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Politics Congressional employees will receive a 28% salary increase: what will happen to the salaries of deputies and senators - Infobae


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Congressional employees will receive a 28% salary increase: what will happen to the salaries of deputies and senators - Infobae



February 23, 2024

The increase, approved by the Module Value Negotiating Commission, is divided into two sections, with 16% in the January salary and 12% in the February salary.

Congressional employees will receive a 28% increase in their salaries (Photo: Gustavo Gavotti)

Victoria Villarruel and Martín Menem, as presidents of both chambers of the National Congress, agreed to a 28% increase in the salaries of legislative employees , which was approved this Thursday by the Module Value Negotiating Commission.

The agreement, signed by both the representatives of the legislative branch and the workers, establishes that the salary increase is 16% as of January 1, 2024 and a more cumulative 12% from February 1 . The accumulated variation with respect to December salaries is 29.92%.

According to the salary scale, the lowest salary of Congressional workers is now $458,863 gross, when in December it was $353,189. Meanwhile, at the top of the salary pyramid, the highest salary is now $1,616,868 before discounts. The agreement will be reviewed again in March.

“By virtue of political responsibility, the signatories of this agreement on behalf of the employer party undertake to grant it based on the availability of the budget items, promoting the necessary procedures before the presidencies of both Chambers ,” states the resolution that provides the salary increase.

The agreement was signed, representing the legislative branch, by María Laura Izzo, Agustín Giustinian, Laura Oriolo, Diego Molina Gómez and Alejandro Santa. On the workers' side, Norberto Di Próspero, Fabián Zaccardi and Felipe Sanz, from the Legislative Staff Association, signed; Claudio Britos, from the State Workers Association; and Martín Roig, from the Union of Civil Personnel of the Nation.


The last joint agreement for Congress workers had been signed in June of last year . At that time, a 35% salary increase was agreed as of July 1 , another 35% increase as of August 1 and 20% as of November 1. In addition, the fixed sum of $50 thousand that the workers were receiving will become part of the salary on a remunerative basis.

Although historically the diet of senators and deputies was tied to the parity of Congress workers, that was interrupted in 2021, after the pandemic and in a context of general discontent with the leadership of all parties - with strong questions to the “politics” expenses. At that time, the authorities had decided to “decouple” the legislators' allowances from the employees' salary agreements.

In that sense, a resolution was signed that stipulated that any increase in legislators' salaries must be “discussed and approved by the plenary session of both Chambers.” The strategy sought to contain the demand for increases since legislators would avoid voting on it in the chamber to avoid public criticism.

However, in November 2022, when the last section of that year's joint venture was negotiated, article 2 of RC 03/2022 was repealed and the dietary increases were once again "on the hook."

Now, it will be the congressional authorities who will decide whether to couple the salary increase of the joint venture with the allowances of the deputies and senators, in a context in which the Government is promoting a harsh cut in expenses and has a speech against “the political caste.” ”, deepened by the differences that arose after the halt to the Omnibus Law during the particular treatment of the norm.

In fact, within the framework of the sharp cut in political expenses, the Executive announced yesterday the decision to dismantle the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) , although its functions will be absorbed by the Ministry of Justice led by Mariano Cúneo Libarona.