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Politics Cristina Kirchner launched harsh criticisms of Milei's management in a 33-page text


Former President Cristina Kirchner published an extensive document in which she criticizes the libertarian administration of Javier Milei and blames the media for her triumph. She accuses the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, and the architect of the mega DNU, Federico Sturzenegger, of being "failed officials" and points out that the new government is deploying a "fierce adjustment program". She also highlights Milei's popular support but points out that his parliamentary representation is only a third of what he obtained in the PASO. Cristina compares Milei's administration with the last dictatorship and criticizes Milei's dollarization plan, warning about the negative implications for the country. In addition, she refers to the fight between governors and the ruling party after the fall of the omnibus law in Congress, accusing the Executive of illegally withholding resources from the provinces. Finally, he stresses the importance of legitimacy once in government, citing historical examples such as that of Fernando de la Rúa.

The complete document:



First reaction of the Government to CFK's document: "She has the nerve to express herself as if she were not guilty of anything".​

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, criticized the document published by former President Cristina Kirchner, calling it "outrageous". Also, José Luis Espert questioned Kirchner's diagnosis on inflation. Francos pointed out Kirchner's lack of self-criticism and blamed her for the economic disaster. Kirchner's document addresses Argentina's political and economic situation, questioning the government program of Libertad Avanza.

The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, responded to the criticism of former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner towards Javier Milei and the Government, describing his comments as "outrageous". Francos took up Kirchner's comments, who published a hard document in social networks with harsh criticisms to Milei's government, whom she described as a "showman-economist in the Rosada" and questioned the dollarization proposal, warning that it would mean losing the possibility of development for Argentina. Other officials, such as Minister Luis Caputo, also commented on the matter.

The Government responded to Cristina Kirchner's criticisms in the networks​

"It is outrageous that after the disaster they have made they now come out to talk," Francos fired minutes after Kirchner's tweet, in declarations to Radio Mitre.

Entitled "Argentina in its third debt crisis. Picture of the situation", the text that the former president published in her social networks states that Argentina "is going through the third debt crisis incubated in the government of Mauricio Macri due to the brutal indebtedness contracted with investment funds, aggravated by the return of the IMF to our country with a loan of unprecedented and scandalous volume and conditions".

In response to Cristina Kirchner, Guillermo Francos said: "She has the nerve to express herself as if she were not responsible for anything". And added: "Now it turns out that Milei is a creation of the press. In fact, he is a creation of 20 years of Kirchnerism in Argentina, which has plunged it into a situation of poverty and inflation", he said today.

In this sense, the Minister of the Interior questioned that the former President "feels entitled to express her criticism and opinion without giving more than two months to Milei and of having put all the sticks in the wheel so that she cannot govern".

"On Valentine's Day and, as always, in love with the Homeland I share with you the working paper 'Argentina in its third debt crisis. Situation chart'. It goes with a quote from Juan Bautista Alberdi", Cristina Fernández de Kirchner wrote in her social networks when presenting the document.
