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Real Estate Sales Deeds continue to be good in CABA - Reporte Inmobiliario



Deeds continue to be good in CABA - Reporte Inmobiliario



July 24, 2024


With 4,232 deeds in the month of June, it is once again the best month since 2018, with year-on-year growth of 27.47%.
According to the Colegio Escribanos de CABA, the total number of real estate sales deeds registered an increase of 27.47% in the sixth month of 2024 compared to the level of a year earlier, while the total amount of transactions carried out increased by 350.25%, with $362,001 million.

Compared to May 2024, the number of deeds decreased by 7.98% (May 4,599 deeds). The average amount of the deeds was $85,539,116 (it grew by 253.26% in one year in pesos).


In June, there were 115 mortgage deeds formalized. Therefore, the increase in that sense is 5.50% compared to the same month last year. And in the first 6 months, with 624, the same records coincide with those of the first half of last year.

It is true that the improvement in sales through credit has not yet been verified, but it must be taken into account that the Banks are setting up structures, implementing new processes with new people. It is to be expected that the granting of loans will be very slow in the first months, in addition to the increase in the dollar exchange rate in recent months.

“In the year-on-year measurement, we continue to have a good outlook with a 27% increase. In the month-on-month measurement, a small decrease compared to May. But the data we take into account is that in the measurements, mortgage credit has not yet taken off since it is at the same usual values. May had given the signal that the market would prepare for a scenario with mortgages, but for the moment it is mainly inquiries. We hope that the second semester will have that necessary takeoff” said the President of the College of Notaries of CABA, Jorge De Bártolo.

