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Medical Clinic recommendation to get STD (sexually transmitted disease) and STI (sexually transmitted infection) blood testing?

Slim Shady

New member
Hi everyone. I'm glad I found this amazing forum! I saw it on a Twitter post for Buenos Aires.

Here is my situation. I'm an American expat living in Buenos Aires for the past 5 months. I met an amazing Porteña about 3 months ago. We have been dating exclusively and decided to not see anyone else. We have both mutually agreed to have unprotected sex. Yippee! But we both want to be smart and get STD testing. In the USA, I'd just go to my own doctor's office. My girlfriend will just go to her doctor's office to do it but I wanted to see if anyone can recommend a clinic or location to do a quick and easy STD test for all sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and genital herpes, syphilis, hepatitis B. I read that you can also do a test for sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

I was married for many, many years before and not accustomed to wearing a condom so this will be a long awaited and welcome change! But I haven't had to worry about STD's or STI's in over 13 years. I'd appreciate any help in recommending a clinic and do you know what they would charge for this test? Thanks in advance.

I'm in Recoleta but I can go anywhere in Recoleta or Palermo.
Hi everyone. I'm glad I found this amazing forum! I saw it on a Twitter post for Buenos Aires.

Here is my situation. I'm an American expat living in Buenos Aires for the past 5 months. I met an amazing Porteña about 3 months ago. We have been dating exclusively and decided to not see anyone else. We have both mutually agreed to have unprotected sex. Yippee! But we both want to be smart and get STD testing. In the USA, I'd just go to my own doctor's office. My girlfriend will just go to her doctor's office to do it but I wanted to see if anyone can recommend a clinic or location to do a quick and easy STD test for all sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and genital herpes, syphilis, hepatitis B. I read that you can also do a test for sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

I was married for many, many years before and not accustomed to wearing a condom so this will be a long awaited and welcome change! But I haven't had to worry about STD's or STI's in over 13 years. I'd appreciate any help in recommending a clinic and do you know what they would charge for this test? Thanks in advance.

I'm in Recoleta but I can go anywhere in Recoleta or Palermo.
This is a great topic. I've been married many years and I got separated last year for a while and I was in a similar situation as you. I haven't used protection in a long time and it took some getting used to. I was dating a local for a few months and faced the same situation as you after I was dating a girl for a few months.

I did mine at https://www.hospitaldeclinicas.uba.ar/

You can also try these places:

Hospital Britanico
Perdriel 74, C1280AEB CABA, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 4309-6400

Hospital Italiano
Juan D. Peron 4190, C1181ACH CABA, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 4959-0200

Hospital Alemán
Av Pueyrredón 1640, C1118AAT CABA, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 4827-7000

And last but certainly not least, you can always try one of the Swiss Medical centres. Standards are high and it’s a bit more expensive, as befitting of the title ‘Swiss’.

All are open 24 hours.

Just have your Porteña girlfriend call in and make an appointment. I did it last year and I think I paid less than $100 US but it's probably cheaper now with the exchange rate. I did another one earlier this year as I'm trying to make my marriage work and my wife insisted I do another round of STD tests. Ha.
Hi everyone. I'm glad I found this amazing forum! I saw it on a Twitter post for Buenos Aires.

Here is my situation. I'm an American expat living in Buenos Aires for the past 5 months. I met an amazing Porteña about 3 months ago. We have been dating exclusively and decided to not see anyone else. We have both mutually agreed to have unprotected sex. Yippee! But we both want to be smart and get STD testing. In the USA, I'd just go to my own doctor's office. My girlfriend will just go to her doctor's office to do it but I wanted to see if anyone can recommend a clinic or location to do a quick and easy STD test for all sexually transmitted diseases including HIV and genital herpes, syphilis, hepatitis B. I read that you can also do a test for sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

I was married for many, many years before and not accustomed to wearing a condom so this will be a long awaited and welcome change! But I haven't had to worry about STD's or STI's in over 13 years. I'd appreciate any help in recommending a clinic and do you know what they would charge for this test? Thanks in advance.

I'm in Recoleta but I can go anywhere in Recoleta or Palermo.
Hello! @Slim Shady

It's a smart decision to take precautions for our health. Here's information about a medical center with multiple branches that offers comprehensive testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The advantage is that, unlike some hospitals, clinics, and sanatoriums that may not conduct all necessary tests, this center provides a comprehensive service, avoiding the need for individuals to undergo tests at different locations.


Sexual Health Screening (STI)
The Sexual Health Checkup is WITHOUT previous appointment OR medical order.
It includes the following tests: HIV, SYPHILIS, GONORRHEA, CHLAMYDIA, HEPATITIS A, B AND C.

- For the study of gonorrhea and chlamydia, a sample of the 1st urine stream will be taken at SEDE; 2 hours of retention is suggested (it does not need to be the first urine of the morning).
- The check requires 2 hours of fasting.
- Culture results for gonorrhea and chlamydia take about 2 weeks.

When you come in WITHOUT A SHIFT to have the lab done, you will pay for the lab. Then you will be assigned an appointment for consultation and return of results with an INFECTOLOGIST. When you come for the return, you will pay for the medical consultation.

📍SAN TELMO (Perú 1511): Mon. to Fri. from 8 am to 7 pm / Sat. from 8 am to 6:30 pm / Sun. and Holidays from 9 am to 6:30 pm.
📍BELGRANO (Mendoza 2772): Mon. to Fri. from 8 am to 7 pm. / Sat. from 8 to 11.
📍FLORES (Carabobo 825): M. to F. from 8 am to 7 pm./ Sat. from 8 am to 11 am.


When you come WITHOUT an appointment for the laboratory, you will pay the laboratory: $22.000. Then you will be assigned an appointment for the consultation and return of results with an INFECTOLOGIST. When you go to the return, you will pay the medical consultation: $8.000.

LABORATORY: $22.000 (Argentine Pesos)

TOTAL: $30.000

Payment methods:
Cash, MercadoPago, transfer, debit and credit.

Website: https://www.heliossalud.com.ar/
Phone Number: 54 9 (11) 4363-7499
Whatsapp: 54 9 (11) 3902-7580
IG: https://www.instagram.com/heliossaludar/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/heliossaludar
FC: https://www.facebook.com/HeliosSaludAR/

I hope you find this information useful! Best of luck!
I just wanted to post back and say thank you. I did go to Helios to get tested. The good news was they could test me. The bad news is my test came up + for an STD so I broke up with my girlfriend recently.

The initial test came up negative for both of us but recently I took another and it came up positive and I was only with my girlfriend.
I just wanted to post back and say thank you. I did go to Helios to get tested. The good news was they could test me. The bad news is my test came up + for an STD so I broke up with my girlfriend recently.

The initial test came up negative for both of us but recently I took another and it came up positive and I was only with my girlfriend.
Wow. Sorry to hear about this. I'm sure you were quite upset by it. Same thing happened to some local mates of mine. But then again the same thing happened to some female friends of mine too here.
I just wanted to post back and say thank you. I did go to Helios to get tested. The good news was they could test me. The bad news is my test came up + for an STD so I broke up with my girlfriend recently.

The initial test came up negative for both of us but recently I took another and it came up positive and I was only with my girlfriend.
I hate to ask but which STD did you test positive for??