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Real Estate News Deputies approved the Rental Law promoted by Kirchnerism - Infobae


Deputies approved the Rental Law promoted by Kirchnerism - Infobae



October 11, 2023

This morning the oficialism achieved the modification of key aspects of the regulations: the duration of contracts is maintained with an extension of three years and the application of the Casa Propia formula, used in the Procrear programs, for price adjustment.

By Federico Millenaar

06:08 a.m. 11/10/2023
Minutes after 6 in the morning, the session of deputies ended.

05:55 a.m. 11/10/2023
In the early hours of this Wednesday morning, the Chamber of Deputies declared “its strong condemnation and repudiation of the terrorist actions perpetrated by Hamas from the Gaza Strip and within Israeli territory. Our unconditional solidarity with all the victims and their families. "We do not accept, and we condemn, as we have always done, all types of violence as a method to resolve conflicts between countries and we urge compliance with United Nations resolutions."

05:53 a.m. 11/10/2023
Deputies approved the National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2030 with 156 affirmative votes and 2 abstentions.

05:17 a.m. 11/10/2023
The session extends in the early hours of the morning this Wednesday with the treatment of the National Plan for Science, Technology and Innovation 2030. The initiative “constitutes a political and institutional incentive and marks a path to generate economic stimuli that are strategic for our homeland”, highlighted Facundo Manes.

05:11 a.m. 11/10/2023
The Chamber of Deputies turned into law, 128 against 114 votes, the rental reform project with the changes included by the Senate promoted by the Frente de Todos, with which the contracts between owners and tenants will be maintained for three years and will have a semiannual update, instead of annually as established by the current standard.
The initiative was approved with the votes that were contributed by Kirchnerism, two deputies from the Federal Interbloc, one from Together for Rio Negro and four from the left, while the libertarians, Together for Change and some provincial legislators rejected the initiative.


04:03 a.m. 11/10/2023
Deputies began to discuss the modifications to the Rental Law. The Lower House must decide whether to accept the modifications that the Senate made ten days ago to the project at the request of the Frente de Todos, or if it insists with the text that - promoted by Together for Change - the deputies had initially tested, last August.
The opposition reinforced their criticism of the official project. The radical deputy Karina Banfi pointed out against the Government and stated that the reforms approved in the Senate “are going to deepen the housing crisis. ” “Do you know why? Because it changes so as not to change anything; and it will destroy the offer. Who is going to rent for 3 years with rampant hyperinflation? How are they going to sustain the rental supply? She questioned.

Along the same lines, Pablo Tonelli (PRO), declared that the application of the original law “caused an enormous retraction in the supply of housing for rent.” “This harms tenants given the scarcity of supply, it prevents them from negotiating the terms of the contract on equal terms,” he added.

From the ruling party, Itaí Hagman defended the modified project in the Upper House, denied that the housing crisis is a product of the original legislation and stated: “We have two options: the Senate's is better because it establishes an improvement with respect to the current rate of the law. "Which establishes a lower relationship between inflation and salaries." "Let's not leave tenants unprotected, let's not make the real estate market the law of the jungle, but let's generate mechanisms to - protecting the weakest part - correct that asymmetry by generating regulations," he said.

In a brief participation, José Luis Gioja highlighted that the State has to mediate to “protect” the tenants.
Deputy Estévez confirmed that the socialist bloc will support the project coming from the Senate, as did Romina Del Plá, who guaranteed the support of the Left despite criticism of the initiative.

Paula Penacca, official representative of the City of Buenos Aires, was the last of the speakers. Among her definitions she said that “it is false that the problem of the rental market is linked to there being some type of regulation.” “The law is not enough, we must resolve the economic situation that began there in 2016 and 2018 with the devaluation of Mauricio Macri, but we have to be clear that what we are going to do is defend the rights of the tenants,” described the situation and took aim at the opposition prior to the vote.


03:42 a.m. 11/10/2023
With modifications, the Lower House approved the promotion regime for the footwear industry and its value chain. The initiative had 127 affirmative votes, 88 negative and 2 abstentions.
Changes to the comprehensive protection law were immediately approved to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women, incorporating digital violence.

03:01 a.m. 11/10/2023
The session continues with the treatment of the creation of the promotion regime for the footwear industry and its value chain.

