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Politics Daniel Scioli said that “now is not the time” to go on strike and criticized the CGT - Infobae

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Daniel Scioli said that “now is not the time” to go on strike and criticized the CGT: “In Argentina there is freedom to strike and freedom from extortion”​



May 09, 2024

The Secretary of Tourism, Sports and Environment questioned the measure of union strength this Thursday and warned that “it is the people who are harmed.”

Daniel Scioli (AP)

In his new political stage as an official of the Government of Javier Milei, Daniel Scioli , came to the crossroads of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) for the general strike this Thursday. He pointed out that “it is not the time” to carry out such a measure of force, for the second time in 5 months, and ironically said that “in Argentina there is freedom of expression, freedom to strike and freedom from extortion . ”

“Stop the country in this context, 5 months after a president takes office with a resounding result, moving forward with what is the electoral contract, facing a change, when results such as the decrease in inflation are beginning to be perceived, with Banco Nación extending a mortgage credit line for years is a boomerang against the workers themselves ,” the Secretary of Tourism, Sports and Environment based his position.

Scioli, who last year until the last moment sought to go internally in Peronism, now pointed out against those behind the strike: “It is obvious pressure (against Milei), pressure on a government that 5 months after taking office has their second general strike and the ones who are harmed are the people , those who want to go to work are being held hostage because there is no transportation tomorrow.” “Many union members do not agree with this strike ,” he added.

In statements to Todo Noticias (TN) , he acknowledged that “people are having a hard time” and that “there are problems” but highlighted “the sanitation of the Central Bank”, “facing a stage of fiscal surplus” and recognizing that “the effort” of the people “returns with credit as a lever for the development of the country.”

“We see that prices are being readjusted in many shelves. What hits people the most is the inflation tax, the worst of all, which wreaks havoc on the family economy and SMEs. Inflation is going to decline steadily because there is a very clear determination in the measures that are being taken. People will feel in the medium and long term that the effort was worth it ,” he stated.

In response to those who criticize him for having accepted to be an official of La Libertad Avanza, he responded that he had the option of continuing to represent the country as ambassador in Brazil or returning to Argentina and “committing.” "At this point in my life, being a grandfather and father, I said 'I can't be indifferent, I come to help.' Do they criticize me for helping? The country needs us to lend a hand. I always had a constructive attitude toward the country,” he remarked.

Scioli supported Sports Joint Stock Companies​

In his capacity as Secretary of Sports, the former ambassador to Brazil once again expressed himself in favor of Argentine clubs moving towards the model of Sports Joint Stock Companies.

Scioli spoke this Wednesday after the meeting that Milei held in Los Angeles with the head of the International Federation of Association Football ( FIFA ), Gianni Infantino , with whom he discussed business models and financing possibilities for Argentine football.

In this context, the former Buenos Aires governor was optimistic and noted that “a change is coming in Argentine football, the entry of capital.” “70% of people want the AFA to facilitate the entry of capital into football with the agreement of the partners. Let people choose freely,” he added.

A month ago Scioli would have expressed himself on the subject in his X account: “The promotion of SAD in Argentine soccer is not a demand for clubs to be private. It is opening another possibility of a corporate scheme to strengthen a club. If we look at Brazil, Chile or Paraguay, many had great growth .” “As President Javier Milei highlighted, it is not about demanding a model, but rather interpreting football with a different logic ,” he added on that occasion. Today he raised the issue again and reinforced the position of the National Government regarding the SAD.