expect them to be way more expensive than in the UK!
With the ban on imported stuff, I think you're going to have an impossible time unless you know some ex-pat that is coming to Argentina and they bring it in their suitcase.

I know your pain, even back before the ban on imported stuff, the selection was very poor, the prices were very high and the quality was very low on toys for kids.

None of that stuff is made in Argentina for the most part so you are going to be out of luck if you can't find someone to bring it in for you.
Thanks very much for your help guys, I definitely wont be importing then, will check out the places you recommended thankyou very much :cool: