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Politics Chronology of an escalating conflict with the Police in Misiones: the alarm over a possible contagion effect in the region - Infobae

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Chronology of an escalating conflict with the Police in Misiones: the alarm over a possible contagion effect in the region - Infobae​



May 20, 2024

Last Friday, a revolt by the provincial Force exploded, accompanied by other sectors. The axis is the salary claim. The authorities first tried to delegitimize the conflict, but now they seek to redirect it. The precedent of 2012

By Juan A. Bracco

This was the uprising of the Police in Misiones

The uprising of a group of uniformed missionaries , driven by retired personnel and accompanied by families, is not a phenomenon that arose by spontaneous generation.

At its root there are several factors. Among them, the economic crisis that Argentina is in and the financial tightness that the provincial states are going through for three reasons: the end of the Nation's discretionary transfers , the drop in own collection and co-participation resources and the increase of social demand in their territories.

Added to them is a recent precedent. The Misiones Police have already taken over the Radioelectric Command, the current headquarters of the conflict, and put a provincial administration in check for 9 days until a recomposition of assets is achieved.

It was in February 2012. On that occasion, in addition to the Command, the regional units were out of service. More than 1,500 agents agreed to the measure. The settlement came after Maurice Closs ' government granted a 30% increase.

Image of the Police uprising in Misiones

The increase took the initial pocket of an agent to $4,200, about USD886 at the free exchange rate of those days. To reach that level, the liquid base would have to be around $970 thousand today.

Legacy of that episode was a dialogue table to debate the salary pattern of the sector, which in recent months entered a cone of shadows.

The Minister of Missionary Government, Marcelo Pérez , indicated to Infobae a few days ago that, with this Monday's increase, an agent would receive just over $470 thousand.

Ramón Amarilla, Misiones police spokesperson, assured that "there will be no agreement"

The fact that Hugo Passalacqua 's government has offered to the uniformed men is in line with what the missionary State pays to other public agents. A teacher will earn $400 thousand with the last increase. The provincial administration highlights that it is the third increase so far this year and that they attended to all of them with the exhausted provincial coffers.

When the Command was taken, the provincial Justice moved quickly. Prosecutor René Casal and judicial secretary Sergio Serfaty approached the center of the protest. They tried to get the uniformed men to stop. But it didn't happen. The protesters “assumed conduct diametrically opposite to what was discussed,” since “active personnel were being called to be present at the scene,” said Investigating Judge Ricardo Balor .

The magistrate used the experience of the prosecutor and the judicial secretary to order the Police to evacuate. And he also requested the help of federal forces . The operation, which was expected all day Saturday and took place on Sunday, did not go as Balor expected. They were putting police officers and family members face to face who are part of an institution that shows off its esprit de corps.

There was no agreement in Misiones and the police stationed there threatened: “Something very serious is coming”

The Justice's decision was in line with the Government's first reaction: delegitimize the protest . Pérez announced that all participants would be accused of crimes such as aggravated sedition ; robbery, theft and destruction of state property . Even with the clearing operation unsuccessful, the provincial administration insisted on keeping that road alive. Furthermore, a public action crime cannot become zero once it has been reported.

In harmony, a crisis committee was formed. At the front would be the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich , and Governor Passalacqua. Apart from the dispatch and coordination of a contingent of Gendarmes, the committee had no other known action.

The action of federal forces further frayed tempers. And the presence of protesters in the Radioelectric Command multiplied . This Monday morning, health personnel took ambulances from the 107 rapid response system out of circulation. They parked them next to the patrol cars that had been immobilized for days. In parallel, a group of teachers cut National Route 12 near Santa Ana, a town located very close to Posadas, to the North.

And even the Church intervened. Priests Marcos and Fabián Szyszkowski celebrated mass in front of the Command. “Your cause of him is just. They deserve a salary that reflects their hard work. The chaplains join you in this demonstration, accompanying and praying for your strength and success. Cheer up, dear police officers! “Together we can achieve positive change for everyone!” expressed the prelates of the force during the homily.

After what happened on Sunday, the provincial government revived dialogue with the mutinous police officers . With the salary agreement with a teaching sector under its arm, the Passalacqua administration tried this Monday to put the conflict back on track. Could not. The uniformed representatives rejected the proposal. And the dialogue remained moribund.

The headquarters of the Radioelectric Command taken by a group of provincial agents (NA)

However, the authorities maintain expectations. “We will continue working so that missionaries can recover their purchasing power in the face of the difficult scenario of national crisis , always striving for harmony, work and responsibility in the management of public affairs,” said Minister Pérez this afternoon through your X account (formerly Twitter).

In the coming days we will see where the rope that they are pulling from both ends is cut. In one is the need. On the other, the lack of resources. The question also remains open as to whether or not there will be national help to overcome the situation. There is also the danger of a domino effect in other provinces where the reality of public agents is similar.

It must be remembered that the missionary police conflict of February/March 2012 was the prelude to the revolt of gendarmes who took over the Centinela Building in Buenos Aires. As a correlation, a year later, the Córdoba Police began the series of police strikes that paralyzed the security service in 20 provinces and which left 18 people dead and, in addition, million-dollar losses.