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Dengue vaccine in CABA: who and from when will be able to request an appointment for free immunization - Infobae

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Dengue vaccine in CABA: who and from when will be able to request an appointment for free immunization - Infobae

September 18, 2024
The doses will be administered in 12 public vaccination centers and you must attend with an appointment. What should you present when you attend?

The campaign will begin progressively, advancing in stages with different age groups until covering adults aged 30 to 39 (Illustrative image Infobae)

Starting next week, the Buenos Aires City Government will begin assigning appointments to begin the dengue vaccination campaign , which will focus, in the first stage, on adolescents aged 15 to 19 , according to sources from the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health who confirmed this to Infobae .

In total, 12 vaccination centers will be available , distributed in different neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, and will include hospitals, Community Health and Action Centers (CeSAC) , and extra-hospital posts.

According to them, this strategy will be developed progressively and in stages, in line with national guidelines. In this sense, it will then gradually advance with young people aged 20 to 29 and, finally, with adults aged 30 to 39 .

They also highlighted that this strategy is in line with “the recommendations of the National Immunization Commission ( CoNaIn ), based on which the Ministry of Health of the Nation, in coordination with the provinces, defined the national guidelines of the vaccination campaign.” For this reason, “a targeted and segmented vaccination strategy was established, prioritizing the regions with the highest viral transit and the age groups that have contracted the disease the most.”

“Given the growing concern and in order not to miss the appropriate time window for vaccination, the City has decided to purchase vaccines to strengthen and complement the national strategy, and thus accelerate the vaccination campaign for residents,” highlighted the Buenos Aires health portfolio and stressed that this is “an important intervention to reduce the speed of transmission of the disease, but it does not prevent the appearance of outbreaks ”, for which reason they stressed the importance of “continuing to reinforce the main prevention measures ”.

What will be the scheme that the City of Buenos Aires will implement?​

Quirós explained that, although the vaccine is safe, studies are still lacking on the immune response in older adults (Getty)

According to the Buenos Aires Ministry of Health, “the vaccination plan will be developed progressively and in stages, in line with national guidelines and subject to the availability of vaccines .”

This is why it will begin with adolescents aged 15 to 19, then gradually continue with young people aged 20 to 29 and, finally, with adults aged 30 to 39.

Vaccination is not indicated for immunosuppressed patients, pregnant women, children under 4 years of age and those over 60 years of age . All persons who are required to receive any dose of the Dengue vaccine must be residents of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and must make an appointment ,” they clarified.

Regarding the immunization of older adults, Quirós had previously explained that the current dengue vaccine “has been in use for a little less than two years” in the real world and “there is still a lack of scientific information to answer some questions.”

And after clarifying that more research is needed to establish recommendations for older adults , he stressed that “the vaccine is safe and effective, but more studies are still needed in the age group over 60 years of age to have more details about the immune response it generates.”

How to get appointments and which vaccination centers are available​

Due to the dengue epidemic, there was a sharp increase in consultations for fever in the AMBA of Argentina

The Buenos Aires Ministry of Health stated that “the appointments will be available starting next week, since vaccination will begin on Monday the 30th .” “In this way, we seek to ensure that there is adequate time between obtaining the appointment and the vaccination date, guaranteeing a more efficient experience for everyone,” they said.

Meanwhile, after obtaining an appointment, at the time of receiving the vaccine, an identity document proving residence in CABA and the assigned appointment must be presented. “It is not necessary to go with a medical prescription,” they stressed. Since “the vaccine doses supplied by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires are free of charge for the beneficiary” and, in the event of having been infected, it must be applied “between 3 to 6 months after having contracted the disease.”

They also indicated that vaccination centers will be set up in different neighborhoods of the City, including Hospitals, CeSACS, and extra-hospital posts. These are:

  • CeSac 11 - Commune 3
  • CeSac 1 - Commune 4
  • Durand Hospital - Commune 6
  • CeSac 3 - Commune 8
  • CeSac 37 - Commune 9
  • Corralón Floresta (extra-hospital post) - Commune 10
  • Pirovano Hospital - Commune 12
  • Islamic Center (Extra-hospital post) - Commune 14

The importance of vaccination against dengue​

Starting next week, appointments will be available for young people aged 15 to 19 (Getty)

The health department headed by Quirós reported in a statement that “the City has chosen to acquire vaccines in order to accelerate the immunization campaign for its residents and complement the national strategy .”

This decision was made in response to increased concern about the disease and to take advantage of the appropriate time window to immunize the population.

According to the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health of the Nation and the National Immunization Commission (CoNaIn), the vaccination campaign follows a segmented and focused strategy , and the areas with the highest viral transit and the age groups most affected by the disease were prioritized .

The vaccine available in Argentina - and authorized by ANMAT in 2023 - is the Qdenga® vaccine from Takeda Laboratory , which in clinical studies showed an 84% reduction in hospitalizations and a 61% decrease in symptomatic cases after the application of two doses. It is a tetravalent vaccine that is administered in two doses with an interval of three months between each one.

Authorities emphasized the importance of maintaining preventive measures, such as eliminating containers that accumulate water (Illustrative image Infobae)

In this context, and in order to avoid a record outbreak of the disease transmitted by Aedes aegypti such as the one that occurred in the first months of this year, health authorities emphasized that "vaccination is crucial to reduce transmission, but does not guarantee the absence of outbreaks," so they emphasized maintaining preventive measures .

For these purposes, it is vital to remove objects that accumulate water , in addition to frequently cleaning and changing the water in drinking fountains, air conditioning collectors and other containers where water can accumulate.

The City expects a record number of dengue consultations​

The vaccine doses supplied by the Government of the City of Buenos Aires are free of charge for the beneficiary (Maximiliano Luna)

The city's hospitals have been reinforced to handle more than 3,000 consultations a day in response to a possible increase in dengue cases during the summer, the season when the virus is most prevalent, the city government reported.

In addition to the 18 fever units operating in the 14 general acute care hospitals, the two pediatric hospitals, the Muñiz Hospital and the Ferrer Hospital, four new day hospitals will be added, which will increase the care capacity.

Residents are also encouraged to report potential mosquito breeding sites . Reports can be made by calling 147 , using the BOTI at 11 5050-0147 or through the “Report a breeding site” function on the official website.

To measure the spread of dengue, the City began a Seroprevalence study , which seeks to estimate how many people have contracted the disease. During the last outbreak, the City was the only district to carry out more than 65 thousand tests on all residents who presented symptoms.