02:50 a.m. 11/10/2023
Deputies approved the creation of the Liquefied Natural Gas Promotion Regime
The initiative was approved with 126 affirmative votes, 7 negative votes and 102 abstentions, and was sent to the Senate.

01:50 a.m. 11/10/2023
The Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Promotion Regime is debated
The Lower House continues to meet in the early hours of this Wednesday. The initiative in question declares “of national public interest and as a priority objective of the Argentine Republic the liquefaction of natural gas for the export of LNG and its activities associated and linked to its storage, commercialization and transportation.”
In addition, it provides for the creation of a new “Promotion Regime for Large LNG Investment Projects” that includes investments in goods and infrastructure works intended for the transportation of natural gas for the production, liquefaction, storage and marketing of LNG in the national territory and in export markets.

When opening the debate, the president of the Energy Commission, Santiago Igon , said: "Today we are here to work on a promotional regime and declare everything that is the liquefaction of gas, for the import of LNG, of national public interest."

From the opposition, the PRO deputy, Francisco Sánchez, stated that he “does not see any harm” in supporting the initiative but warned: “Let's not see it as anything else, interests of specific sectors are being worked on here, of a national company like YPF with another international one like PETRONAS.”

For her part, the radical legislator, Jimena Latorre, expressed: “Instead of taking a leap into the void with a project like this, the Government that is leaving should have defined an energy policy based on strategic planning; "They didn't do it in four years, now it's too late."

While the elected governor of Neuquén, Rolando Figueroa, highlighted the project as “a great opportunity”: “20,000 million dollars of surplus will be generated by Vaca Muerta without climate risk, and we cannot waste it.”

00:13 a.m. 11/10/2023
In the early hours of this Wednesday morning, the session continues with the treatment of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Promotion Regime.
In the early hours of this Wednesday morning, the session continues with the treatment of the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Promotion Regime.


The session continued during the early hours of this Wednesday.

00:07 hs 11/10/2023
They approve the creation of three new universities
After more than two hours of debate, the Chamber of Deputies approved and communicated to the Senate the creation of the universities of the Cuenca del Salado, based in Cañuelas, provinces of Buenos Aires; Juan Laurentino Ortiz, with headquarters in the city of Paraná, Entre Ríos; and the National University of Saladillo, also in Buenos Aires territory.

11:13 p.m.10/10/2023
The creation of three new national universities once again divides the ruling party and the opposition. Kirchnerism defends the initiative, while Together for Change raised criticism of the project.
“The shortcomings of the educational situation will not be overcome by restricting supply. Only one side cannot be shown; We need to promote critical thinking to train citizens and strengthen a sovereign Argentina,” said the Frente de Todos deputy, Leopoldo Moreau.
For his part, the legislator of the Civic Coalition, Maximiliano Ferraro, pointed out that Congress cannot “create universities just because; It is a blatant violation of the National Education Law. “I am not willing to continue contributing to the educational simulation, to look the other way.”
In the same vein, Alejandro Finocchiaro from JxC, highlighted that “the criteria for creation have to contemplate an adequate budget forecast, the analysis of geographical feasibility and the courses that are going to be taught and how these contribute to the development of the place.”
From the Left, Romina Del Plá mentioned “the crisis of the educational system” and pointed out the Government for “the emptying of the budget”, however she announced that she will accompany the initiative “because it is very important”.

10:36 p.m.10/10/2023
After the half-sanction of the VAT refund project on basic basket products, the Lower House debates the creation of national universities of the Salado, Juan Laurentino Ortiz and Saladillo Basin.

9:37 p.m.10/10/2023
The VAT refund project was approved


VAT refund - Chamber of Deputies
The oficialism gave half a sanction, with 134 votes in favor, 0 against and 107 abstentions, in the Chamber of Deputies to the refund of VAT for basic basket products promoted by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.

In addition to the deputies of the Frente de Todos, the libertarians led by Javier Milei, the Provincias Unidas interbloc, half of the Federal interbloc and the Left Front also voted in favor.

The measure will come into effect from January 1, 2024; however, it is currently already applied thanks to a decree of necessity and urgency.
From Together for Change, which had its own project, they abstained. They reported that it will have a fiscal impact that the Government plans to finance through issuance and, therefore, will end up accelerating inflation. “Since lowering taxes without reducing spending is inflationary, we are not going to accompany them to hyperinflation,” said Silvia Lospennato.

