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Politics Daniel Scioli: “If this continues, Milei will have to be given the Nobel Prize in economics” - Infobae

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Daniel Scioli: “If this continues, Milei will have to be given the Nobel Prize in economics” - Infobae​



May 17, 2024

Encolumned in the ranks of La Libertad Avanza, the former governor of Buenos Aires, Daniel Scioli , surprised by declaring that if the country continues on its current economic path, President Javier Milei “will have to be given the Nobel Prize.”

The current Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports of the Nation explained his decision to be part of the libertarian administration after his long time in Peronism because his “vocation” is to “help the country in the best possible way.” “I believe in what is being faced, a profound change with very concrete advances ; It was unthinkable 5 months ago that today we were going to be talking about 30-year mortgage loans... I could not be indifferent and remain speculating,” he added.

Scioli pointed out that with Milei we were united by “a relationship of personal respect”; He highlighted that the head of state “had been very complimentary” of his role as ambassador in Brazil, and that for his part he agreed that “youth had to be interpreted.” “(Milei) embodied the expectation of a fatigue that had to be understood for its reasons. Either I stayed in Brazil, putting things in the wheel, throwing stones, I stayed at home or I helped; So why shouldn't I help? “I have a high sense of institutional responsibility ,” argued who 20 years ago was Néstor Kirchner's vice president.

In dialogue with LN+ , he expressed that despite the attacks and criticism of Kirchnerism, he never victimized himself: “I am not a complainer, I am a scorer for Villa La Ñata , to score goals I have to get into the area, I have to eat a kick; When I was silent, people interpreted my silence and here I am.”

“I am patient, time is a great computer. I am grateful to the president and Guillermo Francos, for being able to contribute my experience to the best that I know how to do with my international relations to create jobs, bring investments and accompany this new trend which is the decrease in inflation, a decrease in the interest rate." , he highlighted and became emboldened: “If this continues, Milei will have to be given the Nobel Prize in economics . ” “The Nobel Prize in Economics was often awarded for applied theory, but in this case we are seeing a transformation of Argentina that in 5 months put itself on the path of financial surplus, commercial surplus... they are going to have to give it the Prize. Nobel Prize in Economics if the path of recovery and development of Argentina is now deepened," he emphasized and highlighted "the decision to extend the Simple Quota issue": "It is an incentive for consumption, it is fundamental for the productive sectors, for facilitate the demand.” “Inflation is the worst tax on vulnerable sectors,” she expressed in tune with the libertarian story.

Faced with criticism for integrating the libertarian administration, Scioli assured that he helps because of his "high sense of institutional responsibility" (ARCHIVE)

Asked about his recent time in Unión por la Patria, he recalled that his “vocation” was to “participate in a STEP,” which Peronism prevented him from doing. And he pointed out that he did not criticize Sergio Massa “because I was always a prudent and responsible guy; I was doing my job as an ambassador in Brazil... selling pears, apples, promoting tourism....”

In the interview he gave this Thursday night, he was asked about Cristina Kirchner 's leadership . Avoiding confrontation, Scioli replied that "the dynamics of things generate a renewal and she will continue to be a reference, I never disrespected her and I am not going to do so now."

To those who question him, the former governor said: “Keep criticizing and saying things that will give me more motivation and more strength because I am proven in adversity to move forward and fight for what I consider best for the country, understanding the situation, the pain, the suffering, the anguish that exists, but convinced that along this path we are going to find a better country in every sense . "

Scioli also referred to the social role of the Executive Branch in the midst of the investigation of piquetero leaders for alleged extortion of beneficiaries of plans: “The Government is aiming for resources to reach those who need to reach them and Sandra Pettovello seeks to optimize those resources and eliminate any issue of intermediation.” “I cannot anticipate justice, but it is very important to understand that the underlying solution is to generate work,” she added.

In his new stage, as a Milei official, Scioli clarified that he will not run for elections again: “My political electoral campaign is over, my thing is to help.” And he concluded by inviting more PJ leaders to join the ranks of La Libertad Avanza: “Hopefully more and more people who want to help will join and in fact I see many Peronists who increasingly - as the President says - see it more.”