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Real Estate Sales Deeds continue to increase - Reporte Inmobiliario



Deeds continue to increase - Reporte Inmobiliario​



May 23, 2024


In April they increased 32.2%. The first quarter was the best in the last 6 years.

The total number of real estate purchase and sale deeds registered an increase of 32.2% in the fourth month of 2024 compared to the level of a year before, adding 3,636 records, while The total amount of transactions carried out rose 345.4%, with $279,237 million.


Compared to March 2024, actions rose by 7% (March 3,399 writings).

The first four months of 2024 - if compared with the same period in 2023 - record an increase of 21.9% with 11,230 deeds.


In April, there were 114 deeds formalized with a mortgage. Therefore, the decrease in that sense is 5.8% compared to the same month last year. And the quarter, with 368, represents a decrease of 3.4%.

In December, there were 116 deeds formalized with a mortgage. Therefore, the increase in that sense is 18.3% compared to the same month last year. In the measurement of the accumulated 12 months, the increase is 14.37% (1,648 mortgages).

The president of the college of notaries, referring to the number of registered sales, expressed: “We are closing a quarter with an increase of more than 20% year-on-year. If we look at the last four years, it is a picture of climbing step by step. Now we enter a new challenge of taking the elevator up with mortgage loan advertisements. If new credits are generated, we believe that we could double real estate activity: this is confirmed by the last period in which there were loans in 2018 because for that first four months we already had more than 20 thousand operations. Today, despite the fact that it has been rising, we do not register more than 11 thousand deeds. That is why we insist on working with all real estate actors together.”


