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Politics Crisis and power struggles: discontent grows in the ranks of LLA with Karina's political manipulations, but Milei remains on the sidelines - Infobae

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Crisis and power struggles: discontent grows in the ranks of LLA with Karina's political manipulations, but Milei remains on the sidelines - Infobae​



April 14, 2024

Criticism from libertarian leaders and militants intensifies over the displacements and the handing over of positions for favors. Meanwhile, the President barely exchanges light messages with some actors. Those around him deny any concern about the short circuits generated by the dynamics imposed by his sister and the Menem duo.

By Brenda Struminger

Javier and Karina Milei visited businessman Elon Musk in Texas

On Thursday , while Javier Milei confirmed in Strikingly, from accounts of “verified” libertarians, who called for an end to internal hostilities , they questioned the President's sister, Karina Milei , pointed out as responsible for the noises between violet leaders, and even supported Oscar Zago, the most recent leader. struck by Karina's censorious ray.

The senior managers of Javier Milei's space pay special attention to the opinions that are expressed on the networks. Unlike the objections of the red circle that, they say, they do not care about, those millions of comments serve them daily as a thermometer of public opinion. They swear, tirelessly, that virtual militancy has support from real people, and that they are not “trolls”, those fake accounts that are managed in millions from a few computers paid for by the leadership to shape public opinion. In fact, the official content creation plant that operates in the former Women's Hall of the Casa Rosada, renamed “de los Próceres,” also monitors reactions in that intangible sphere.

Purposely separated from the microphones, middle managers of the leadership mutter phrases of concern and criticize the Secretary of the Presidency for her “despotic” and “totalitarian” actions. They suspect that the disapproval that crystallizes in the violet bases also spreads among the - much more - numerous adherents who allowed them to come to power, but who are less committed and tend to become disenchanted more easily. “Our premise from the beginning was not to behave like a caste. “It's exactly the opposite of what we're doing,” complained a first-line point guard.

The head of the Budget commission and friend of Milei, José Luis Espert, shared that concern openly on Friday, although with due tact: “People don't want to see us doing this, but I am sure it will be solved.” he said in a TV interview. The arrangement does not seem close: while those words were being said, the replaced Zago was still entrenched in the office of the Congress Palace that would correspond to the new president of the bench - who not coincidentally answers to Karina Milei -, and had placed an improvised sign with a photo of Arturo Frondizi on the door.

Other behaviors worthy of “caste” worry pure libertarians. The appointments within representatives close to the “Menemist” national deputies generate discomfort among Karina Milei's detractors, who accuse her advisor, Eduardo “Lule” Menem , of distributing positions in the places they left vacant thanks to political dismissals in ANSES in exchange for loyalty in Congress. “If it wasn't for those perks, almost everyone wouldn't vote against Zago. They are using those places as political favors, it is a scandal,” said a deputy who requested that his identity be kept confidential.

In the provinces, clashes are growing between local leaders due to the exclusionary arming of the official and the Rioja duo, and there are complaints about political appointments of people without any suitability everywhere. “We are acting like La Cámpora,” was alarmed by a shipowner who follows the controversies reflected in the interior media.

LLA deputies elected Gabriel Bornoroni as the new block head

The layoffs at the front lines of the national administration are also making noise, which already number in the dozens. In the Casa Rosada they lost count of those displaced in companies, organizations and ministries. The climate of fear that Karina Milei generates among the high command of the State helps keep the troops organized, but it also paralyzes management. “There is a lot of mistrust. “Nobody acts for fear of being blown up,” said an official, who also pointed out the difficulties generated by reoccupying the places that are left vacant as a form of punishment. Mauricio Macri raised the management problem with Santiago Caputo on Wednesday, during the breakfast they shared at his home in Accassuso. But the consultant and right-hand man of the president responded with the usual evasion, firm in avoiding a PRO landing in the Government.

Despite the loud noise in the libertarian hornet's nest, Javier Milei did not make a single political comment to order the troops on his main social network. Focused on his agenda with the Jewish community in the United States, his meeting with the owner of Tesla and his promoted flight as a co-pilot in an F16 in Denmark - which ended up being suspended yesterday due to his early return -, Milei stayed away from the scandal in the legislative level of the coalition that he directs and that has direct ramifications in the Executive.

“The fight in the Deputies is too small for the President to get involved in,” justified, at the end of the busy working week, one of the men who accompany him daily. “People are thinking about how to make ends meet, they don't care at all about these minor fights,” he added, as calls for him to put things in order multiplied. And he denied that the internal elections could affect the vote on the Bases law. “They are not going to dare to vote against,” he slipped, referring to the three deputies who split from LLA and created a new bloc called MID in honor of the party led by Zago.

It is not clear if the head of state is aware of these discussions, of the prebendary dynamics inside, and of the problems in management, or chooses to look the other way. A month ago he had to back down with the increase in the allowances of the legislators and in the Government that, he said, he was unaware of. “Javier has no idea, he is not interested in those things. But if he finds out he can get hot,” said a libertarian operator.

President Javier Milei and his vice president Victoria Villarruel attend the official ceremony commemorating the 42nd anniversary of the Falklands War

Among the critical comments from the inmates that circulate in X , many authors say they identify with Victoria Villarruel , who maintains a confrontation with the President's sister. But those around the vice denied any intervention and said that they would not even have the funds to promote actions on the networks. “We see them, but they are probably using the figure of Victoria to go against Karina, she doesn't want to know anything about confronting each other,” said a senator.

However, the ghost of a secret relationship between Villarruel and Macri remains valid among libertarians. “Victoria is Mauricio,” he said, convinced and without mincing words, a central creator of libertarian power. After rumors about a meeting between the two, which those around the Vice President categorically denied, the appointment as the Senate's top representative in the Bicameral Intelligence Commission of a PRO leader, Enrique Martín Goerling Lara, once again generated serious suspicions this year. week. “How are you going to hand over one of the most sensitive commissions to the guy who used the services to investigate even his own?” one legislator was outraged.

An ally of the president of the Senate retorted: “In any case, the alliance is between Milei and Macri, his advisor met with him the day before yesterday, what other evidence is needed?”, he defended her. And she recalled the difficulty that Villarruel faces in making Congress function without the help of allies, in the face of the obstacles put in place by Kirchnerism. It is the same argument that they used to ignore accusations of an alleged double agenda after the fall of the DNU in the Senate.

In the Casa Rosada they were dismissive. “We are not going to use the AFI like other governments. They can ask for all the reports they want, it's practically not going to work,” said a man from Milei's inner circle.