“The problem is the deficit. A State cannot spend more than it produces, because if it does, it has to cover those fiscal potholes with monetary emission. And yet we are here today dealing with a project that deals a brutal blow to spending. We are going towards hyperinflation, a mega devaluation or hyperinflation with devaluation,” denounced Rodrigo De Loredo, president of the Evolution bloc.

The JxC minority opinion proposed establishing a restriction on the financing of the National Treasury through issuance, putting a time limit on it until December 9 (when the current government ends), including informal workers and allowing the benefit to include the use of virtual wallets.
In turn, the president of the Budget Commission and the ruling party's representative on economic issues, Carlos Heller, pointed out that the Congressional Budget Office made a report, which does not take into account the "second round" effects, that is, the impact of purchases made with the money returned. “The real data to consider is 1.01 points of GDP,” he explained.

Along these lines, he assured that the Government "is not a fan of the fiscal deficit, but we have to be enemies of adjustment as a mechanism to resolve it."
Article 1 establishes that the beneficiaries of the VAT refund will be those who receive retirements, death pensions and non-contributory pensions, in a monthly amount that does not exceed the sum of six guaranteed minimum salaries, the beneficiaries of universal child allowances for protection social and pregnancy ones for social protection.

Likewise, workers who provide paid services in a dependency relationship in private or public activity will be reached, provided that the monthly income does not exceed the sum equivalent to six times the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage (SMVM), those included within the Special Regime. of Employment Contract for the Personnel of Private Houses and contributors to the Simplified Regime for Small Taxpayers (RS) who are included and framed in Law 24,977.
The project also specifies that “the benefits of this Program include purchases of goods within the framework of the Alimentar Card or the cards issued to beneficiaries of the National Program for Socio-Productive Inclusion and Local Development-Promote Work.”
Meanwhile, article 4 of the project establishes that the monthly reimbursement provided for in this Program may not exceed 21% of the value of the Basic Food Basket for a type 2 household, in force each month.

6:33 p.m.10/10/2023
Harsh criticism from Together for Change of the VAT refund project
Economist José Luis Espert described the Government's plan as “a scam on the population.” “They put money in your pocket and take it out of the other with inflation,” he said and warned that “with the reduction in Profits we add one point of fiscal deficit, and with this we add another point, with which the year 2024 “It starts with almost 5 points of fiscal deficit.”

For his part, Ricardo López Murphy questioned that the ruling party is promoting a measure with high fiscal impact a few months after the change of management. “This creates the temptation to be Santa Claus and distribute what you don't have so that someone else can pay for it later,” he denounced.

Germana Figueroa Casas, accountant and public finance specialist, also attacked the Buy Without VAT Program. “What is being voted on today is not a VAT refund, it is a subsidy for some because it applies to anything purchased in food stores and leaves out all those who are not banked and are the ones who need it most. It is a good idea poorly applied that will only generate more inflation and poverty. We must stop inventing inefficient titles and laws, it is time to get to work to lower the fiscal deficit and stop inflation,” she declared.


José Luis Espert

6:03 p.m.10/10/2023
The president of the Budget Commission and reference of the ruling party on economic issues, Carlos Heller, pointed out that the Congressional Budget Office made a report, which does not take into account the "second round" effects, that is, the impact of the purchases that are made with the money that is returned. “The real data to consider is 1.01 points of GDP,” he explained.

Along these lines, he assured that the Government "is not a fan of the fiscal deficit, but we have to be enemies of adjustment as a mechanism to resolve it."

5:39 p.m.10/10/2023
The treatment of the VAT refund project for products in the basic basket begins.

5:23 p.m.10/10/2023
Scandalous fight between Cecilia Moreau and Fernando Iglesias: “Why don't you call me stupid straight up?”
The president of the Chamber of Deputies assured that the opposition legislator insulted her. “This is full of cameras, if it's true, show it,” challenged the PRO man
Scandalous fight between Cecilia Moreau and Fernando Iglesias: “Why don't you call me stupid straight up?”
The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Cecilia Moreau, had a harsh confrontation with Fernando Iglesias after accusing him of insulting her off the microphone.

