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Politics Cristina Kirchner led another event at the Patria Institute with village priests and once again criticized the Government - Infobae

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Cristina Kirchner led another event at the Patria Institute with village priests and once again criticized the Government - Infobae​



May 11, 2024

The former president was in the downtown Buenos Aires building accompanied by the religious group that is very critical of the social impact of Javier Milei's policies. It is the third public appearance in a few weeks

Cristina Kirchner at the Patria Institute
After her speeches in the last two weeks, Cristina Kirchner reappeared on the public scene for the third time to receive the Group of Priests in Preferential Option for the Poor at the Instituto Patria. It is a group with which she has a very close connection, and which she had chosen to accompany her last year, in the Senate of the Nation, to speak for the first time after the assassination attempt she suffered at the door of his apartment in Recoleta.

This group of religious, which includes militant priests, such as Juan Carlos Molina, Eduardo de la Serna and Francisco “Paco” Oliveira, is very critical of the social impact of the economic policies of the government of Javier Milei . Along with them, the former president denounced that "they do not send money to the soup kitchens every day to buy food" and that "people eat once or twice a day."

“I hear it all the time in the media and also among my colleagues. How can it be possible that with this state of situation there are people who support these things? And I want - not to bring you peace of mind, but information - that later, when the coup came, after everything that happened after Mujica's death, after the death of Pelado Angelelli, there was a time when the Argentina that was The violence was tremendous and, yet, large sectors of society ignored it or said worse things 'they must have done something', 'they took him for a reason'."

Cristina Kirchner at the Patria Institute with the Group of Priests in Preferential Option for the Poor

The official reason for the event was the enthronement of an image of the Virgin of Luján in the party building that the former president took as the main headquarters of her political operations.

Furthermore, tomorrow marks 50 years since the murder of Father Carlos Mugica, and in recent days there have been different expressions on the streets and in churches. For example, in front of the Metropolitan Cathedral there was a display with posters and flags this week.

In another part of her speech, Fernández de Kirchner expressed: “The worst thing that can happen to us is to bow our heads in the face of what is happening, then we will be defeated.” “I want to tell everyone that we have to continue working very hard. On all fronts, in the universities, in the neighborhoods, in the churches. We also need priests who do what Carlos did. "That he went out into the street to speak, to organize, to question," he claimed.

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner had spoken for the first time in public and live since the beginning of Javier Milei's government two weeks ago, in Quilmes, together with Mayor Mayra Mendoza. That day she launched strong criticism of the libertarian administration and some internal messages to ask that its leaders stop fighting, including her son Máximo Kirchner and governor Axel Kicillof along with Andrés “Cuervo” Larroque.

In addition, he had demanded that Milei “give a direction to these policies.” “That thing about the market having no flaws... What happened to prepaid? “He backed down and didn't resolve anything,” he said. “We are going to help you, if you want to make Argentina again where the riches are taken and eliminate the middle class, I am going to paint myself in avatars and paint myself light blue. We are not in a colony again,” she warned.

Later, the former president led a tribute to Eva Perón on the new anniversary of her birth with the inauguration - also at the Instituto Patria - of a “ Bicentennial Women's Hall.” The act in itself was a criticism of Milei, who through her sister, Karina Milei, changed the name of the Women's Hall of the Casa Rosada to the Hall of Heroes and took down all the paintings of historical figures in female gender to replace them with male figures.