3:24 p.m.10/10/2023
Fernando Iglesias: “What have you become, Javier?”
The PRO deputy, Fernando Iglesias, targeted Javier Milei in harsh terms for his statements against Patricia Bullrich.
“We were never friends, but I respected him. I regret what it has become. What have you become, Javier? In an ally of the Masas and the Barrionuevos. "That's what you're becoming," Iglesias attacked.
And he continued: “How can you be so infamous to say that Patricia Bullrich placed bombs in kindergartens? “There is absolutely no evidence of any bombs in kindergartens.”

2:24 p.m.10/10/2023
Strong counterpoint to Hamas' attack on Israel
“In the modern form of anti-Semitism, which is anti-Zionism, we had to listen to deputies who did not condemn terrorism,” denounced Sabrina Ajmechet .
“Kirchnerism believes that it can reach an agreement with terrorism. Terrorism is fought, it is not invited to sit at the same table, as is done in the BRICS,” he continued.
“Go to the Gaza Strip with the agenda of equal marriage, with abortion, with women's rights. Go and tell us how it went,” she denounced in reference to the Left bloc.
For his part, radical deputy Mario Negri warned the Government: “It should decide now to issue a decree to incorporate Hamas as a terrorist organization. There is no reason to justify barbarity against Israel. I tell the Government to take care of its alliances: do not let Iran, a country that promotes terrorism, sneak in.”

2:05 p.m.10/10/2023
The Left once again claimed responsibility for the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel: Javier Milei's reaction
Romina del Plá and Nicolás del Caño harshly questioned the government of Israel during the special session held in the Lower House to discuss the Rental Law and the return of VAT.
The Left claimed responsibility for the Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel: Javier Milei's reaction
The brutal attack by the Hamas terrorist group on the civilian population of Israel motivated the national deputies to express themselves in the middle of the special session that was held in Congress. In line with what was raised by the presidential candidate of the Left, Myriam Bregman, legislators Romina del Plá and Nicolás del Caño harshly questioned the government of Israel. After both spoke, Javier Milei also spoke about it.

2:04 p.m.10/10/2023
The Left Front regretted the death of civilians in Israel but claimed “the right of Palestinians to rebellion”
Representative Romina del Pla assured that the “apartheid” policy that Israel imposes on the Palestinians “has brought them to desperation.” “We support the right to rebellion,” she said.
In turn, Nicolás Del Caño added: “We regret and are deeply hurt by the civilian victims of last Saturday. We do not share the methods of Hamas, nor its program nor its theocratic orientation. But for many here the lives of Palestinian children do not matter. Since 2000, the State of Israel has killed 10,000 Palestinians.”

1:49 p.m.10/10/2023
With 243 affirmative votes and no votes against, the creation of the Inclusive Argentina Program was approved.

12:39 p.m.10/10/2023
The first project on the agenda promotes the creation of the Inclusive Argentina Program, which establishes the “sensitive and mandatory training of the national public administration in adequate treatment of people with disabilities and adaptation in accessibility of public spaces.”
Deputy Luis Di Giacomo, president of the Disability Commission, assured that “the training of State representatives is an element that makes us human and we have to defend.”
“This program comes to cover a big gap, which is ignorance. It is intended to encourage us to look at disability squarely, to learn, to know because what we do not know does not pass through us,” added Natalia De la Sota.

12:34 p.m.10/10/2023
With the minimum number (129), the ruling party reached a quorum to start the special session. In addition to the deputies from the Frente de Todos (except Roberto Mirabella), seven deputies from the Federal Interblock, four from the United Provinces and Rolando Figueroa, elected governor of Nequén, came to the venue.

12:13 p.m.10/10/2023
During the Parliamentary Labor meeting, the bloc heads agreed to speak out individually on the attacks by the Hamas terrorist organization in Israel.

12:13 p.m.10/10/2023
In a divided Congress, Deputies will debate the Rental Law and the VAT refund
The session was called for 12 noon. The ruling party demanded that Together for Change provide a quorum.


Deputies will discuss the Rental Law today
The Chamber of Deputies of the Nation will debate this Tuesday the draft Rent Law and the refund of VAT, two initiatives that the ruling party seeks to approve to mark itself as a political victory 12 days before the presidential elections. For this reason, the Frente de Todos demanded that the legislators of Together for Change come down to the premises to establish a quorum.

By Federico Millenaar
